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Caithness News Bulletins December 2007

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Highland Council      
27 December 07
Wick Girls Group Gain Awards
Wick Girls Group received a double accolade in the recent Achievement Awards that were organised by the Community Learning Strategy and Development Partnership. Mhariann Plowman, received the Tutor Achievement Award and the 12 members of the group received the Learner Achievement Award. The awards were presented by Councillor Bill Fernie, currently the Chairperson of Education, Culture and Sport, with Helen Allan, Area Community Learning and Leisure Officer in attendance. Nominations of tutors and learners came from all parts of the region for the Celebration of Achievement Awards, with Mhariann�s nomination and the Wick Girls Group nomination coming from Koreen MacDougall, youth development officer with The Highland Council.

The 12 members of Wick Girls Group received the Learner Achievement Award for their contribution to Caithness Arts Festival, participating in the Theatre Modo street parade. The girls had several workshops with the Theatre Modo Team to learn fire poi and the team commented on their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to the project. At the riverside, the Wick Girls Group had a solo spot where they displayed their newly acquired skill, fire poi.

Mhariann recently took over the reins of Wick Girls Group and has developed a programme that is entertaining yet educational for the girls. It encourages community participation and recently the Wick Girls Group all took part in the Theatre Modo street parade in Wick (part of the Caithness Arts Festival), exhibiting their newly learnt fire poi technique. They have also made visits to the Wick Police Station and had a trip out to sea on the lifeboat and the Isabella Fortuna, as well as a trip to NHC hair and beauty department. Mhariann explained that since taking over the running of Wick Girls Group �I have learnt that informal education is important, fun and can make a difference to young people�s lives. I am looking forward to working with the girls on their Spring/Summer programme and are planning some innovative fund raising strategies!�. Wick Girls Group previously received funding from Wick Youth Bank and Dounreay Community Fund. This money allowed them to co-ordinate their Autumn/Winter programme.


Pictured from left to right
Front row����..
Anna Falconer, Chloe Plowman, Louise Robertson, Lauren McWillaim
Middle row�������
Councillor Bill Fernie (Chairman Education, Culture and Sport), Sarah Paterson, Erin Mackay, Lucy Gunn, Kimberly Fraser, Catherine Ann Crawford
Back row
Chloe Graham, Viv Gunn, Amy Gunn, Erin Sutherland