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Caithness News Bulletins July 2007

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Highland Lives      

BBC Scotland are coming to Thurso in August 2007 to run storytelling and audio visual workshops.

You can tell your story � and share it with the world � through 'Highland Lives', a BBC Scotland / Highland 2007 project running this summer throughout the Highland region.

The workshops will help you illustrate your story about Highland life through video or audio slideshow. The finished pieces will be shown on the BBC Highland Lives website � http://www.bbc.co.uk/highlandlives

Stories on the website will reflect the modern-day reality of life in northern Scotland.

Taking part is free but you do have to apply in advance. No one's too old, although the project is for over-18s only. It doesn't matter whether you have technical experience or not. Your story is what's most important.

To find out more and and to see a taster of the workshop material presented BBC Scotland journalist John Morrison go to- http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/highlandlives. Here you will find everything you need to apply.

So what would you like to tell the world about what life in Caithness is like in 2007?