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Caithness News Bulletins August 2003

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Vocational education funding boost for the Highlands

The Scottish Executive, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Department has awarded The Highland Council �751,000 in financial year 2003/04 and �505,000 in each of the two successive financial years to deliver a range of Vocational and Enterprise Education initiatives across the north.

The award which is aimed at the Council and its partner organisations such as Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Careers Scotland and the Further Education Colleges, is to be used to deliver the main recommendations of a recent Government report called "Determined to Succeed".

Responding to the Award at the recent Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Cllr Andrew Anderson, Chairman of the Committee said: "We are delighted with this award which is one to only 10 Councils in Scotland at this stage. We are already, through the New Community Schools initiative, developing a range of vocational education programmes, but this significant funding grant will allow us to deliver a whole new range of opportunities for our young people, not just in their classrooms but in the workplace and in training establishments."

Bruce Robertson, Director Education, Culture and Sport said: "The Council has been involved in discussions with Highland and Islands Enterprise and the other partners. As a consequence youngsters in the Inverness area and in Caithness are already enjoying new vocational opportunities. One interesting development is in Dounreay where, because of the skill shortages, the Council, North Highland College and the three local secondary schools are developing a vocational course for youngsters which will be delivered in school, college and in the work place."