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Community Enterprises In Caithness  

Community Enterprises In Caithness
Health, Environment, Arts, Activities and Training (HEAART)

SUCCESS!!!!!!! The Wellington Boot (formerly the Wellington Centre) became ours on 2nd April.
Congratulations to all involved we did it. Now instead of closing it's doors at the end of March ,which would have been a crying shame and a complete loss to the county and to everyone who has worked so hard in the Wellington Centre over the last couple of decades, it will now reopen it's doors but as a Community and Arts Centre run by and for Adults with Learning Disabilities and anyone else who wants to come along and join in.

On Monday 26 March 2007 the council finally gave their approval for HEAART to take on The Boot.

The Wellington Boot opened its doors on Monday 2nd April at 10:00am

HEAART a special interest group of Enable Scotland, will be very busy organising and revamping the lefthand side of The Boot and the garden. Anyone who knows the Boot will remember what a brilliant garden it once had, and there is a lot of work to be done to reclaim it and get things growing again.

We also have three students coming along from Global Exchange to lend a hand. As soon as possible we want to have an exciting progamme of events happening, arts, crafts, music, drama.  If there is anyone out there who can do anything and would like to help please let us know, from helping with the gardening to holding dance, drama, yoga, excercise classes, painting, music, PLEASE PLEASE contact us.

This is one of the most exciting things that has happened in Caithness for years And remember we are run by adults with Learning Disabilities we want to hear from YOU, not what other people think you want to do, but what YOU want to do. YOU have a voice and now a Community and Arts Centre lets create this together, failure isn't an opton!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our next Commitee meeting is on Friday 13th April [lets make it our lucky day!] at 2pm, all welcome, tea and biccies provided!

contact Julie 01847851770 [after 6pm] or email [email protected]
Alison 01593721211 or email [email protected]


27 February 07
"Welcome to the Wellington Boot"

[The boots on the other foot ]
Saturday 24 February 2007........
What an exciting and inspiring day. A total of 74 people, professionals, councillors, charity workers, volunteers, adults with learning disabilities, their families and friends, got together in the Wellington Centre to have a "brainstorming" session to put together some ideas for making HEAARTS dream to reopen the Wellington Centre come true.

HEAART ,stands for Health,Environment, Arts, Activities, Resources and Training. Following an original idea from Dee Quintas [currently heading the local charity "Health and Happiness] ,who balked at the idea of the Wellington Centre being closed; which was going to happen at the end of March; she put together first a plan and then a steering group that became known as HEAART to keep open and to improve on the facility that was already there.

HEAART is working towards reopening the Wellington Centre as a vibrant and exciting Community and Arts Centre run by and for adults with learning disabilities, but also open to the wider community as a whole. We want to see a place that encourages integration and provides a space where everyone, learning disabled or not are encouraged to be the best that they can be. Adults with learning disabilities are capable of unbelievable dedication and ideas and a desire to work and to have as full and as satisfying life as everyone else. Not only do they desire this they DESERVE it.

At the Wellington Boot [The boots on the other foot] as we hope the centre will become known we hope to offer as well as the existing facilities, resources, arts, drama, music and crafts.

Eventually, though sooner rather than later, we also hope to open a cafe supplied with fresh produce from our own garden, a shop and workshops containing social firms. For a good example of what a social firm is go to www.socialfirms.co.uk  These will help to support The Boot and its other activities and propel it forward into a long and productive future. We hope to open The Boot 7 days a week, evenings as well and always to have something "happening!" Although all this will take time to come on line we are hoping if things go to plan to be in The Boot from the beginning of April in some form and to grow from there.

We at HEAART are very grateful to all the charities, support organisations and volunteers who have come on board with us to help make our dream a reality, we could not do it without you and look forward to your continued support.

If anyone who has read this article feels they can help and wants to become a friend of HEAART at The Boot please don't hesitate to contact either myself Julie tel.01847 851 770 or [email protected]

Alison tel.01593 721 211 or [email protected], or Dee tel [answermachine] 01955 631 797 or [email protected]

Please keep watching this space and we will keep you up to date with what's happening at The Wellington Boot.

ETHOS OF HEAART [a special interest group of Enable] and The Boot.

To work always with Health and the Environment central to all our policies and activities.

We have a huge garden, we plan to grow enough food to supply ourselves and to be able to sell the excess to the local community, in as chemical free way as possible.

To use as many recycled materials wherever and whenever possible.

To provide offices, space for other charities to use to bring us altogether to better understand and work with each other.

To be a centre for resources and training for volunteers or anyone who wishes to know about local charities.

Most importantly to provide a safe and stimulating environment, a place for meeting, working and having fun for people with learning disabilities.