Paper boat fundraiser for Mary-Ann's Cottage -
the 30th January 2009, Joane Kaar will launch her paper boat project - a
fundraiser for Mary-Ann's cottage, a living history museum in Caithness
Scotland run by volunteers from The Caithness Heritage Trust (a registered
Charity no: SCO 19998). As paper boats are sent to her from around the
globe, she will document them on her
blog. The launch date and theme were inspired by the maiden
voyage of the Westland Ship - 30th January 1879 (130 years ago) from
Scotland to New Zealand. Mary-Ann's father, William Young was a member of
the crew.
NEWS FLASH - BBC Gaelic TV News!
BBC Gaelic TV News will be filming the launch of the paper boat fundraiser
at Mary-Ann's cottage.
It is due to be aired on Friday 30th
January (launch day). It may be possible to view online from their website
for a few days after first being broadcast. Joanne keep everyone posted
with info and links on the blog