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Guide Association - Caithness
County Commissioner -

County Commissioner - Mrs Liz Bamber - As At May 2011
Secretary Mrs Anna McBride, 9 Albert Street, Wick, Caithness  KW14 7XN - As at May 2011

Caithness Guides Web Site

28 January 07
4th Wick Guides Burns Supper

18 May 06
2nd Wick Brownies Raised �660 From Sponsored Silence For Charities
It is probably one of the hardest things you could ask a girls to do - stay silent for an hour.  The girls of 2nd Wick Brownies managed just that and raised an amazing �660.  Representative from two charities were at the church hall in Argyle Square on Thursday evening to receive cheques for �330 each.  the two charities were Caithness Asthma and Caithness Early Years Autism Centre.  Well done girls and who can we send round that we would like to be silent for an hour.  Are you giving lessons.

27 February 06
Halkirk Brownies and Guides take part in World Thinking Day on the Air
Halkirk Brownies, Guides and Guiders joined up with local Amateur Radio enthusiasts Donnie McKay, Erik McKay, John Crowden, Denny Morrison and Laurie Dickenson in the Ross Institute, Halkirk on Sunday 19th February to take part in ‘World Thinking Day on The Air’. This is an annual event held on the third weekend in February where members of Guiding from all over the world send greetings to each other over the airwaves to celebrate World Thinking Day. World Thinking Day (22nd February) is a special day in the Guiding calendar as it celebrates the birthdays of the founder Lord Baden-Powell and his wife Olave (World Chief Guide).

8 December 05
Rainbow Guides gathered recently at wick Old Parish church Hall from Wick, Thurso and Halkirk to compete making a Christmas Fairy with a wooden spoon as the base.  Mrs Mary Manson and Miss Eleanor Leishman judged the entries and the winner was Thurso, who were presented with the glass Rainbow trophy.

Rainbow Guides County Challenge5 February 05
4th Wick Guides Raise Funds For The Tsunami Appeal
4th Wick guides recently held a sale to raise funds for the DEC Tsunami Appeal.  The guides are seen here with their cheque for �272 at their weekly meeting in the Parish Church Hall in Wick.

At Caithness Heritage Fair 5 Oct 03

Caithness Brownies and Rainbows Having Fun Competing For The Challenge Cup 4 October 03

Brownies and Rainbows - the junior sections of the Caithness Guide Association - had a great day at Wick High School for their Challenge Cup day.  All of the Caithness groups of Brownies and Rainbows spent the day involved in many activities, songs and competitions.  Halkirk won the competition for the Rainbows and Keiss for the Brownies.  Vice-presidents of the Caithness Guide Association Mrs Evelyn Glass and Mrs Gladys Manson judged the competition to make a scene from a nursery rhyme from waste materials.

Guide and Brownies are fun and adult help is always welcome.  Young ladies can gain leadership experience by helping with our sessions.  Come along and see  - its fun and you do not need to have been in the guides or Brownies when younger. Please contact Mrs. Nicola Milne. 

For information on meeting times and places contact:
Mrs Nicola Milne
 01955 641357