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Caithness News Bulletins March 2007

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YOUNG ACHIEVER IN THE ARTS (aged 18 and under)

TONI MACGREGOR (Award presented by June Love, UKAEA)
This young lady has danced since she was 4 and has gone on to become one of the best and most recognised freestyle dancers in the UK. She has been part of the Scottish Team at the International Team match for the past 6 years in a row and has won many fabulous titles. To stay the best she has to compete against the best and travels 10,000 to 15,000 miles in the UK every year to attend competitions. She is a determined and dedicated young lady and even though she has been plagued with hamstring and knee injuries over the past 3 years she has taken care of herself to recover properly and has managed to remain at the top of her field. Titles she has won include - Open to the World Grand Prix Champion(Bristol), UK Disco Kid Champion (Blackpool), British Champion (Blackpool), Eurodance International Champion(Bristol),Great British Champion (Stoke on Trent), European Champion (Bristol), Dancer of the Year Champion (SoT), Miss Freestyle Champion (SoT), City of Edinburgh Champion, All Scotland Champion, Norwegian Freestyle Day Champion and Rising Stars of Scotland Champion. Toni has also been the recipient of a Le Classique De Danse Award which is classed as the 'Oscars of the dancing world'. She received this from Lionel Blair for her freestyle dancing.


ADDIE HARPER (Award presented by Murray Lamont, Mackay�s Hotel)

Addie isan extremely talented musician who is well known all over Scotland in musical circles, with numerous recordings that continue to give pleasure to people. He is also an accomplished composer of music. At the same time he is a wonderful teacher of different instruments to many youngsters and adults too. He is a complete joy to listen to (and to watch because he is always smiling). However, in addition to this and one of many reasons he was nominated, is that he is always very willing to support local charities and has given freely of his services on many occasions. He is a great credit to Wick and a great ambassador for Caithness.

GORDON GUNN (presented by Murray Lamont, Mackay's Hotel after the event)
Gordon Gunn is a very talented violinist, composer and musician. His flexibility allows him to play in any style, from classical to traditional to jazz. He is above all, an inspiring teacher keen to ensure that his pupils, old and young, enjoy learning and bring a professionalism to the continuity of Scottish traditional music. A modest man, he is said to be "A hero Unsung" in his own county, but his collaborations with musicians in Scotland and abroad bring Caithness to the notice of a very wide audience. He is a worthy ambassador of all that is good and innovative in Scottish Music.
(Unfortunately Gordon was unable to attend this evening due to other commitments.


Miss EMMA BRUCE (Award presented by Willie Watt, Subsea 7)
Miss Bruce taught music in Wick for many years. During this time she taught hundreds of children to play the piano. A number of her pupils went on to follow careers in music, with some becoming teachers and thus passing on to others the knowledge and skills they had learned from Miss Bruce. Emma has until recently nurtured musical talents and for more than six decades she has been the guiding light for students of piano.. She was also church organist for a long, long time in the Central Church in Wick. For some of her pupils the unique combination of her skills and their talents led to a lifetime of achievements in the world of music. One ex-pupil who nominated Miss Bruce said �She has helped not only myself but untold numbers of pupils gain musical rewards. She brought a new awareness to music and gave a lot of her own time and music scores to help me gain grade 8 - without her I would never have achieved the potential I had�. Miss Bruce was an inspirational music teacher for the young people of Caithness and a very popular choice for this award.

Mrs MINA MACKAY (Award presented by Willie Watt, Subsea 7)
Mina was born in Barrock, Dunnet and moved to Peterhead when young and then returned to Thurso when she was a teenager. She�s lived locally ever since and has been teaching highland dancing to children between the ages of 3 and 18 for 50 years. I won't give away how old she is but she is well past retirement age. She runs her own highland dancing classes and never advertises for custom as she has a continuous waiting list - a sign of how highly thought of she is by parents of budding dancers in our community. Over the years she has taught hundreds of children and a lot of them have gone on to become dancing teachers themselves. Mina regularly helps organisers of local ceilidhs by providing dancers or provides dancers for events such as the Salvation Army annual fete or the annual Thurso Gala. Whatever the event, the children turn-out immaculately dressed and provide a superb display which is always well received by the local public. The Thurso dancing festival, of which she involved in for many years has been running annually since 1969. The Mina Mackay festival, founded by Mina in 1976, celebrated 30 years running in March of this year. Mina is regularly invited to judge or help out at Highland Dancing Festivals outside of Caithness which involves devoting many hours to these events and many miles of travel. She is a great ambassador for Caithness and for Highland Dancing.


ANDREW RAEBURN (Award presented by Alan Gerrard, NUKEM)
Andrew only took up athletics this year aged 14. He was the highest scoring athlete in the Haliburton League which was won by Caithness AAC this year for the first time ever. He received a special prize for his efforts. He is the top ranked athlete in Scotland for 200m sprint, 400m sprint, Long Jump and triple jump. He finished with the fastest 100M time of the year and is one of the top 3 sprinters of his age in Scotland. He swept the board at the Halkirk Games 2006 winning 4 events, breaking the long jump and high jump records. Across the board he is top under 15 athlete in Scotland - great for Caithness. He is seen as a top proposal for the future of Scottish Athletics in his age group and has just been voted CAAC Sports Personality of the Year. He is a great example of what young people can achieve.


EVAN OLIPHANT (Award presented by Chris Blake, AMEC)
Evan started out cycling in Caithness at the local games and with Wick Wheelers. He won various events which encouraged him to keep cycling when he left school and went to Edinburgh University. He managed to fit his cycling along with getting an honours degree. He was picked for the Scottish Team and qualified to go out to Australia to compete in the Commonwealth Games. His performance at the Games was outstanding and he just missed a medal. Holds four British Gold Medals also one Silver. His next goal is to compete in the Tour de France. Andrew is loyal to his home community and visits the local schools when he can to promote cycling to the youngsters. Evan has worked hard to get where he is today and he is an inspiration to young people � they look up to him. Evan can�t be here this evening because he is currently abroad training with his squad and we will try to ensure that it can be presented to him the next time he is at home. In the meantime, his mother has kindly agreed to receive the award on his behalf. Mrs Clarissa Oliphant


ALAN TURNER (Award presented by Ian Richards, Ackergill Tower)
Alan has been involved in youth football for the past 25 years. He is Chairman of Eastend Boys Club and was a driving force in setting up Caithness United, of which he is also Chairman. Both clubs have been a stepping stone for young footballers into senior/professional football. As well as his role as a committee member for both clubs he also coaches and takes the teams to various tournaments throughout Caithness & the rest of the Highlands on a regular basis. Alan spends the majority of his free time ensuring that both clubs run smoothly and over the years thousands of Caithness children have benefited from his dedication to the sport. We feel that Alan should be rewarded for all his years of commitment to the youth of the county.


CHARLIE SIMPSON (Award presented by Anna MacConnell, Caithness Partnership)
Charlie Simpson was nominated primarily for his services to Highland Games in the north. Charlie got into competitive sport when he was a youngster in the RAF and his interest was primarily in boxing. When he left the RAF the heavy events at the Highland Games was the nearest thing to that and once he began competing he toured Scotland and was always among the top competitors in the country, and eventually counties across the world, including America, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, Norway and Thailand � where he presented the Queen of Thailand with a Caithness Glass bowl for her 50th birthday. He competed until he was in his fifties and then again toured the country and further afield judging heavy events. He has been involved in Highland Games for over 50 years and always found time to help out with his local Mey Games, helping to organise the sports events, until his retrial from the police force when he was able to take on a role as one of the main organizers.
As well as all his sports achievements, Charlie has been called upon every Christmas for the last 30 years to be a very popular Santa at the local schools, village parties and old folks home� sometimes attending up to 30 events each year and up to five appearances per day. Although he has tried to cut back a bit on all the Christmas parties, Charlie still goes to the old folks homes on Christmas morning to give out presents.


DAVID CROWE (Award presented by Jock Campbell, JGC Engineering)
David Crowe was nominated for the award in recognition of his unstinting support to 1st Thurso Scouts since he himself was a scout (now retired!). David has carried out a huge range of roles within the scout group over the years from Group Scout Leader to maintenance man. He works away in the background always ensuring that everything is ticking over. When the group was raising funds to refurbish the hall David organised fundraising events relentlessly until the target was reached. It is thanks to David that the scouts, beavers and cubs have the high standard of facilities they have today. Without David's support the group would have folded many times over the years. Although he would never ask for it, David deserves recognition for the thousands of volunteer hours he has given to the community. His dedication and commitment to the organisation is second to none. An Ode was written as a tribute to David Crowe when he retired from the post of Group Scout Leader of the 1st Thurso Scout Group after 50 years in scouting. However the story does not end there. 8 years on David is still doing his best for 1st Thurso and Scouting. this ode was penned for David on his retiral in 1998

HARRY GRAY (Award presented by Jock Campbell, JGC Engineering)
Harry Gray was nominated because of his commitment to the local community demonstrated by his lifetime involvement with Wick BB's and Wick Old Parish Church. He is actively participating as a volunteer in projects concerned with the Wick Society and local heritage. He has an enthusiastic approach to all that he does and an ability to pass his enthusiasm on to others. One of his nominators said on the nomination form �He is a born leader, has an easy style of communication and is well respected in the town. In my opinion, he richly deserves to be nominated for a Community Award.�


DUNNET & CANISBAY DAYCARE CENTRE (Award presented by Luke Williams, CH2MHILL)
The Dunnet & Canisbay Daycare Centre committee has been working tirelessly for a number of years now to try and get a local daycare centre for the elderly people in their area. Currently the nearest daycare provision is as far away as Wick and many of the older people in the community can be isolated and alone. In order to address this the committee plan to put up a brand new, specially designed building in their area and they have done an enormous amount of voluntary work from preparing plans, dealing with architects and financial planners, right through to managing a determined campaign of fundraising events. To date they have raised some �60,000 entirely from within the local community. A leading light among these worthy campaigners is the Secretary of the group, Mrs Joan Miller, who has been tireless in her efforts to drive this important community project forward and an excellent example of community leadership. I would be very pleased if Mrs Miller could step forward to receive the award on behalf of the Dunnet & Canisbay Daycare Centre Committee.

ARGYLE SQUARE AREA ASSOCIATION (Award presented by Luke Williams, CH2MHILL)
The Argyle Square Area Association has been a small community-led group from its inception and it aims to improve the environment of the member�s local area for the benefit of all. Rising crime and vandalism in the area was a concern to residents and the group�s fundraising efforts, which included organizing fun days and other events, have been successful enough to enable them to pay for installation of new lighting and a CCTV camera which will be linked to the wider Wick CCTV camera scheme, to help address this problem. They also plan to put in new seating to enhance the square aesthetically. It was felt that this group epitomises community participation at its best where people have not been afraid to roll up their sleeves and tackle local problems themselves.

GOOD NEIGHBOUR AWARDADA CAMPBELL (Award presented by Sheona Campbell, North of Scotland Newspapers)
For many years Ada has tirelessly helped out her neighbours. She has also concerned herself with the many charitable groups she has interest in, helping them raise funds. She is well known for her hard work in helping with 'The Teas' for other groups, but always stays modestly in the background. Among the many other charitable works Ada has in the past she helped deliver Meals on Wheels to needful people in the area and is she is still active with the Hospital Shop (WRVS) and her local church and ladies guild. Ada is the kind of person we would all be happy to have as a neighbour.

Young people�s certificates for citizenship
All these youngsters have been nominated for their good citizenship - having between them clocked up many, many hours of voluntary work in the community. They are the sort of people who give youngsters a good name.


Laura gained her gold Youth volunteering award through all her hard work and commitment to the Active Schools Programme in Caithness.



Calvin has been an active volunteer from a young age and volunteered with the Holiday Club, school events, Wick Players and many music events. He has also gained a gold Youth Volunteering award for all the hours he has put in.




Without Jamie�s help hundreds of Caithness children would have missed out on numerous activities ranging from shinty to dance. He too has clocked up many, many hours of volunteering and has committed himself to do more next year.


Naomi has been a member of the Community Partners Programme at Ormlie since she was 11 years old and has played a major part in the improvements to the Ormlie Estate where she lives.




JAMES RISBRIDGER (Award presented by Margaret, Viscountess Thurso)
James was chosen for this award because his prompt action almost certainly saved a man from drowning. One evening last September in Wick when James was taking the dog for a walk near the harbour a man was seen to fall into the water. Another passer-by called for assistance on his mobile phone while James sprinted to the other side of the harbour to get a lifebuoy, then went into the water down a quayside ladder to try and give the lifebuoy to the man. By this time the man was drifting in and out of consciousness in the cold water and unable to grasp the lifebuoy.  Mr Risbridger then made a second rescue attempt, getting into the water with a seanet rope and tying it round the man. He managed to keep the victim�s head above water long enough for the coast guards to arrive who then helped get him onto the quayside. The drama did have a happy ending. After coughing up some water, and a bit of TLC from the Coastguards and Caithness General Hospital the rescued man was soon none the worse for his experience and returned home to Falkirk a few days later. One of the local policemen called to the scene commended James in particular on his prompt actions which ensured that the victim was brought out of the water alive within a very short time of going in.

TERRITORIAL ARMY (Award will be presented by Miss Anne Dunnet, Lord-Lieutenant of Caithness, to the platoon when they all return from Iraq)
A Special Award is to be made to the twelve men of the Caithness Territorials serving in Iraq. This number is a large proportion of the local Platoon. Whilst all our full time military personnel serving in dangerous places all over the world are greatly appreciated, these local men who are volunteers have made great sacrifices to serve in Iraq. All are well known to most of us and their absence, particularly over Christmas, has been a great strain for their families at home.

This award is for these twelve men �
Captain Kevin C. Mackay
Colour Sergeant Robert Forbes
Corporal Alan Oag
Lance Corporal Roddy Mackay
Lance Corporal Gavin Manson
Lance Corporal David Mowat
Private Robin Green
Private John Harrold
Private David R.W. Longmuir
Private Alan M. MacDonald
Private Angus B. Mackay
Private Garry Sinclair


Citizen of the Year Award presented by Miss Anne Dunnet