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Campaign for a Scottish Internet Domain - dotSco

dotSCO are calling on individuals, businesses, groups and organisations to lend their support to the campaign for a .SCO Internet Domain for Scots Language and Culture.

Please visit http://www.dotsco.org  for more information and e-mail your support to [email protected].

The Scots Language and Culture is a community that we believe should be identified with its own internet domain. Organisations, companies and individuals who express themselves in the Scots language and /or wish to encourage Scots culture will be able to register for a unique and clearly identifiable .sco internet address.

Here at Caithness.org we would love to be able to link to web sites with URL's ending in .sco

Go for it dotSco .  We are behind you all the way.  Lets see them in future looking like this -


Any comments about this then head for the Message Board to add your thoughts