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Caithness News Bulletins July 2007

July 2007

June 2007

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Marine Mammal Medics  

British Divers Marine Life Rescue

Marine Mammal Medics Training With Assynt Mountain Rescue Team
Four members of the Caithness Marine Mammal Medics (BDMLR) joined Assynt Mountain Rescue Team for a morning of training at Latheronwheel recently. Members of the team where shown how to set up a fixed rope, use a climbing harness, a descender, and climb a steep slope with a load.

All of this with safety in mind, the BDMLR medics often have to perform rescues of seals during the winter months, when the weather is poor and the ground under foot becomes wet and slippy, add to this a 25kg seal and a 7kg transportation kennel and the task becomes quite dangerous.

With the new skills they have learned they will now be able to access a situation and set up a safety rope plus pulley system to help with the load.

It was a great morning out and thanks goes out to Jim Sudd and all the members of the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team who together made the morning a success.