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Caithness News Bulletins December 2005

December 2005 November 2005

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Apprentices Walk For Charities Pays Off
Earlier this autumn, apprentices employed at Dounreay by UKAEA, RWE Nukem and Johnson Controls embarked on a sponsored walk from the site to Thurso, to raise funds for a number of local charities. In total, �2,500 was raised, and at a recent presentation on site, cheques were handed over to three recipients. The Elaine Sinclair Bed Appeal received �1,250, and the Caithness branch of the Multiple Sclerosis and Caithness Rugby Football Club each received �625. Jim Swan, apprentice training manager, in praising the efforts of the apprentices, thanked their employers and managers for allowing them to participate in fundraising activities which, over the past four years, had realised over �8,000. All the recipients expressed their gratitude to the apprentices for this gesture, underlining the funding difficulties experienced by all local groups.

Secretarial Trainees Raising funds for Charities
Five local charities have shared almost �3000 raised by secretarial trainees at Dounreay. Gail Steven, Lindsay Banks, Lynne McWilliam and Claire Treasurer capped a series of fund-raising efforts with a sponsored walk from Thurso to Wick.  Their efforts raised �2,822.78 from friends, family and the staff on the Dounreay site.
At a presentation, Gail Steven presented a cheque to Janice Falconer for Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland; Lindsay Banks presented a cheque to Liz Macdonald for Caithness Asthma Society; Lynne McWilliam presented over a cheque to Wendy Oag for Newton Wing Palliative Care Fund; and Claire Treasurer presented a cheque to Lesley Bruce for Caithness Crohns and Colitis Support Group and Jean Bain for Macmillan Cancer Relief. The girls were determined from the start of the training year to raise as much money as they could and set a target of beating the amount raised by previous trainees, which averaged �1200.  The girls are also working towards their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award and have been presented with Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Sectional Certificates for Service and Physical.  The Service Certificate was for the fundraising they have done over the past year. One of last year's intake, Debbie Munro, also received her Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Sectional Certificates for Service.