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The Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust

Showing just what folk can do if given a chance The Highland Region of PSYBT is presenting a small exhibition of portraits featuring PSYBT clients past and present, from across our Region.  These near life-size photographs have been commissioned from Clive Grewcock, based in Sutherland himself an ex-PSYBT client, and will form the basis an awareness campaign this year.

Two of the featured businesses are run by people in Caithness. 

John O'Groats Glass Sculptors Katherine Dearness & Paul Brown of Lanmara Glass Studio and Wick Beauty Therapist Angela Farquar of Beauty Within who both received financial assistance for their businesses. Paul Brown stated that "It seems a long time ago since starting the business but help from the PSYBT is just what we needed, coming in at the right level for us to get going but not be burdened."  

With Angela Farquhar adding "I find the PSYBT very helpful as an organisation for new and young businesses. The quarterly visits make sure things are running okay and it¹s particularly reassuring to know that someone is there to help."

Angela told Caithness.org Prince's Business Trust's  help had been a huge help in helping her get started and take over and purchase an existing business.

The exhibition will be sited in the Foyer of the Highland Council Chamber from 26th February 2002 to the middle of March.

Katherine Dearness & Paul Brown of Lanmara Glass

David Knight, PSYBT Manager said "We are strongly committed to young people in the Highlands and are actively seeking new young entrepreneurs to assist"  Mr Knight emphasised the Trusts commitment  - “The aim of the PSYBT is to provide seedcorn finance and professional support to young people in Scotland aged 18-25, whoever they are and wherever they come from, so that they can set up and continue to run their own businesses. The Trust has particular concern for the disadvantaged.”

Commenting on the project, Clive Grewcock said "the dozen black and white editorial portraits capture your attention and certainly show how this style of photography can sustain your interest. The aim, from the visual aspect, was to shoot  to create a serious study and keep clear of the gimmicky PR  shot. 

"After all these young businessmen and women are serious about their trade and we want to show that the PSYBT reflects their enthusiasm and is a point of contact for fledgling companies."

                                                                                       Angela Farquhar - Beauty Within

Once hung in the Highland Council chambers (the home of PSYBT Highland) for a month each of the 40" x 30" framed portraits will tour their respective areas. Taking up space in prominent locations such as technical colleges, youth cafes and libraries where the message can be targeted and awareness raised.

Here are the other young Highland business people featuring in the exhibition.  If you are between 18 and 25 check out the variety of their ideas.  They did it.  Maybe you can too........

Caithness Contact For Prince's Trust
Jennifer Irvine, Caithness - Fund Development Adviser in Wick, (telephone 01955 605858)

David Knight's contact details are as follows -
David Knight, PSYBT Manager, Highland Opportunity Limited, c/o the Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, INVERNESS, IV3 5NX
Telephone: 01463 702559 e-mail
[email protected]
Further information is on the PYSBT web site - www.psybt.org.uk

Clive Grewcock can be contacted on 01408 633696  or by email [email protected]

Lanmara Glass Studio can be contacted on 01955 611444

Angela Farquhar -  Beauty Within - can be contacted on 01955 609043
Facial Treatments, Specialised Facials, Body Treatments, Aromatherapy, Nail Care, Eye Treatments, Waxing, Electrolysis & Make-Up for all occasions, San Tropez Tanning system and Quick Slim Body Wrap.

For further Business Advice check out your local enterprise company.  In Caithness & Sutherland contact Ian Thomson who is running a series of Advice Days In Wick but can be contacted anytime via the CASE office in Thurso.