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Caithness News Bulletins October 2006

October 2006 September 2006

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Focus On Caithness Babies
Babies Get Healthy In Caithness

Babies are making a splash in Caithness thanks to forward thinking Community Midwife Pam McBeath. The tiny tots are keeping fit, healthy and happy through a popular new Baby Aquatics class. Pam is part of a small Community midwifery team in Wick. She also provides local babies and their mums, with Baby Massage and Baby yoga classes. Pam started Baby Massage some years ago after training with the International Association of Infant Massage. She then became interested in starting Baby Yoga for local babies and their mums, leading to her taking a diploma in the course three years ago.

The new Baby Aquatics class comes as a result of Pam working towards another diploma with �Birthlight�, an organisation in Suffolk, which provides training for baby exercise activities.  She had to do a first aid course and pass a competency exam for the Swimming Association, before starting the Baby Aquatics in February.

The babies she leads range in age from about two weeks to a year.  Pam said: �The babies� faces show how much they enjoy it and it helps with bonding and with social skills. As well as the physical and psychological benefits, the babies learn confidence in the water and it leads on to independent swimming.�

Pam, who hopes to pass her �Birthlight� diploma in October, added: �The smiling faces in the swimming pool show just how worthwhile it has all been.�

Little Megan�s mum, Frances Yellop, said: �The organised class gives us an idea of what to do when we bring our babies to the pool ourselves. We do a lot of singing games and nursery rhymes.�

Caroline Steven - Midwife Of the Year 2006
The class is not the only success story for midwifery in Caithness, as Community Midwife Caroline Steven, from Thurso, was the Scottish winner of Midwife of the year. She runs Parentcraft classes as part of her role and facilitates home deliveries, of which there have been three so far this year.

Caroline Steven Midwife Of The Year 2006

The 9th annual Mamas & Papas Midwife of the Year awards were held at the Mamas & Papas Head Office in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, on September 13th 2006. Caroline Steven, a community midwife of Thurso, was announced as the Scotland Regional Finalist and was presented with a certificate and flowers.

Caroline's nomination for the award was sent in by Kimberly Loomes, who also attended the ceremony along with husband Alan and sons Alasdair and Camron.This nomination was chosen from hundreds from the Scotland Region.

The Midwife of the Year awards gives mums like Kimberly to express their thanks for all the hardwork that midwives do.

The awards were presented by Steve Chalke MBE and a special guest appearance was made by Nell McAndrew and newborn son Devon.

Pauline Craw, Assistant General Manager, Caithness Locality, Caithness General Hospital, said: �We are proud of all our health care professionals within Caithness. It is however, great to be involved with a group of people who are thinking on a �fit for life� approach - getting the next generation involved in exercise at an early age. Hopefully, this will be a starter for them and their parents.

�Many of our Midwives and Health Visitors are trained in baby yoga and massage and this seems to be welcomed by our population. It is good to see innovations like this coming in with a Health Promotion aspect.�