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Caithness News Bulletins February 2007

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4 February 07
Highland Council Asked To Consider 2.5% Council Tax Rise
Highland Councillors will be asked to approve a rise of �28 at Band D, a 2.5 % increase, when they meet on Thursday (8 February 2007) to set the Council Tax for 2007-2008. In setting a budget of �517 million, the Council is asked to agree the following charges in 2007-2008: -
A �775.33; B �904.56; C �1,033.78; D �1,163 E �1,421.44; F �1,679.89; G �1,938.33; H �2,326.

In setting the budget, the Council agreed a 5.3% increase on the �491 million of 2006-07. Members particularly welcomed provision of �1 million in the budget to deal with the effects of climate change, minimising flooding, allowing improvements in gully gleaning, general drainage maintenance and watercourse maintenance.

At the same time, measures to balance the budget include �12.3 million in savings and reductions, of which �7.164 million are efficiency savings. These efficiency savings exceed our share of the national target set by the Scottish Executive of �2.559 million.

Normally, the Council would be asked to consider an indicative tax charge for the following two financial years. As a result of the latest Spending Review outcome being delayed, the Council does not know the grant settlement for 2008/9 and 2009/2010 at this time and as a result is not being asked to declare an indicative tax increase for these two years.

Agenda For Highland Council Meeting On Thursday 8 February 2007
Highland Council Agreed �516.839 Million Budget for 2007 - 08 - 1 February 2007