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Caithness News Bulletins May 2009


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ICT Youth Challenge Finalists Visit Laurandy Centre & Caithness FM

On Monday the 25th of May, the ICT Youth Challenge finalists from Wick High School, Tomi Baikie, John Coghill, Declan Mackay and Donnchadh Pellow visited the Laurandy centre in Wick. The Laurandy Centre offers day care services to elderly people in the community.

From left to right:
Mr Aitken, Donnchadh Pellow, Tomi Baikie, Declan Mackay and Mrs Margaret Allan, manager of the Laurandy Centre

The purpose of the visit was to present their product to the clients, and interview the manager, in order to gain an insight into how and if elderly people would use the KiS Tablet � a touchscreen tablet computer with a simple user interface, designed primarily to help elderly people in their daily lives.

The clients were very enthusiastic about Team TIC�s product and some even had a go using their prototype demonstration. One client remarked: �I used to use computers the whole time, but arthritis has stopped that completely. The KiS Tablet would give me the freedom to use a computer again�.

Mrs Allan was similarly impressed with the product, stating: �The KiS tablet touchscreen fills a gap in the market. The Government want to see less people in full-time care and to a certain extent the KiS Tablet would give elderly people their independence again�.

Mrs Baikie trying out the KiS Tablet prototype with Mrs Allan looking on.

Team TIC also visited Caithness FM on Thursday 28th of May and appeared as guests on the �Jim and Ali show�. During the two hour slot the team promoted their product and dedicated songs to their supporters.

Back Row: Prof. Iain Baikie, Donnchadh Pellow, Mr Chris Aitken
Middle Row: Declan Mackay, Tomi Baikie, Jim Labor (Presenter)
Front Row: Ali Murrsy (Presenter)

The final of the ICT Youth Challenge is from the 28th of June until the 3rd of July.