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Caithness News Bulletins August 2005

August 2005 July 2005

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Caithness Horizons  

A Heritage Lottery Fund officer travelled from Edinburgh to visit Thurso Town Hall and the adjacent Carnegie Library last week, in preparation for a committee review of the Caithness Horizons application, which has been lodged with the organisation for the exciting and ambitious redevelopment project.

A strong and knowledgeable team including John Thurso MP, Rosemary Thompson of the UHI and Estelle Quick, a newly appointed highly experienced museum curator, were all present to support the Caithness Horizons board of directors to meet and discuss the project and reinforce the �1m application.

Paul Cariss, Company Chairman, said �Everyone present felt the meeting was extremely successful and the project team remains optimistic for a positive outcome. The project has come so far over the past three years and offers a huge improvement and new lease of life to a much loved community building�.

The project team explained the financial package and project planning to the HLF officer and went on to explain to those present how they are actively looking into the best possible solutions in order to accommodate the current Town Hall activities to ensure that the community uses, such as the popular weekly coffee mornings, can continue within the refurbished facility.

Contact has also been made with local organisations such as Thurso Rotary Club and The Family History Society to discuss and glean how best they can be involved as the project develops.

The Company is now tasked with seeking the full financial package in time for the final bid in September for European funding.

Public presentations and community briefings are planned to take place during October, following the outcome of the Heritage Lottery Fund application.

Leaflets summarising the project�s aims and objectives are available in the Town Hall, Thurso Museum and at the Thurso Service Point. Information is also available on the Company�s website at http://caithnesshorizons.co.uk/