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Scottish Parliament
Highlands & Islands Members

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Mr Jamie McGrigor MSP
Member for Highlands and Islands

Conservative Deputy Spokesperson on Rural Affairs(with specific responsibility for fisheries)

Member Equal Opportunities Committee

Register of Interests
Mr McGrigor previously stood as candidate in the 1997 general election and contested the 1999 European elections.

Born in London in 1949, Mr McGrigor attended Eton College. After school he travelled to Kashmir and Russia before working in shipping in Glasgow and at a stockbroker in London. Mr McGrigor returned to Scotland where he started a fish farm and a cattle and sheep farm. He entered politics in 1996. He is a member of many local committees and the NFU, Scottish Crofters Union, the Atlantic Salmon Trust Council and Whites (London).

Mr McGrigor is married with three children.


Parliament contact details Constituency contact details
The Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP

61 Chalmers Street
Argyll, PA30 8DX

tel: 0131 348 5648 tel: 01546 603 811
e-mail: [email protected]


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