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Wick Pipe Band Site

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Wick RBLS Pipe Band is to get a new constitution. For several years the Band has operated as a sub committee of the Wick Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland. However it was felt that to take best advantage of the tremendous support the Band has locally and to involve more people in the running of the Band, it would be better to have an independent organisation with band supporters on the management committee. Supporters of the Band are being invited to become associate members, the annual fee will be �5 and in addition to supporting the Band, it is intended that associate members will also be eligible for a range of benefits. Membership application forms are available from John Bogle, Cronan Na Mara, Papigoe, Wick Telephone 01955 603080.

The Band is keen to retain strong links with the Wick Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland and will continue to be known as the Wick RBLS Pipe Band. Three members of the Branch will serve on the Band�s new management committee and the Band will continue to participate in the RBLS Beating Retreat in Edinburgh and to play on Remembrance Sunday and at other Legion events.

An inaugural meeting to launch the new organisation will be held in the Pipe Band Hall, High Street, Wick at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th February 2003. Anyone interested in becoming an associate member is invited to attend this meeting, subscriptions can be paid on the night.

John Bogle
Wick RBLS Pipe Band                         Application Form To Become an Associate Member