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Highland Guild Of Weavers Spinners & Dyers

Members from various parts of the Highlands meet monthly in Beauly.  The group take part in spinning , weaving and other crafts.  Lessons in spinning may be available from the group.
a regular magazine is also produced.

Contact Ann Johnson
Tel 01847 851366
Email [email protected]

Clothes Knitted On Smallest Needles - Number 19

More Crafts

14 October 06
Caithness Spinners and Knitters Win Caithness V Cornwall Challenge

for the second year running the Caithness team made up of spinners and knitters from the north of Scotland has won a challenge.  the challenge was made earlier this year when a few photos were taken at Dunnet where the wool for the squares was obtained.  The challenge to spin the wool and knit 63 squares was won by the north team at Timespan in Helmsdale.  The two teams were linked by video beamed across the internet.  Last year the challenge was to knit a jumper.

12 October 05
Knitting Challenge  North Of Scotland Team Wins The Challenge
A competition to see which end of the country could make jumper from a fleece was run at John O'Groats and Lands End.  Members of the Highland Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers  joined forces with spinners and knitters in the north  and took up the challenge to make a jumper from hand spun wool starting with a fleece.  Teams of carders, spinners and knitters spent the day in the race to complete a jumper to set a set size.

The competition was run today as it was National Knitting Week.  The North Of Scotland team won the competition.  An unusual feature of the event was the video link up provided by a team from Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise to promote Broadband that is just arriving in the John O'Groats area.

Visitors popped in over the day to watch.  Also a demonstration from the world's fastest knitter showed just how fast someone can move a set of knitting needles.  Her speed can get up to 250 stitches a minute although she only managed 240 today.

Raffle raised �988

More photos of other groups at UK Hand Knitters