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Eye On Health Services In Caithness
NHS Highland Health Board

2 April 04
NHS Highland Announce New Chairman
Highland Councillor for Beauly and Strathglass Gary Coutts is the new NHS Highland board chairman.  The appointment was announced today.   Councillor Couts is currently on the following committees Depute Chairman - Housing & Social Work (Housing)
Member - Resources; Housing & Social Work; Land & Environment Select; Joint Committee on Action in Community Care.  More Information On Gary Coutts

Gary Coutts contact details
Old Station House, Station Road, Beauly, IV4 7EG.
Tel: (01463) 782548
Fax: (01463) 783584
Mobile: 0790 0917141
E-mail:  [email protected]

Dr David Alston from July 2003 for four years
Dr Alston is a Highland councillor.  He was elected as an Independent local authority councillor in 1999 and is Chair of the select committee responsible for community planning. Dr Alston is also Curator of Cromarty Courthouse Museum. He does not hold any other ministerial appointments.
On Highland council David Alston represents Black Isle North is on the following committees
Chairman - Renewing Democracy and Community Planning Select, Member - Resources; Housing & Social Work; Renewing Democracy & Community Planning Select; Sustainable Development Select; Budget Working Group; Digital Highland Working Group; Highland & Islands Fire Board
More about David Alston

David Alston contact details
Buzancy, 51 Church Street, Cromarty, IV11 8XA
Tel: (01381) 600243
Fax: (01381) 600894
E-mail: [email protected]

New Appointments To The Board From 1 April 2004

Mrs Heather Sheerin is a self-employed businesswoman with a background in business, housing, education and health.  She was Chair of Highland Primary Care NHS Trust.  Mrs Sheerin is to be appointed for four years from 1 April 2004.  She has not been involved in any political activity within the last five years, and does not hold any other Ministerial appointments.

Heather Sheerin contact details
Tel. Home: 01463 237356  Fax: 01463 711831
Office: 01463 704600  Fax:  01463 713844
Secretary, Isabel Eadie:  01463 703218   
E-mail:   [email protected]

Mrs Margaret Davidson
Mrs Davidson is a partner in a Garden Nursery.  She is also a Member of the New Opportunity Land Fund Committee, Forestry for People Advisory Panel, the Chair of the Community Woodland Association Scotland and Director of Reforesting Scotland.  Mrs Davidson is to be appointed for two years from 1 April 2004.  Within the last five years, she has obtained office as an Independent Highland Councillor.  She does not hold any other Ministerial appointments.  As a Highland Councillor Mrs Davidson is on the following committees - Chairman - Housing & Social Work, Chairman - Joint Committee on Children and Young People, Depute Chairman - Housing & Social Work (Children's Services), Member - Housing & Social Work; Education, Culture & Sport; Transport, Environmental & Community Services; Land & Environment Select; Renewing Democracy & Community Planning Select; Sustainable Development Select; Joint Committee on Action in Community Care; Budget Working Group
More About Margaret Davidson

Margaret Davidson contact details
Abriachan Nurseries
Loch Ness Side
IV3 8LA.
Tel/Fax: (01463) 861424
Mobile: 07818 015689
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr James Cooper is retired from The Royal Bank of Scotland when he was Regional Manager for the North of Scotland.  He was then a Director of Inverness Medical Ltd for a period of two years.  He was also a Member and Vice-Chair of Highland Primary Care NHS Trust.  Mr Cooper is to be appointed for two years from 1 April 2004.  He has not been involved in any political activity within the last five years, and does not hold any other Ministerial appointments.

James Cooper contact details
Roshven, 70c Drummond Road, Inverness  IV2 4NU
Tel:      01463 238750     
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Stewart Whiteford is a partner in a farming business.  He is also Chair of the Remote and Rural Areas Resource Initiative of NHS Scotland and was the Chair of Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.  Mr Whiteford is to be appointed for two years from 1 April 2004.  He has not been involved in any political activity within the last five years, and does not hold any other Ministerial appointments.
Address - Wester Rarichie, Nigg, Tain

Contect details for Stewart Whiteford
Wester Rarichie, Nigg, Tain
Raigmore Hospital:  01463 705149    Fax: 01463 711322
Secretary, Maggie Wemyss:  01463 705149
Email:   [email protected]

Mr Douglas Graham is a partner with Messrs Macleod & MacCallum, Solicitors and Estate Agents, Inverness.  He was a founder Director and Chairman of Highland Hospice.  He is a Member of the Scottish Land Fund. He currently chairs the Audit Committee and is a Scotland Committee and Board Member of the Community Fund (formerly National Lottery Charities Board).  He is also a Member of the Scottish Committee of the Council on Tribunals for which he receives remuneration of £8,707.  Mr Graham is to be appointed for four years from 1 April 2004.  He has not been involved in any political activity within the last five years
[email protected]

Douglas Graham contact details
 Kilmorack House. Kilmorack, Beauly, Inverness, IV4 7AL
Tel Work: 01463 258042 (Direct Dial)  Work Fax: 01463 258090 (Direct)
E-Mail:          [email protected]

Ms Pamela Courcha is a self-employed Counsellor, Trainer and Supervisor, and has two children with disabilities.  She is also a Member of the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care for which she receives remuneration of £7,336.  Ms Courcha is to be appointed for four years from 1 April 2004.  She has been actively involved with the Scottish National Party within the last five years, she was nominated as Joint Vice-Chair of a local branch which was subsequently dissolved.

Pamela Courcha contact details
Address - Shearach, Docherty, Dingwall, IV15 9UF
Tel Work: 01349 865531          
E-Mail:  [email protected]

Miss Joy Fraser, Sandwick, 3 Leanach Gardens, Inverness, IV2 5DD
Tel. Home:  01463 790042   
Fax:  01463 798883

Other Board Members Employed In Health Service

Dr Iain Johnston, Riverview Practice, Wick Medical Centre, Martha Terrace Wick KW1 5EL
Work Tel  01955 602355  Fax: 01955 605496
E-mail:  [email protected]

Mrs Chris McIntosh, 12 Balvonie Avenue, Drakies Estate, Inverness, IV2 3RS
12 Balvonie Avenue, Drakies Estate, Inverness, IV2 3RS
Tel. Work:  01463 704637     Fax:   01463 713844
Secretary, Jeanne Hornby   01463 703368
E-mail:   [email protected]

Mr Bill McKerrow, ENT Consultant, Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Raigmore Hospital, Old Perth Road, Inverness 
Tel Office:  01463 705362
Secretary: Elisabeth Grant  – Ext 5362
E-mail:  [email protected]

In addition, there are seven Board Executive Directors. These are as follows -

Roger Gibbins, Chief Executive
Richard Carey, Deputy Chief Executive
Paul Martin, Deputy Chief Executive
Malcolm Iredale, Director of Finance
John Wrench, Director of Public Health
Alison Graham, Medical Director
Helen Spratt, Director of Nursing

Contacts via NHS Highland

These are NHS Highland employees, but they also have appointments as Executive Director from the Minister for Health and Community Care.

The Board meets officially on a bi-monthly basis. These meetings are attended not only by the press and members of the public, but also by representatives of the Health Council and various professional groups. Such a mix ensures that discussions cover a full range of professional and community input which reflects the complexities of health related issues.

NHS highland Health Board email contact list

[email protected]   [email protected]      [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected]    [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected]    [email protected]   [email protected]  [email protected]