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Wild Flower Seed Collection Training

.:: Training Day At Wildlife Centre A Success ::.
Photo: Training Day At Wildlife Centre A Success
Date: September 2011
Location: Caithness
Photographer: supplied

MEMBERS of the Caithness Biodiversity Group and Caithness Countryside Volunteers recently learned about the best techniques to collect and store wild flower seeds. A training day was held on Saturday 10 September at Highland Council Planning and Development Service’s wildlife centre at Dunnet Bay, Seadrift, and the volunteers were trained by Giles Laverack and Fiona Guest from Scotia Seeds. The Local Biodiversity Group decided to organise a wildflower seed collection training event to encourage people to collect wildflower seed from local sources. This in turn will assist with several biodiversity projects currently running in the county such as the Great Yellow Bumble Bee, road verge and the seed bank projects.

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