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Caithness News Bulletins February 2009

Caithness Countryside Volunteers

Bird Watching


Biodiversity Section

19 February 09
volunteers brave winter weather at St John�s Pool

A small but hardy group of dedicated Caithness Countryside Volunteers recently (Sun 8th February) braved wintry conditions to undertake maintenance work at St John�s pool (between Dunnet and Brough).

Despite heavy snowfall, five volunteers showed up to help Highland Council Ranger Dieter Tuerlinckx enhance the site, which is superb for bird watching and open to the public.

Photos From The Day

The work undertaken consisted cutting back willows, removing an old wire fence and restoring the bird hide.

East Caithness Countryside Ranger Dieter Tuerlinckx said: �We had a very enjoyable morning�s work, and were treated to an excellent lunch with the site owner. It was a joy to work at such a beautiful location, and the snow made the whole area quite enchanting. Events like this make me proud to be a Countryside Ranger, and I feel privileged to work with such dedicated volunteers.�

The Highland Council Rangers are grant aided by Scottish Natural Heritage. The role of Countryside Rangers is to promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and to conserve wildlife and habitats

Anyone interested in becoming a Caithness Countryside Volunteer can contact Dieter Tuerlinckx on tel: 01955 607758 for further information.