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Walks, Outings, Events In Caithness & Sutherland 2006
Highland Ranger Service

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 Out With Bill

Walks In Caithness 

This booklet features many walks and events taking place in Caithness & Sutherland throughout the summer.

The programme aims to raise awareness and encourage greater appreciation of the unique blend of beautiful scenery and
wonderful variety of wildlife in Caithness & Sutherland.

It is just waiting to be explored - so get out there and find out for yourself by coming along on a walk or event this summer!

For all walks/events it is important you come prepared. Please dress for the vagaries of a Highland summer. Suntan lotion, waterproofs, stout footwear and midge repellent are recommended for all walks. You may also wish to bring something to eat/drink.

Scottish Outdoor Access Code
“Please remember Know the Code before you go. Enjoy, Respect and Protect.”
For more details: Tel: SNH (01738 458545) or www.outdooraccess-scotland.com
Some walks require a certain level of fitness so please check the grade.

Grade A Walking on established paths on various surfaces and slopes.
Grade B Walking over paths and rough/boggy ground at low level -
reasonable level of fitness required.
Grade C Walking over rough/boggy ground and some hill - a reasonable
level of fitness is required.
Grade D Walking through and over mountainous terrain - a good level of
fitness is required.

The events and walks featuring in this booklet are free of charge, unless otherwise stated.
All walks and events are weather dependent and numbers permitting.
Sorry, for most events we would appreciate if all children under the age of 16 are accompanied by a responsible adult. Special children’s events are highlighted by ☺
If you plan to bring a dog, bicycle or horse on any of these events, please contact the relevant organiser before the event, as many of events may be unsuitable.

20 May - 4 June Highland Wild Encounters Fortnight.
A fortnight of special wildlife events in Caithness and Sutherland. For details of all the events see the Highland Wild Encounters programme.

Tue 30 May One for the early birds. Grade A.
A chance to see the spectacle of black grouse displaying at a lek.
5 - 6.30am. Meet at the Ferrycroft Countryside Centre, Lairg. Booking
essential on 01549 402638. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 30 May Birds of Prey in the NW Highlands.
A slide show comparing birds of prey and how to tell them apart. Golden
Eagles, Peregrines, and Merlins are just a few of our regular breeding
species. Meet 7.30pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Lochinver. HC Assynt Rangers.
Tue 30 May RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogbean & Birds Walk.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows. We’ll
explore the pretty bogbean filled lochans and may see birds such as golden
plover, dunlin, greenshank & hen harrier. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard
Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 30 May Birds of Prey in the NW Highlands. Grade C.
Join us on a site visit to see some of the raptors in Assynt. Meeting place to
be confirmed on booking. Meet 9.00am. Allow 5 hours. Booking essential.
HC Assynt Rangers Bring packed lunch.
Wed 31 May Traligill, Inchnadamph. Grade C.
Stunning walk through the valley of the trolls, an ancient limestone landscape in search of globe flowers and mountain avens and the caves and limestone features of Inchnadamph National Nature Reserve. Meet at 11.00am at Inchnadamph car park, NC251217. Allow 5 hours. Total 9km.
HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Wed 31 May RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogbean & Birds Walk.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows. We’ll
explore the pretty bogbean filled lochans and may see birds such as golden
plover, dunlin, greenshank & hen harrier. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard
Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 1 Jun Loch Beannach, Little Assynt. Grade B.
Walk to beautiful Loch Beannach with its wooded islands. Sometimes wet
underfoot, sometimes rough. Approx 11.00 am to 3 pm. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised. Bring packed lunch.
Meet at Little Assynt Field Car Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC154252.
Donations appreciated. Further information contact CCWT Office,
Lochinver: Tel: 01571 844 368.
Thu 1 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogbean & Birds Walk. Grade C.
Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows. We’ll explore
the pretty bogbean filled lochans and may see birds such as golden plover,
dunlin, greenshank & hen harrier. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office
01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 1 Jun Brock at home. Grade A.
Enjoy the excitement of watching badgers at a sett. 8 - 10pm. Lairg area.
Exact location revealed on booking. Booking essential on 01549 402638.
HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 1 Jun Electro-fishing. Grade B.
A harmless technique to look for eels, trout, sticklebacks and more, in a
typical West coast burn near Lochinver with the West Sutherland Fisheries
Trust biologists. Please bring wellies if possible. Meet 11.00am at
Achmelvich Bridge, on the coast road to Stoer, NC083248. Allow 2 hours.
HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Fri 2 Jun Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2.00pm at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver
NC095225. Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although
children must be accompanied by an adult. There is no charge for the walk
although donations are welcome. RSPB Heron Information Assistant
Tel: 01571 844374.
Fri 2 Jun “Bats, Bothies, Bows & Boxes!”. Grade B
A nocturnal stroll up the strath of Dunbeath on the lookout for bats before
returning to a salmon bothy to enjoy traditional music and tales from the
past. Start time 10pm. Allow 2.5 hours. Cost £4 per person. Booking
essential. HC East Caithness Ranger. Event run in conjunction with
Dunbeath Preservation Trust.
Sat 3 Jun Dunnet Bay - Marvellous moths. Grade B.
Evening workshop on moth identification followed by an outside trip to trap
moths. This event run in conjunction with Butterfly Conservation Trust
Scotland. Meet Dunnet Pavilion 20.00 hours. HC North Caithness Ranger
01847 821531. Wear warm clothing, bring torch & flask. Lasts until late.
Donations welcome.
Sun 4 Jun Beautiful butterflies. Grade B/C.
A look at the moths trapped the night before, and then a butterfly workshop
in the afternoon. Participants can take part in both days or in only part of
the event. Dunnet Pavilion 9.00am to empty moth trap. 11am start for
butterfly workshop. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531.
Rolls and tea provided between sessions. Bring lunch. Donations welcome.
Mon 5 Jun Keiss Coast - Monday Meander. Grade B.
Enjoyable shore walk passing traditional harbour & 16th century castle
ruins. Looking at plants & bird life. Meet at Keiss beach car park,
ND344601 at 2pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Rough walking in parts -
stout footwear essential. Allow 2.5 hours. Donations welcome.
Tue 6 Jun Holborn Head - Guided walk. Grade B.
This clifftop walk passes seabirds, stacks, wild flowers and blowholes.
During the walk we will hunt for the small blue butterfly. Meet 2pm at start
of path to Scrabster lighthouse. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger
01847 821531. Stout footwear advisable - some rough walking. Lasts 2-3
hours. Donations welcome.
Tue 6 Jun Wildlife Photography. Grade B.
Ever wondered how to take a great natural history or landscape
photograph? Our outdoor studio will be the beautiful area of Inchnadamph
where a wealth of wildlife and stunning scenery awaits to be captured on
film. Learn about the wildlife while local photographer, Simon Barber,
discusses helpful hints to make those special shots. Please bring along your
own camera equipment, digital or otherwise. If you want to discuss
anything photographic with Simon or want to make use of his facilities
beforehand please contact [email protected] or tel: 07731725103.
Meet at 11.00am at Inchnadamph car park (NC 251 217). Allow 5 hours.
HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Tue 6 Jun Ard Skinid. Grade B.
Golden sands, flowers galore and wonderful views, at Tongue Bay. This
walk is not too strenuous but allows you to see lots of interesting things as
we make our way around the Ard. Meet at The Craggan Hotel car park grid
ref: NC 588615 at 7pm. Allow 2.5 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 6 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Lapwing & Plover Farmland
Walk. Grade A. Enjoy a guided walk on RSPB Forsinain farm, managed to
benefit breeding birds such as lapwing and curlew and where large flocks
of golden plover can been seen feeding on the fields. 2.00 to 4.45 pm
RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre.
Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Wed 7 Jun Pine wood flowers. Grade A
A walk to examine the rare woodland wildflowers of Loch Fleet National
Nature Reserve. 10 - 12am. Meet at Balblair Woods entrance, Loch Fleet,
NH815977. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger
Wed 7 Jun Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294).
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Thu 8 Jun Small is beautiful. Grade B.
Help us monitor the most northerly colony of small blue butterflies Follow
this by an exploration of Dunnet Bay and headland for divers, Scottish
primrose and much more besides. Meet car park Dunnet Bay North
10.30 am. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or
07748574651. There will be a mix of driving and walking on this. If
transport needed please contact before event. Donations welcome.
Thu 8 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogs & Birds Walk. Grade C.
Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows. Birds such as
golden plover, dunlin, teal & wigeon breed here and may be seen by the
keen-eyed visitor. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225.
Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet
weather gear advised.
Thu 8 Jun Achmelvich to Clachtoll. Grade C.
Stunning cliff top walk across the oldest rocks in Europe and passed the
point of leaping dolphins. Not for the faint-hearted, this 7km path is rough
in places. Meet 11.00am at Achmelvich beach car park (NC059 248). Allow
5 hours. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 8 Jun Ard Mor. Grade C.
Enjoy a lovely walk around this headland at Bettyhill packed with wild
flowers and surrounded by the beautiful scenery of both Torrisdale and Farr
bays. Meet near Bettyhill pier, NC 701620 at 7pm. Allow 2.5 hours.
HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Fri 9 Jun Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel: 01571 844374
Sat 10 Jun Armadale Gorge. Grade C.
Explore this wonderful steep sided river gorge. Good chance of seeing
ravens, buzzards and lots of other wildlife. Visit the broch remains on route
to the moorland loch where we shall take lunch. Meet at car park at
Armadale Burn on the A836, NC 795639 at 10.30am. Allow 3-3.5hours.
HC North Sutherland Ranger. Bring packed lunch.
Sat 10 Jun Nordic walking - easy to moderate.
Fancy trying something new? Come along to the Ferrycroft Centre to try
Nordic walking. Nordic walking is an exciting new exercise using special
walking poles. Nordic walking is fun for everyone and for every level of
fitness so come along and give it a go. Poles will be supplied. BOOKING
ESSENTIAL. Meet at the Ferrycroft Countryside Centre in Lairg, NH 578061.
90 minute sessions will be run throughout the day depending on number of
bookings. Please phone Forestry Commission Scotland to book your time
slot Tel: 01862 810 359.
Sun 11 Jun Woodland creations - Sculpture day in Dunnet Forest. Grade A.
Allow you artisitic flair to show by making art and sculpture in Dunnet
Forest. This is geared for any age and families, but under 8’s must have an
adult with them. Meet Dunnet Forest car park 10.30 am. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Lasts all day so bring
lunch. Also bring gloves and any tools that will help you. Please Book.
Donations welcome.
Sun 11 Jun Drum Hollistan (coast) to Melvich Bay. Grade C.
Start the walk at the best puffin colony in the area, and then walk along a
beautiful section of coastline to Melvich Bay. Lovely coastal plants and
stunning views. Meet at roadside parking area at Drum Hollistan by the
county border sign, NC 933646 at 10.30am. Allow 3 hours. HC North
Sutherland Ranger. Bring packed lunch. Booking preferred.
Tue 13 Jun Drumbeg Peat Road. Grade B.
Journey into the interior of Assynt rich in wildlife and history. Find out how
the crofters gained control of their land and hear the famous story of the
Drumbeg murder. Meet at 11.00am at Drumbeg view point, NC120330.
8km. Allow 4 hours. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Tue 13 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Flow Country Wader & Wildfowl
Walk. Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape
of the Flows. Birds such as golden plover, dunlin, teal & wigeon breed here
and may be seen by the keen-eyed visitor. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard
Office 01641 571225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 13 Jun Duncansby head to Skirza - coastal walk. Grade C.
From the cliffs we have a good chance of spotting minke whale as well as
seabirds and wild flowers. 10.30 am Duncansby Head lighthouse carpark.
Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651.
Rough walking, boots essential. Bring lunch. Drivers taken back to the start
of the walk to pick up cars. Donations welcome.
Wed 14 Jun Blooming links - guided walk. Grade B.
There are some beautiful plants in this coastal golf course come, explore
and enjoy. Meet Reay golf course car park 10.30am. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Lasts 2 hours. The club
house serves light lunches if the botanising has worked up your appetite.
Donations welcome.
Wed 14 Jun RSPB Scotland Blar nam Faoileag Reserve. Bogs & Birds Walk. Grade C.
A guided walk in the internationally famous Flows. A chance to see
breeding peatland birds and other wildlife. 2.00 to 5 pm. RSPB Forsinard
Office. 01641 571225. We’ll meet outside the Corn Shop in Halkirk and we
shall then drive to the Blar Reserve. Wellies or walking boots and wet
weather gear advised. Contact the Forsinard Reserve Office to Book 01641
571225. Booking essential.
Wed 14 Jun Brora to Golspie. Grade C.
Catch the train from Golspie to Brora and walk 6 miles back along this
lovely coastline. 9am-1pm. Meet at Golspie railway station.
Fare approx. £1.50. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Wed 14 Jun Duke of Kent Memorial, Braemore. Grade C.
Hill walk to the famous crash site taking in plenty fresh air & looking for
wildlife. Meet Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND 162 294 at 11am to pool
cars. Bring packed lunch. Walking boots essential. Booking preferred.
HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 3.5 hours. Donations welcome.
Thu 15 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogs & Birds Walk. Grade C.
Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows. Birds such as
golden plover, dunlin, teal & wigeon breed here and may be seen by the
keen-eyed visitor. 2 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225.
Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet
weather gear advised.
Thu 15 Jun Traligill Bealach, Inchnadamph. Grade D.
Walk through the valley of the trolls, ancient limestone landscape and
the caves of Inchnadamph National Nature Reserve in search of rare plants
in Britain’s highest limestone plateau. Meet at 10am at Inchnadamph car
park, NC251 217. Allow 7 hours. Total 13km. There will be a shorter walk if
the weather is bad. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 15 Jun Skerray local/natural history walks. Grade B.
Take a walk around the path networks of Skerray with the ranger and a
member of the local community who will tell us of the rich history of the
area. Route yet to be decided, either ring for details nearer the time or meet
at Skerray community hall, NC 672626 at 10.30am. Allow 2.5-3 hours.
HC North Sutherland Ranger. Bring packed lunch.
Fri 16 Jun Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome.RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 16 Jun Lybster Coast. Grade B
A cliff top walk to the old herring station at Achastle on the lookout for
cetaceans, nesting seabirds & plantlife. Meet 1.30pm at Lybster Heritage
Centre, ND 243 349. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2.5 hours.
Donations welcome.
Sat 17 Jun Rumster Rambles. Grade B.
A family orienteering event at Rumster Forest with free BBQ. Meet Rumster
Forest 11am. Joint event with Forestry Commission Scotland, HC
Countryside Ranger & Active School Co-ordinator. Horses & bikes
Mon 19 Jun Latheronwheel - Monday Meander. Grade B
Explore the cliff top & woodland of beautiful Latheronwheel. Enjoy coastal
scenery & sheltered woodland. Meet at 2pm at Latheronwheel harbour,
ND191321. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2 hours. Donations welcome.
Mon 19 June All-abilities Path, Leitir Easaidh, Little Assynt. Grade A.
An easy stroll via three lochs with native woods, old and young, along the
way. Approx. 11.00 am to 2.pm. Binoculars and wet weather gear advised.
Meet at Leitir Easaidh Car Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC173263.
Donations appreciated. Further information contact CCWT Office,
Lochinver, Tel: 01571 844 368.
Tue 20 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogs & Birds Walk. Grade C.
Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows. Birds such as
golden plover, dunlin, teal & wigeon breed here and may be seen by the
keen-eyed visitor. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225.
Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet
weather gear advised.
Tue 20 Jun Duncansby stacks seabird city guided walk. Grade B/C.
The nesting seabirds will be at their busiest now along this strikingly
beautiful section of cliffs. Meet Duncansby Head lighthouse car park 2pm.
Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Boots/stout footwear.
Lasts 2-2.30 hours. Donations welcome.
Tue 20 Jun Strathy Point to Aultivullin. Grade C.
Dramatic sea cliff walk, with caves, arches and beautiful coastal plants.
Possibly see a cetacean (whale, dolphin or porpoise) from the high cliffs.
Meet at Strathy Point (Totegan) car park, NC827687 at 2pm. Allow
2.5 - 3 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 20 Jun Clachtoll Coastal walk. Grade B.
Beautiful coastal walk to the Iron-age fort. Expect to see many coastal birds
and waders settling down to their breeding grounds. Meet at 11am at
Clachtoll Beach car park, NC040273. Allow 3 hours. Total 4km. HC Assynt
Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Wed 21 Jun Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch fulmars
puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is also one of
the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring binoculars if
possible. Meet at 11am at Stoer lighthouse car park, NC005328. Allow 2
hours. There is no charge for the walk although donations are welcome.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel: 01571 844374.
Wed 21 Jun Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294.
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Thu 22 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Flow Country Wader & Wildfowl
Walk. Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape
of the Flows. Birds such as golden plover, dunlin, teal & wigeon breed here
and may be seen by the keen-eyed visitor. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB
Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre.
Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 22 Jun Beach, dunes and forest - evening walk. Grade B.
Explore these different habitats and see the changes made in the local
community woodland. Meet Dunnet car park north end of bay, 7pm.
Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Lasts 2 hours approx.
Thu 22 Jun Glen Laoigh - the hidden valley. Grade D.
Sandwiched between the peaks of Cul Mor and Cul Beag this hidden gem is
a place where Golden Eagles and Merlins hunt, and Red Deer shelter in the
remnant woodlands. Meet 11am, at Knockan Visitor Centre, NC188091.
Allow 6 hours. There will be an alternative shorter walk if the weather is
bad. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 22 Jun Portskerra to Halladale River. Grade B.
Take it easy on this leisurely coastal walk with time to look at the many
wonderful plants and other wildlife encountered along this stretch of the
north coast. Meet at Melvich public toilets on the A836, NC877650 at 1pm.
Allow 3-3.5hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Fri 23 Jun Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Walk through the community woodland to enjoy the sights and sounds of
one of the largest heronries in the Highlands. Many other wildlife points of
interest on the way. Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street,
Lochinver, NC095225. Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families
although children must be accompanied by an adult. No charge but
donations are welcome. RSPB Heron Information Assistant,
Tel:01571 844374.
Sun 25 Jun County march to Sandside Bay - guided walk. Grade C.
Walk above a canyon carved out of the sandstone to the puffinry and then
along the clifftop through coastal plants and seabirds. This is a good time
for whale spotting. Meet 2pm at the lay-by Caithness/Sutherland border,
NC921645. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Rough
walking - boots necessary. Allow 3-4 hours. Donations welcome.
Mon 26 Jun Holborn Head - evening walk. Grade B.
This clifftop walk passes seabirds, stacks ,wild flowers and amazing
blowholes. This is a good time to see whales. Meet 7pm at the lighthouse at
Scrabster. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Stout
footwear advisable. Lasts 2-3 hours. Donations welcome.
Tue 27 Jun Invernaver. Grade C.
Explore this wonderful former national nature reserve near Bettyhill. See
beautiful low-level mountain plants and varied archaeological remains
including a broch with stunning views. Meet at Bettyhill car park/toilets,
NC706618 at 10.30am. Allow 3.5 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Bring packed lunch.
Tue 27 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogs, Birds & Beasties Walk.
Grade C. Come and enjoy an afternoon’s walk in the Flow Country. Explore
the miniature world of the bogs and experience the strange creatures and
plants that live there. 2 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225.
Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet
weather gear advised.
Tue 27 Jun Quinag. Grade D.
Climb to the top of this fantastic mountain in search of Mountain Azalea,
Mountain Hares and Ptarmigan (764m). Meet at 11am at the car park 3km
north of Skiag Bridge, NC232274. 7km. Allow 6 hours. HC Assynt Rangers.
Bring packed lunch. There will be an alternative shorter walk if the weather
is bad.
Jun 28 - Jul 19 Caithness Early Buildings Project
Caithness has many chambered cairns, great mounds of stone, used for
burials by the first farmers 5000 years ago. The cairns would have been
built by a local community working together. This summer AOC
Archaeology Group, with the help of the Caithness Archaeological Trust,
will be building both a chambered cairn and a broch wall at Spittal. We
would love if you could come and help. Although you can attend at any
time 9.30 - 4.30 Monday - Saturday, Open Days will be organised and a
Demolition Day for both the Cairn and Broch wall will be taking place on
Saturday 8th July. Come and relive life in Spittal 2000 & 5000 years ago!
For further details contact Emma Sanderson, Caithness Archaeological Trust
Development Officer (01593 731269).
Jun 28 - Jul 19 The Broch Project
Excavations are planned this summer for one of our North East Brochs (near
Keiss). The public are welcome to come and take a tour with one of the
excavators, but please check with further advertising or the office nearer the
time for the archaeologists’ days off site. For further details contact Emma
Sanderson, Caithness Archaeological Trust Development Officer
01593 731269.
Wed 28 Jun Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294.
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Wed 28 Jun Scrabster sail - evening cruise.
“Set sail” with the crew of the Karen to view the seacliffs of Scrabster, the
seabirds and perhaps a whale or two. 7pm at the Fishermen`s mission
Scrabster. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or
07748574651. Cost £11.00 each. Booking essential.
Thu 29 Jun Dwarick Head - coastal walk. Grade B/C.
Walk to the place where the selkie`s treasure lies and lunch by the hidden
loch. Meet Dunnet Bay car park north 11am. Contact HC North Highland
Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Boots advised. Some rough
walking. Donations welcome.
Thu 29 Jun RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Come and enjoy a walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows,
studded with thousands of pools and home to a wide range of rare &
unusual birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office
01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 29 Jun Glen Leireag, near Drumbeg. Grade C.
Explore the secret glen where Freshwater Pearl Mussels live and Golden
Eagle hunt. Meet 11am Nedd Bridge, NC148 315. 9km. Allow 4 hours.
HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 29 Jun Armadale Bay. Grade B.
Leisurely walk around the Armadale Bay area to see the varied range of
flowering plants and seashore wildlife. We will make our way to the
‘dragon’s lair’ on the coastal cliff top to see if he is awake and roaring.
Meet at Armadale community hall, NC 786644 at 2pm. Allow 2.5-3 hours.
HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Fri 30 Jun Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Many other wildlife points of interest on the way. Meet at 2pm, Assynt
Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver NC095 225. Allow 2 hours. The walk
is suitable for families although children must be accompanied by an adult.
No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB Heron Information Assistant
Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 30 Jun Corbigoe Coast. Grade B.
Cliff top walk to view spectacular coastal scenery and vast colonies of
nesting seabirds including guillemot, razorbill, kittiwakes & more. Not
suitable for children under 12 years. Meet at Sarclet Haven, ND 350 433 at
11am. Please bring packed lunch. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2 hours.
Donations welcome. Booking essential.
Sat 1 Jul Nordic walking - Easy to moderate.
Fancy trying something new? Come along to the Ferrycroft Centre to try
Nordic walking. Nordic walking is an exciting new exercise using special
walking poles. Nordic walking is fun for everyone and for every level of
fitness so come along and give it a go. Poles will be supplied.BOOKING
ESSENTIAL. Meet at the Ferrycroft Countryside Centre in Lairg, NH578061.
90 minute sessions will be run throughout the day depending on number of
bookings. Please phone Forestry Commission Scotland to book your time
slot Tel:01862 810359.

Sat 1 Jul RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided walk Ben Griam Beg.
Grade C. Enjoy a day’s walk over the Flows. Explore the ancient landscape
and lochans before the ground steepens and we walk up the eastern flank
of Ben Griam Beg to its summit with its ancient hill fort. 10am to 4pm.
RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225. Binoculars, walking boots and wet
weather gear advised.
Sun 2 July Stroma - Sail and walk. Grade B.
This is your chance to visit this magical island full of history and wildlife.
Details to follow on booking. Cost for boat £16.00. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Stout footwear advisable
- some rough walking. Lasts all day. Booking essential.
Mon 3 July Nature Club on the road. Grade A.
Explore the rockpools for weird and wonderful animals. For children aged
between 8-12. 10.00-12.00. Meet at Helmsdale harbour car park. All
children must be accompanied by an adult. Wellies useful. Booking
essential on 01549 402 638. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Mon 3 July Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2.00pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel: 01571 844374.
Tue 4 July Dragon Walk, Lochinver. Grade A.
Short family walk in search of the elusive Northern Green Dragon in Culag
Woods. A sense of adventure needed. Meet at 11.00am the Lochinver
Tourist Information Centre, NC095225. Allow 3 hours. HC Assynt Rangers.
Bring packed lunch.
Tue 4 July Dunnet Bay - Children`s group.
“Fun in the sun” various activities; pond dipping, bird watching, mini beasts
11am Dunnet pavilion Dunnet Bay. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger
01847 821531. Suits children 8-11. Any child under that age must have
adult with them. Donations welcome.
Tue 4 July Wild about town - evening walk. Grade A.
A wander along the river and harbour areas to see what wildlife shares
Thurso with us. A look at the history of the town. Meet Thurso harbour car
park 7.00pm. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Lasts 2-3
hours. Donations welcome.
Tue 4 July Nature club on the road. Grade A.
A chance to dig, sieve and dredge the mud for all sorts of creatures! For
children aged 8-12. 10.00-12.00. Meet at Balblair Woods entrance, Loch
Fleet National Nature Reserve, NH815977. Children must be accompanied
by an adult. Wellies useful. Booking essential on 01549 402638. HC Mid &
East Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 4 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Lapwing & Skylark Farmland
Walk. Grade A. Come and enjoy an afternoon’s walk on RSPB Scotland
Forsinain farm. Enjoy the sights and sounds of lapwing and sklylark and
discover how the farm is managed to benefit the birds. 2.00 to 4.45 pm.

RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre.
Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Wed 5 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bairns, Bogs and Beasties Fun
Day. Family Fun day. Arts and Crafts, Environmental Games, Face Painting,
Guided Walks. Suitable for all the family. 12.30 to 4.30 pm. RSPB Forsinard
Office 01641 571 225. Parents must accompany under 8s. Please bring
waterproofs, walking boots or wellies.
Wed 5 July Black-throated Divers. Grade A.
Accompany an RSPB staff member to look for this stunningly beautiful birds
on a traditional breeding loch. A speciality of this area its eerie calls are
one of the most evocative sounds of the remote lochs in Assynt. Meet at
11am at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225. Allow
2 hours. No charge but donations are welcome. Please bring binoculars if
possible. RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 5 July Blooming marvellous! Grade B.
A walk through the wildflower meadows and salt marsh of the Common
Good Lands. 10.00-12.00. Meet - airfield car park, Dornoch, NH802884.
HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Wed 5 July Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294.
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Thu 6 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. This ancient landscape,
studded with thousands of pools, is home to a wide range of rare & unusual
birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office
01641 571225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking
boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 6 July Dunnet Bay - beach, dunes and forest. Grade B.
Explore these different habitats and see the changes made in the local
community woodland. Meet 2pm at Dunnet Bay car park north,
ND219705. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847821531. Stout
footwear advisable. Lasts 2-3 hours. Donations welcome.
Thu 6 July Aeroplane Flats, Inchnadamph. Grade D.
Trek to the scene of the 2nd world war aeroplane crash on Beinn an
Fhurain (700m). Meet at 10.00am at Inchnadamph car park, NC251217.
Allow 7 hours. Total 16km. There will be an alternative shorter walk if the
weather is bad. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Fri 7 July Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Mon 10 July Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event ☺
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2pm at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver
NC095225. RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel: 01571 844374.
Mon 10 July Caithness Coast - Sarclet to Wick. Grade B/C
A spectacular cliff top walk with breeding seabirds colonies, natural arches,
stacks & caves. Admire the beauty of the East Caithness coast. Rough in
places, walking boots essential. Bring packed lunch. Meet at Sarclet car
park, ND350434 at 11am. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 4 hours. Not
suitable for children under 12 years. Donations welcome.
Tue 11 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. This ancient landscape,
studded with thousands of pools, is home to a wide range of rare & unusual
birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office
01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 11 July Sea shells and sea birds (Sannick Bay, Duncansby stacks).
Children`s group. Look for puffins, lucky shells and make you own
sculpture on the beach. Meet Duncansby Head lighthouse car park 11am.
Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Suits
children 8-11. Any child under 8 must have adult with them. Please book.
Donations welcome.
Tue 11 July Bone Caves, Inchnadamph. Grade C.
Fascinating walk to the nationally important Bone caves where ancient
bones of reindeer, humans and even polar bears were found. Meet at
11am at Bone Caves car park, NC253179, 4 km south of Inchnadamph.
Allow 4 hours. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Wed 12 July Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch the nesting
fulmars, puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is
also one of the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring
binoculars if possible. Meet at 11am at Stoer lighthouse car park,
NC005328. Allow 2 hours. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 12 July Waters of Dunbeath. Grade B.
Family event exploring the underwater life of the Dunbeath River. Meet at
Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294 at 2pm. Allow 2 hours. Booking
essential. HC East Caithness Ranger. Bring welly boots. All children must be
accompanied by a responsible adult. Donations welcome.
Wed 12 July Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641 205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Thu 13 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. This ancient landscape,
studded with thousands of pools, is home to a wide range of rare & unusual
birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office

01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 13 July Duncansby stacks - guided walk. Grade B.
Walk to the old red sandstone stacks, learn about their geology and how
the birds have made use of them. 2pm Duncansby lighthouse car park.
Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Stout footwear
advisable. Lasts 2-3 hours. Donations welcome.
Thu 13 July Rockpools at Clachtoll.
In search of Hermit Crabs, Sea Scorpions and all those weird and wonderful
beasties that live in our rockpools. Meet at 3pm at Clachtoll Beach car park,
NC040273. Allow 2 hours. HC Assynt Rangers.
Fri 14 July Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 14 July Keiss Rock Pool Rummage - Nature holiday club. Grade A.
Discover the secrets of the underwater world with meat eating predators &
air breathing fish. Children’s event (8-11 years). Meet at Keiss beach car
park, ND344601, at 9.30am. Allow 1.5 hours. Start time dependent on tide
times, please phone to find out. Booking essential. HC East Caithness
Ranger. Bring welly boots, warm/waterproof clothing. Charge £0.50p.
Sun 16 July Spin around Strathmore - cycling/riding event.
An event that uses the new access set up in the Strathmore area. Details to
follow. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531.
Mon 17 July Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2.00pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Mon 17 July Yarrows Archaeology Trail. Brochs, Burials & Bogs! Grade B/C.
A beginners introduction of the Yarrows area. Explore a landscape filled
with round house, chambered cairn & broch structures. Learn about the
wildlife along the way. Meet South Yarrows Farm car park, ND306433) at
7pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2.5 hours. Donations welcome.
Mon 17 July Loch an t-Sabhail, Little Assynt. Grade C.
A circular walk to the long deserted township of Beannach. Sometimes wet
underfoot, sometimes rough. Approx:11.00 am to 3.00 pm. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised. Bring packed lunch.
Meet at Little Assynt Field Car Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC154252.
Donations appreciated. Further information contact CCWT Office,
Lochinver, Tel: 01571 844 368.
Tue 18 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. This ancient landscape,
studded with thousands of pools, is home to a wide range of rare & unusual

birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office
01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 18 July “Who dunnit”, Lochinver. Grade B.
For all those budding Sherlock Holmes, this is an adventure for the animal
detectives. Investigate with the Ranger several crime scenes in the
countryside and help work out what was the crime and who committed it.
Watch out for red herrings and false moustaches. Meet at 11am at Lochinver
Tourist Information Centre, NC095225. Allow 3 hours. HC Assynt Rangers.
Bring packed lunch.
Tue 18 July Sea Watch at Strathy Point. Grade B.
Join the ranger at Strathy Point to use the telescope/binoculars to see if we
can observe any cetaceans (whales, dolphins or porpoise) at this hot spot.
Wrap up well and bring binoculars/telescopes if you have them. Meet at
Strathy Point (Totegan) car park at 2pm. Allow 1.5 - 2 hours. HC North
Sutherland Ranger. Sea watch will only take place if conditions are suitable!
Tue 18 July Dragon walk - children/family event.
Strange creatures live in Dunnet forest . See if we can track them down.
Will suit 5-8 year olds and the young at heart. Under 8s must be
accompanied by an adult. Dunnet forest 11 am. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Booking essential. Donations welcome.
Wed 19 July Black-throated Divers. Grade A.
Accompany an RSPB staff member to look for this stunningly beautiful birds
on a traditional breeding loch. Meet at 11am at the Assynt Visitor Centre,
Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225. Allow 2 hours. There is no charge for
the walk although donations are welcome. Please bring binoculars if
possible. RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 19 July Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart. Grid, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Wed 19 July Nature Kids. Grade B.
Children’s nature group during the school holidays, including games, events
and fun learning with the countryside ranger. Children from approximately
8-12. Meeting place varies depending on activity, please phone for details
prior to event. 11am - 1pm on Wednesdays. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Booking advised as limited numbers! Cost £1 per child.
Wed 19 July Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294.
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Thu 20 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. This ancient landscape,
studded with thousands of pools, is home to a wide range of rare & unusual
birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office
01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.

Thu 20 July Geology Car tour, from Lochinver. Grade A.
From the ancient gneiss rocks to the Glencoul thrust de-mystified. A tour of
some of the hot spots in the North West Highlands Geopark for geology
beginners. We will share cars for a short journey to visit these sites. Very
little walking. Meet at 11.00am the Lochinver Tourist Information Centre
NC095225. Allow 4 hours. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Fri 21 July Broubster forest - guided walk. Grade B/C.
This forest is great for its views over Caithness and there is also lots to see
in the pathside ponds. Meet Janet Street, Thurso 2pm. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Boots necessary as wet
in places. Allow 3 Hours. Booking essential. Donations welcome.
Fri 21 July Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 21 July Newtonhill Woodland Sculptures - Holiday nature club. Grade A.
Family event. Put your artistic flare into practice by making a range of
sculptures with natural material in the forest. Allow 2 hours. Meet at
Newtonhill Woodland at 2pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Booking essential.
Bring warm/waterproof clothing. Charge £0.50p.
Sat 22 July Farr Bay rock pools.
Bring the kids and Join the ranger to see what wonderful beasties we can
catch in the rock pools at Farr Bay, Bettyhill. Meet at A836 car park near
beach path, NC712622 at 1pm. Allow 2 hours. Bring nets. Cost £1 per
child. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Sun 23 July Cnoc an Fhreiceadain (Watch Hill) and Ben Tongue. Grade C.
Join the ranger on a walk to the summit of Cnoc an Fhreiceadain (307m)
and across the top to Ben Tongue. Enjoy your lunch whilst taking in the
stunning views across the Kyle of Tongue and surrounding area. Meet at the
A836 road side car park above Coldbackie Beach, NC612600 at 10.30am.
Allow 3.5-4 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger. Bring packed lunch.
Mon 24 July Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2pm at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver,
NC095225. RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Mon 24 July Holborn Head - evening walk. Grade B.
This clifftop walk passes seabirds, stacks, wild flowers and amazing
blowholes. This is a good time to see whales. Meet Scrabster lighthouse
7pm. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651.
Boots or stout footwear. Allow 2-3 hours. Donations welcome.
Tue 25 July Dunnet Bay - children’s group.
Animals through games. Dunnet pavilion 11am. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Suitable for children aged 7-11. Under 8s
must have an adult with them. Donations welcome.

Tue 25 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogs, Dragons & Beasties Walk.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. Explore the miniature world of
the bogs and experience the strange creatures and plants that live there.
2 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225. Meet Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 25 July Achmelvich. Grade C.
Beautiful coastal walk to the old meal mill at Altanabradhan. Expect to see
divers, dolphins and dragonflies. Meet at 11am at Achmelvich beach car
park, NC059248. Allow 4 hours. Total 5km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring
packed lunch.
Wed 26 July Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch fulmars,
puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is also one of
the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring binoculars if
possible. Meet at 11am at Stoer lighthouse car park, NC005328. Allow 2
hours. There is no charge for the walk although donations are welcome.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 26 July Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B.
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641 205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Wed 26 July Nature Kids. Grade B.
Children’s nature group during the school holidays, including games, events
and fun learning with the countryside ranger. Children from approximately
8-12. Meeting place varies depending on activity, please phone for details
prior to event. 11am - 1pm on Wednesdays. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Booking advised as limited numbers! Cost £1 per child.
Thu 27 July Dunnet Head - guided walk. Grade B/C.
A clifftop walk from the most northerly point of the Scottish mainland west
to Dwarick pier. Drivers returned to the start. Meet Dunnet Head lighthouse
car park 10.30am. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or
07748574651. Boots essential. Bring lunch. Allow 4-5 hours. Booking
essential. Donations welcome.
Thu 27 July Skerray local/natural history walks. Grade B.
Take a walk around the path networks of Skerray with the ranger and a
member of the local community who will tell us of the rich history of the
area. Route yet to be decided, either ring for details nearer the time or meet
at Skerray community hall, NC 672626 at 2pm. Allow 2.5-3 hours. HC
North Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 27 July RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows, home
to a wide range of rare & unusual birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to 4.45 pm.
RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre.
Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 27 July Seals at Oldany near Drumbeg. Grade B.
Experience the delights of a Common Seal colony with maybe a chance of
seeing otters along this fantastically rich coastline. Meet at 11am at

Drumbeg view point car park, NC120330. Allow 3 hours. Bring binoculars
and quiet clothing. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 27 July Nature club on the road. Grade A.
A morning guddling about in search of pond life. For children aged 8-12.
10.00-12.00 Meet at Balblair Woods car park, by Bonar Bridge, NH603929.
All children must be accompanied by an adult. Wellies useful. Booking
essential on 01549 402 638. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 27 July Coastal Treasures of the Wick Coast. Grade B.
Experience the sights, smells of an amazing seabird colony set amidst the
beauty of the East Caithness Coast. Discover sea stacks, natural arch &
caves along the way. Meet at 7pm outside the old herring mart (red &
yellow wooden hut), Wick Harbour, ND369505. HC East Caithness Ranger.
Allow 2.5 hours. Donations welcome. Booking prefered.
Fri 28 July Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel: 01571 844374.
Fri 28 July Dragon Walk at Newtonhill Woodland - Holiday nature club. Grade A.
Children’s event (8-11 years). Discover the secrets of Newtonhill & the
weird and wonderful creatures that live there. Meet at Newtonhill car park,
ND348496 at 11am. Allow 2 hours. Booking essential. HC East Caithness
Ranger. Charge £0.50p.
Fri 28 July Nature club on the road. Grade A
Search the woods and loch side for the tracks and signs of animals. For
children aged between 8-12. 10.00-12.00. Meet at the Ferrycroft
Countryside Centre, Lairg. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Booking essential on 01549 402638. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Mon 31 July Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2pm at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver,
NC095225. RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel: 01571 844374.
Mon 31 July All-abilities Path, Leitir Easaidh, Little Assynt. Grade A.
An easy stroll via three lochs, with native woods, old and young along the
way. Approx 11.00am to 2.00pm. Binoculars and wet weather gear advised.
Meet at Leitir Easaidh car park on A837 near Lochinver, NC173263.
Donations appreciated. Contact CCWT Office Tel: 01571 844 368.
Mon 31 July Loch Innis Thorcaill, Little Assynt. Grade C.
A longer walk through the lochs, rocks and boggy flows of Little Assynt
Estate. Learn how people lived in this apparently inhospitable landscape.
Often rough underfoot, often wet. Approx. 11.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised. Bring
packed lunch. Meet at Leitir Easaidh Car Park on A837 near Lochinver,
NC173263. Donations appreciated. Further information contact CCWT
Office, Lochinver, Tel: 01571 844 368.

Mon 31 July Dwarick Head - guided walk. Grade B.
Walk to the place where the selkie’s treasure lies and lunch by the hidden
loch. Meet 11am car park north end of bay. Contact HC North Caithness
Ranger 01847 821531. Boots essential, bring lunch. Lasts 3-4 hours.
Donations welcome.

Tue 1 Aug Achvarasdal Woodland adventure. Grade B.
Children`s group. This is an exciting and mysterious wood. Explore it with
the rangers. Meet woodland entrance 11am. Contact HC North Caithness
Ranger 01847 821531. This would suit children aged 6 -10. Under 8 years
must be accompanied by an adult. Please book. Donations welcome.
Tue 1 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows, home
to a wide range of rare & unusual birds, animals & plants.2.00 to 4.45 pm.
RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre.
Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 1 Aug Cul Mor, near Elphin. Grade D.
Climb to the top of this magnificent mountain with super views and some
rare and interesting plants. (849m). Meet at 11am at the small lay-by,
NC189094 just south of Knockan Visitor centre. Allow 7 hours. There will
be an alternative shorter walk if the weather is bad. HC Assynt Rangers.
Bring packed lunch.
Tue 1 Aug Farr Bay and Dunes. Grade B.
Amble around Farr Bay area with the local countryside ranger. Expect to see
lots of beautiful coastal plants and come and see the wonderful bumblebee
site in the dune system. Hopefully we will see the rare great yellow
bumblebee which is found here. Meet at A836 car park near beach path,
NC 712622 at 2pm. Allow 2-2.5 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 1 Aug Flowers and Butterflies. Grade B.
The dunes at Littleferry are superb just now for flowers and butterflies.
10.00-12.00. Meet at the Littleferry car park, Loch Fleet National Nature
Reserve, NH805960. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.

Wed 2 Aug Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B.
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641 205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Wed 2 Aug Black-throated Divers. Grade A.
Accompany an RSPB staff member to look for this stunningly beautiful birds
on a traditional breeding loch. Meet at 11am at the Assynt Visitor Centre,
Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225. Allow 2 hours. No charge but donations
are welcome. Please bring binoculars if possible. RSPB Heron Information
Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 2 Aug Fossil Fish Foray at Achanarras Quarry. Grade B.
A beginners introduction to the fossil fish of the Caithness area. Search the
famous quarry site for fish from 380 million years ago. Meet quarry car
park, ND152541 at 10am. Allow 2 hours. Booking essential. HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Donations welcome.
Wed 2 Aug Nature club on the road. Grade A.
Join the Trees R Us road show to learn more about these amazing plants.
For children aged between 8-12. 10.00-12.00. Meet at Carbisdale Castle
Forest car park, NH575955. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Booking essential on 01549 402 638. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Wed 2 Aug Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294.
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Wed 2 Aug Nature Kids. Grade B.
Children’s nature group during the school holidays, including games, events
and fun learning with the countryside ranger. Children from approximately
8-12. Meeting place varies depending on activity, please phone for details
prior to event. 11am - 1pm on Wednesdays. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Booking advised as limited numbers! Cost £1 per child.
Thu 3 Aug Spinningdale Woods. Grade C.
Explore the new path through the Woodlands Trust reserve to a viewpoint
overlooking the Dornoch Firth. 10.00-13.00. Meet at the car park one mile
up the minor road from Spinningdale to Migdale, NH665908. HC Mid &
East Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 3 Aug Dunnet Bay - evening walk - beach, dunes & forest. Grade B.
Explore these different habitats and see the changes made in the local
community woodland. Meet 7pm at Dunnet Bay car park north
ND219705. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Stout
footwear advisable. Lasts 2-3 hours. Donations welcome.
Thu 3 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Flow Country Plants and
Dragonfly Walk. Grade C.
Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. Find out all
about the bogs and the amazing plants and dragonflies that live there. 2.00
to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.

Thu 3 Aug Lochinver evening walk. Grade C.
An evening stroll on the look out for tracks and signs of animals. Pine
martens and badgers use this area but wolves and bears have been seen on
this walk so be warned. Bring a sense of fun and adventure. Meet 7.00pm
at the Lochinver Tourist Information Centre, NC095225. Allow 2.5 hours.
HC Assynt Rangers.
Fri 4 Aug Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Sat 5 Aug Dunnet Forest Open Day.
Further details available nnearer the time. Contact HC North Caithness
Ranger 01847 821531.
Sun 6 Aug Walk part of the county March - guided walk. Grade B.
Follow the border of Caithness and Sutherland as it goes inland into some
typical northern landscapes and wild country. Meet 10.30am at the lay-by
Caithness/Sutherland border, NC921645. Contact HC North Caithness
Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Boots necessary as wet in places.
Allow 4-5 hours. Bring lunch. Booking essential. Donations welcome.
Mon 7 Aug Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2pm at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver,
NC095 225. RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Tue 8 Aug Blooming marvellous! Grade B.
A walk through the wildflower meadows and salt marsh of the Common
Good Lands. 10.00-12.00. Meet at the Airfield car park, Dornoch.
NH802884. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 8 Aug Children’s nature group - nature games.
Explore the lives of the mini beasts through games. Meet Dunnet Bay car
park north 11am. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or
07748574651. Suitable for children aged 7-11. Under 8s must have an
adult with them. Donations welcome.
Tue 8 Aug Clachtoll Sand Sculpture Contest.
Fun for all the family. Bring bucket and spade and lots of ideas. There will
be some superb prizes to be won. Meet at 11.30am at Clachtoll Beach car
park, NC040273. Judging at 1.00pm. The winners will be announced at
1.30pm. HC Assynt Rangers. There will be a barbeque.
Tue 8 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Flow Country Plants and
Dragonfly Walk. Grade C.
Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. Find out all
about the bogs and the amazing plants and dragonflies that live there. 2.00
to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225. Meet Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.

Wed 9 Aug Dunbeath Dragon Walk. Grade B.
Children’s event (8-11 years). Discover the secrets of Dunbeath strath & the
weird and wonderful creatures that live there. Meet at Dunbeath Mill car
park, ND160299 at 2pm. Allow 2 hours. Booking essential. HC East
Caithness Ranger. Donations welcome.
Wed 9 Aug Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B.
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641 205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Wed 9 Aug Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch fulmars
puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is also one of
the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring binoculars if
possible. Meet at 11.00am at Stoer lighthouse car park NC005328. Allow 2
hours. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB Heron Information
Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 9 Aug Nature Kids. Grade B.
Children’s nature group during the school holidays, including games,
events and fun learning with the countryside ranger. Children from
approximately 8-12. Meeting place varies depending on activity, please
phone for details prior to event. 11am - 1pm on Wednesdays. HC North
Sutherland Ranger. Booking advised as limited numbers! Cost £1 per child.
Thu 10 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Come and enjoy an walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows,
home to a wide range of rare & unusual birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to
4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225. Meet Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 10 Aug John o’Groats to Stacks via shell beach. Grade B/C
Guided walk. Search for the lucky Groatie buckies along this historic
section of coastline on the way to the magnificent stacks of Duncansby.
11am from JOG car park (by First and last house). Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531 or 07748574651. Booking essential. Allow
3-4 hours. Bring lunch. Bring lunch & boots or stout footwear. Donations
Thu 10 Aug Wick River. Grade B.
A leisurely walk up the Wick river taking in relaxing views, birds and
wildflower. Meet at Somerfield car park (boating shed end ND361511) at
7pm. Allow 2.5 hours. HC East Caithness Ranger. Donations welcome.
Thu 10 Aug Ben Bhraggie. Grade D.
A 6 mile walk through woodland and by loch, finishing at the spectacular
monument to the 1st Duke of Sutherland, one of the best viewpoints in the
area. 10.00-14.00. Meet at the Golspie car park (near Co-op), Golspie.
HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 10 Aug Borgie Forest Kids Cycle Event. Grade B.
Bring your bicycle along to Borgie Forest and join the ranger as we ride
around the cycle route. Let’s see what we see and how unfit the ranger

really is. Meet at the Borgie Glen car park, NC680568 at 1pm. Cost £1 per
child. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 10 Aug Rockpools at Achmelvich.
In search of Hermit Crabs, Sea Scorpions and all those weird and wonderful
beasties that live in our rockpools. Meet at 2.00pm at Achmelvich beach
car park, NC059248. Allow 2 hours. HC Assynt Rangers.
Fri 11 Aug Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 11 Aug Reiss Beach Sand Sculpture Contest. Grade A.
Family event. Making a sculpture from sand, seaweed & beach materials.
£1 per family group. Prize for best sculpture. Meet at Reiss beach car park,
ND344556 at 9.30am. HC East Caithness Ranger.
Sun 13 Aug Lybster Seawatch 2005. Grade B.
Take part in the national Seawatch by helping to search for whales &
dolphins from the Swiney Hill Coastal viewpoint. Meet at Lybster Heritage
Centre, ND243349 at 11am for a short illustrated talk on whales and
dolphins before embarking on monitoring. Please wear warm clothes. Bring
binoculars if you have them. Booking essential. HC East Caithness Ranger.
Cost £1 per person.
Mon 14 Aug Wildlife Craft Activities.
Make a puffin mobile or a soaring eagle, create your own dazzling
dragonfly or cork millipede. Booking is recommended. This is a free event
but donations are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Meet at 2.00pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Mon 14 Aug Latheronwheel Monday Meander. Grade B.
Sea watching on the cliff top & woodland wander. Meet Latheronwheel
harbour, ND191321 at 2pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2 hours.
Donations welcome.
Mon 14 Aug Sea watch at Portskerra. Grade B.
We will conduct a sea watch from the headland and hopefully witness
these magnificent cetaceans in their natural environment (fingers crossed).
Meet at Portskerra harbour, NC879663 at 2pm. Allow 1.5-2 hours. HC
North Sutherland Ranger. Bring binoculars/telescopes if you have them.
Tue 15 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Bogs Plants & Beasties Walk.
Grade C. Enjoy a guided walk in the Flows. Explore the miniature world of
the bogs and experience the strange creatures and plants that live there.
2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571225. Meet Forsinard
Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear
Tue 15 Aug Cetacean Watch at Stoer Lighthouse.
A short slide show about Whales and Dolphins at Stoer Hall at 10am will
be followed by a visit to Stoer lighthouse. The Ranger will be at the

lighthouse with a telescope to hopefully see any passing Dolphins or
Whales. You can stay as long as you like. Meet at Stoer hall, NC042297 at
10am or meet at Stoer Lighthouse, NC005327 anytime thereafter. The
likelihood of seeing anything will depend very much on the weather. Please
bring binoculars if you have a pair. This event is part of the National
Seawatch Foundation “Whale and Dolphin Watch”. HC Assynt Rangers.
Bring packed lunch.
Tue 15 Aug St John’s Point and the Haven - guided walk. Grade C.
Walk over the headland to this promontory fort and follow the coast to the
hidden haven. Meet Mey Hall car park (opposite the drive entrance to the
castle of Mey), 2pm. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531.
Rough walking with a little gradient. Boots essential. Lasts 2 hours approx.
Donations welcome.
Tue 15 Aug Glen Cassley Aquaduct. Grade D.
A 6 mile walk to look at the extraordinary hydro-electricity engineering
works in Glen Cassley. Great views and wildlife too. 10.00-14.00. Meet at
Rosehall trails car park, Rosehall, NC480019 to share cars as parking at the
head of the glen is limited. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Wed 16 Aug Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B.
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641 205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Wed 16 Aug Dunbeath Wednesday Wander. Grade B.
Strath stroll or shoreline heritage walk with fascinating archaeology & local
tales from the past. Meet 2pm at Dunbeath Heritage Centre, ND162294.
Dunbeath Preservation Trust 01593 731233. Allow 2.5 hours.
Thu 17 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Come and enjoy a walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows,
home to a wide range of rare & unusual birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to
4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 17 Aug Dunnet Bay - evening walk. Grade B.
Discover the specialities of these three very different habitats of seashore,
dune and forest. Meet Dunnet Bay north 7pm. Contact HC North Caithness
Ranger 01847 821531. Stout footwear advisable. Lasts 2-3 hours. Donations
Thu 17 Aug Dragonflies at Lochinver. Grade A.
Family event to learn more about these colourful killing machines; their
airborne and underwater existence. See them close up! Meet at 11am at the
Lochinver Tourist Information Centre, NC095225. Allow 3 hours. HC Assynt
Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 17 Aug Gold in these hills! Grade A.
The original Sutherland gold rush was in 1868 but no-one got very rich. You
never know your luck though, so come and try your hand at gold panning.
11.00-14.00. Meet at Helmsdale harbour car park. Bring wellies. Small
charge for equipment hire. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 17 Aug Castle Varrich. Grade C.
Enjoy an afternoon stroll up to the enigmatic ruins of Castle Varrich situated
looking over the stunning Kyle of Tongue. Discuss some of the theories of
why it was built and by whom. Meet at the car park by the Royal Bank of
Scotland in Tongue, NC592567 at 2pm. Allow 2 hours. HC North
Sutherland Ranger.
Fri 18 Aug Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. The walk is suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB
Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 18 Aug Lybster Coast. Grade B.
A cliff top walk to the old herring station at Achastle to look for cetaceans,
nesting seabirds & plantlife. Meet 1.30pm, Lybster Heritage Centre
ND243349. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2.5 hours. Donations
Mon 21 Aug All-abilities Path, Leitir Easaidh, Little Assynt. Grade A.
An easy stroll via three lochs with native woods, old and young, along the
way. Approx. 11.00am to 2.00 pm. Binoculars and wet weather gear
advised. Meet at Leitir Easaidh Car Park on A837 near Lochinver,
NC173263. Donations appreciated. Further information contact CCWT
Office, Lochinver, Tel:01571 844 368.
Mon 21 Aug Loch Beannach, Little Assynt. Grade B.
Walk to beautiful Loch Beannach with its wooded islands. Sometimes wet
underfoot, sometimes rough. Approx:11.00 am to 3.00 pm. Binoculars,
wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised. Bring packed lunch.
Meet at Little Assynt Field Car Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC154252.
Donations appreciated. Further information contact CCWT Office,
Lochinver, Tel:01571 844 368.
Tue 22 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Come and enjoy a walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows,
home to a wide range of rare & unusual birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to
4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Tue 22 Aug Melvich Bat Hunt. Grade A.
Join the ranger and hunt for the local bats in Melvich by using bat
detectors. Hear their strange calls played through the detectors and learn
some interesting facts about our only flying mammals. Meet at Melvich
public toilets car park, NC877661 at 8pm. Allow 1.5-2 hours. HC North
Sutherland Ranger. Bring a torch and wrap up warm.
Tue 22 Aug In search of Sika. Grade C.
A 3 mile walk through the new trails to view the Achness Falls and look for
Sika deer. 10.00-12.00. Meet Rosehall Trails car park, Rosehall, NC480019.
HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 22 Aug Traligill, Inchnadamph. Grade C.
Walk through the valley of the trolls to the ancient limestone caves of
Inchnadamph National Nature Reserve. Meet at 11.00am at Inchnadamph
car park, NC251217. Allow 5 hours. Total 9km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring
packed lunch.
Wed 23 Aug Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch the nesting
fulmars squabble on the cliff ledges through a telescope and look out for
passing puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is also
one of the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring binoculars if
possible. Meet at 11.00am at Stoer lighthouse car park, NC005328. Allow
2 hours. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB Heron Information
Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Wed 23 Aug Dunbeath Strath. Grade B.
Join a circular walk up part of Braemore road linking back to the strath of
Dunbeath with wildlife and tales from the past. Meet Dunbeath Heritage
Centre, ND162294 at 1pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 3.5/4 hours.
Donations welcome.
Wed 23 Aug Heritage and Nature walks. Grade B.
Alternating walks taking in the wonderfully rich history of Rogart or the
varied natural history or both! 09.30-12.30. Meet at the war memorial,
Pittentrail Cross, Rogart, NC726020. Rogart Heritage Society
01408 641 205. Dogs on a lead please. Adults £3 Children and OAP’s £2.
Wed 23 Aug Tongue Bat Hunt. Grade A
Use the rangers bat detectors and enjoy hearing the local midge munchers
as they fly around the Tongue area at night. Learn more about these
fascinating flying mammals. Meet at the car park by the Royal Bank of
Scotland in Tongue, NC567592 at 8pm. Allow 1.5-2 hours. HC North
Sutherland Ranger. Bring a torch and wrap up well.
Thu 24 Aug Brora to Golspie. Grade C.
Catch the train from Golspie to Brora and walk 6 miles back along this
lovely coastline. 09.00-13.00. Meet at Golspie railway station. Fare approx
£1.50 HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Thu 24 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Guided Walk through the Flows.
Grade C. Come and enjoy a walk in the ancient landscape of the Flows,
home to a wide range of rare & unusual birds, animals & plants. 2.00 to
4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet Forsinard Visitor
Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear advised.
Thu 24 Aug Bat Evening, Lochinver. Grade A.
Slide show at the Assynt Visitor Centre followed by a visit to a local
Pipistrelle roost to watch up to 100 bats leave their roost. Meet at 7.30pm
at the Lochinver Tourist Information Centre, NC095225. Allow 2-3 hours.
The success of the evening will depend somewhat on the weather. HC
Assynt Rangers.
Fri 25 Aug Culag Wood Heronry Guided Walk. Grade A.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of one of the largest heronries in the Highlands.
Meet at 2pm, Assynt Visitor Centre, Main Street, Lochinver, NC095225.
Allow 2 hours. Suitable for families although children must be
accompanied by an adult. No charge but donations welcome. RSPB Heron
Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 25 Aug Achvarasdal bat walk. Grade A.
A dusk time daunder to locate the bats hunting this lovely woodland. Meet
8.30pm at entrance to woodland. Contact HC North Highland Ranger
01847 821531. Bring warm clothing and torches. Children under 16 must
be accompanied. Donations welcome.
Fri 25 Aug Bettyhill Bat Hunt. Grade A
Let’s see if we can locate the original, natural midge machines in the
Bettyhill area. Have a go with the bat detectors and listen to the crazy
sounds produced by the bats as they feed and communicate. You can learn
some real facts about these wonderful mammals. Meet at Bettyhill public
toilets car park, NC706618 at 8pm. Allow 1.5-2 hours. HC North
Sutherland Ranger. Bring a torch and wrap up well.
Sat 26 Aug Skerray Bat Hunt. Grade A
What can eat 3000 midges in one night? Come along tonight and find out.
Use the bat detectors and well hopefully get to watch the midges getting
bitten for a change. Meet at Skerray community hall, NC672626 at 8pm.
HC North Sutherland Ranger. Bring a torch and wrap up well.
Sun 27 Aug Duke of Kent Walk. Grade B/C.
Memorial service at monument, meet Dunbeath Heritage Centre,
ND162294 at 12 noon to share cars. Join us at DHC afterwards to see our
Exhibition and discuss thoughts over a cup of tea. Wear stout boots and
appropriate clothing. No dogs please.
Tue 29 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Flow Country Plants and
Dragonfly Walk. Grade C. Enjoy a walk in the Flows. Find out all about the
bogs and the amazing plants and Dragonflies that live there. 2.00 to
4.45pm. RSPB Scotland Forsinard Office 01641 571 225. Meet at Forsinard
Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet weather gear
Tue 29 Aug Strathy Point to Aultivullin. Grade C.
Dramatic sea cliff walk, with caves, arches and beautiful coastal plants.
Possibly see a cetacean (whale, dolphin or porpoise) from the high cliffs.
Meet at Strathy Point (Totegan) car park, NC827687 at 2pm.
Allow 2.5 - 3 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 29 Aug Bat walk. Grade A.
Search for bats around the castle grounds and by the Kyle of Sutherland.
20.30-22.00. Meet at Carbisdale Castle Forest car park, NH575955.
Bring a torch. Booking essential on 01549 402 638. HC Mid & East
Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 29 Aug Drumbeg Peat Road. Grade B.
Journey into the interior of Assynt rich in wildlife and history. Find out how
the crofters gained control of their land and hear the famous story of the
Drumbeg murder. Meet at 11.00am at Drumbeg view point car park,
NC120330. 8km. Allow 4 hours. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 31 Aug Batty About Bats! Grade B.
Learn about how the midge munchers catch prey & navigate through the
dark by joining this bat walk. Meet at Latheronwheel harbour, ND191321 at
8.45pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Booking essential. Wear stout footwear
& bring a torch. Event weather dependent - please phone to book a place.
Donations welcome.
Thu 31 Aug RSPB Scotland Forsinard Nature Reserve. Flow Country Plants and
Dragonfly Walk. Grade C.
Come and enjoy an afternoon’s walk in the
Flows. Find out all about the bogs and the amazing plants and Dragonflies
that live there. 2.00 to 4.45 pm. RSPB Forsinard Office 01641 571 225
Meet at Forsinard Visitor Centre. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and wet
weather gear advised.
Thu 31 Aug Achmelvich. Grade C.
Beautiful coastal walk to the old meal mill at Altanabradhan through
croftland and machair with stunning view out to sea. We will look for signs
of Otters and keep an eye out for the summer resident Harbour Porpoises.
Meet at 11.00am at Achmelvich beach car park, NC059248. Allow 5 hours.
Total 5km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Thu 31 Aug Croick-Alladale. Grade C.
Starting at a moving reminder of the clearances, we will wander over the
hill to enjoy one of the best remnants of the Caledonian Forest in
Sutherland, a distance of 5 miles. 11.00-14.00. Meet at Croick church,
Strathcarron, NH454914. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.

September Scottish Archaeology Month.
Caithness Archaeological Trust will be putting on events throughout
September for Scottish Archaeology Month, they may not all be listed here.
For more information contact Emma at Caithness Archaeological Trust, on
01593 731269 or check out www.Caithness.Org  nearer the time.
Fri 1 Sept Batty About Bats! Grade B.
Learn about how the midge munchers catch prey & navigate through the
dark by coming to an illustrated slide show followed by a bat walk up the
Wick River. Start 7.45pm. HC East Caithness Ranger. Wear stout footwear
& bring a torch. Booking essential. Event weather dependent - please phone
to book a place. Donations welcome.


Sat 2 Sept Yarrows Trail - Burials, Broch & Bogs! Grade B/C.
A family event at the Yarrows Archaeology Trail. Walk the Yarrows area,
travel back through time and meet the people from the past. Discover
where and how they lived. Meet at South Yarrows Farm car park,
ND306433 at 2pm. Not suitable for children under the age of 8 years.
Rough walking, approximately 2 miles on hill ground. Booking essential -
HC East Caithness Ranger. Event organised by HC Countryside Rangers &
Caithness Archaeology Trust. Allow 3 hours. Donations welcome.
Sun 3 Sept Achanarras - Family Fossil event. Grade B.
Enjoy an afternoon looking for fossil fish in this quarry and find out about
their story. Meet at Achanarras quarry car park 2pm (follow the signs from
the A9 just south of Spittal). Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847
821531. Rough walking with a little gradient. Strong footwear advisable.
Lasts 3 hours approx. Please book. Donations welcome.
Sun 3 Sept Castletown bat walk. Grade A.
Castlehill is a good place for bat detecting join us in our hunt to see what’s
flying about. Meet 8.00 pm at car park south end of the bay. Contact HC
North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Bring warm clothing and torches.
Children under 16 must be accompanied. Donations welcome.
Tue 5 Sept Clachtoll Coastal walk. Grade B.
Coastal walk to the Iron-age fort. Find out what made Clachtoll so special
for the Picts, the Vikings. You will hear the story of skeletons, ancient saunas
and the “murder hole”. Meet 11am at Clachtoll Beach car park, NC040273.
Allow 3 hours. Total 4km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Wed 6 Sept A new look at The Picts - Scottish Archaeology Month.
An evening talk by Niall Smith on behalf of Caithness Archaeological Trust.
For further details contact Emma at the Trust on: 01593 731269.
Wed 6 Sept Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch fulmars
puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is also one of
the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring binoculars if
possible. Meet at 11am Stoer lighthouse car park, NC005328. Allow 2
hours. No charge but donations are welcome. RSPB Heron Information
Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Fri 8 Sept Halkirk bat walk. Grade A.
Meet at Braawl castle and see what little creatures like this place for their
home. Meet 8.00pm. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531.
Bring warm clothing and torches. Children under 16 must be accompanied.
Donations welcome.
Sat 9 Sept Cetaceans by sea - Porpoise watch. Grade A.
This is the best month for porpoise in this area of the Pentland Firth. Watch
them from the deck of the JOG ferry. Details with booking. Contact HC
North Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Lasts 90 minutes approx. Cost
£14.00 per adult. Under 16 half. Under 5 free. Donations welcome.
A day of doors opening around the county. For more information contact
Emma at Caithness Archaeological Trust, on 01593 731269 or check out
www.Caithness.Org  nearer the time.
Sun 10 Sept Armadale to Kirtomy. Grade C.
Moorland walk from Armadale, following the old cart track to the deserted
settlement of Poulouriscaig and on across the moor to Kirtomy. Meet at
Armadale community hall, NC786644 at 10.30am. Allow 3.5 - 4 hours. HC
North Sutherland Ranger. Bring packed lunch.
Mon 11 Sept Loch an t-Sabhail, Little Assynt. Grade C.
A circular walk to the long-deserted township of Beannach. Sometimes wet
underfoot, sometimes rough. Approx 11am to 3pm. Binoculars, wellies/
walking boots and wet weather gear advised. Bring packed lunch. Meet
Little Assynt Field Car Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC154252. Donations
appreciated. Contact CCWT Office, Lochinver, Tel:01571 844 368.
Tue 12 Sept Fungus amongst us! Grade B.
They provoke more fear and misunderstanding than any other living thing.
Come and find out more about these colourful and curious organisms.
10.00-12.00. Meet at Balblair Woods entrance, Loch Fleet National Nature
Reserve, NH815977. HC Mid & East Sutherland Ranger.
Tue 12 Sept Bone Caves, Inchnadamph. Grade C.
Fascinating walk to the nationally important Bone caves where ancient
bones of reindeer, humans and even polar bears were found. Meet at
11am at Bone Caves car park, NC253179, 4 km south of Inchnadamph.
Allow 4 hours. Total 4km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Fri 15 Sept Caithness Castle Capers. Grade B.
A mini bus tour of some of the fascinating East Caithness Castles and broch
sites including Castle of Old Wick, Sinclair Girnigoe, Old Keiss & Bucholie.
Leaving from Somerfield car park, Wick at 11am. Booking essential - HC
East Caithness Ranger. Event run by HC countryside rangers & Caithness
Archaeology Trust. Allow 5 hours. Cost £6 per person including a soup and
sandwich lunch on-route.
Sat 16 Sept The Picts - Scottish Archaeology Month.
An evening talk by Cait Mccullach on behalf of Caithness Archaeological
Trust. For further details contact Emma at the Trust on: 01593 731269.
Sat 16 Sept Beachwatch 2005 - Keiss beach.
Take part in this national event & make you local beach a better place to
visit. Help collect & record the rubbish to aid with data collection by the
Marine Society. Meet at Keiss beach at 2pm. Gloves will be provided on the
day. Wear warm clothes & stout footwear. HC East Caithness Ranger.
Sat 16 Sept Nordic walking - easy to moderate.
Fancy trying something new? Come along to Camore Wood to try Nordic
walking. Nordic walking is an exciting new exercise using special
walking poles. Nordic walking is fun for everyone and for every level of
fitness so come along and give it a go. Poles will be supplied. BOOKING
ESSENTIAL. Meet at Camore Wood car park, just outside Dornoch,
NH767887. 90 minute sessions will be run throughout the day depending
on number of bookings. Please phone Forestry Commission Scotland to
book your time slot T: 01862 810 359.
Sun 17 Sept Cnoc an Fhreiceadain (Watch Hill) and Ben Tongue. Grade C.
Join the ranger on a walk to the summit of Cnoc an Fhreiceadain (307m)
and across the top to Ben Tongue. Enjoy your lunch whilst taking in the
stunning views across the Kyle of Tongue and surrounding area. Meet at the
A836 road side car park above Coldbackie Beach, NC612600 at 10.30am.
Allow 3.5-4 hours. HC North Sutherland Ranger. Bring packed lunch.
Tue 19 Sept The limestone scenery of Inchnadamph. Grade B.
Navigate through the ancient limestone landscape of this national nature
reserve, past secret caves full of stalactites and dramatic fault lines that
create dramatic waterfalls and dry river beds. The mysteries of Inchnadamph
will be revealed. Meet at 11am at Inchnadamph car park, NC251217.
Allow 5 hours. Total 9km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Sun 24 Sept Fungi foray and natures larder - Dunnet Forest. Grade A.
Discover how fungi operate as natures recyclers within this coniferous
woodland. Then have lunch at the Dunnet Pavilion and see what else there
is in natures larder. 10.30am forest car park. Contact HC North Caithness
Ranger 01847 821531. Stout footwear advisable. Lasts 3-4 hours. Bring
lunch. Donations welcome.
Tue 26 Sept Mushrooms and Toadstools of Culag Wood. Grade A.
Explore the marvellous world of fungi. Meet the different characters and
learn their secrets in one of the best fungi woods in Sutherland. Meet
11.00am at the Culag Wood car park, NC093214 off the road to
Inverkirkaig. Allow 3 hours. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Wed 27 Sept Fungi foray - Newton Hill community woodland. Grade A.
For such a small woodland there are an amazing number of different fungi.
Come and discover them. 6.30.pm. Contact HC North Caithness Ranger
01847 821531. Lasts 1.5 hours approx. Donations welcome.
Wed 27 Sept Seabirds at Stoer. Grade C.
Join us on a stunning cliff top walk from Stoer lighthouse. Watch fulmars
puffins, guillemots, bonxies, peregrines and much more. This is also one of
the best places for whale and dolphin watching. Bring binoculars if
possible. Meet at 11am at Stoer lighthouse car park, NC005328. Allow 2
hours. There is no charge for the walk although donations are welcome.
RSPB Heron Information Assistant Tel:01571 844374.
Sat 30 Sept Archaeology for the young at Heart.
An Event by Caithness Young Archaeologists for Scottish Archaeology Month
and Highland Archaeology Fortnight. For more information contact Emma
at Caithness Archaeological Trust, on 01593 731269 or check out
www.Caithness.Org  nearer the time.
Sat 30 Sept - Sun 15th October Highland Archaeology Fortnight.
Caithness Archaeological Trust will be putting on events throughout these
two weeks, they will not all be listed here. For more information contact
Emma at Caithness Archaeological Trust, on 01593 731269 or check out
www.Caithness.Org  nearer the time.

Mon 2 Oct Loch Beannach, Little Assynt. Grade B.
Learn about farming in Assynt, before and after the Clearances, while
walking to this loch with its beautiful wooded islands. Often wet underfoot,
often rough. Approx 11am to 4pm. Binoculars, wellies/walking boots and
wet weather gear advised. Bring packed lunch. Meet at Little Assynt Field
Car Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC154252. Donations appreciated.
Further information contact CCWT Office, Lochinver: Tel:01571 844 368.
Tue 3 Oct The Clearance Village of Dubh Clais, near Lochinver. Grade B.
Fascinating walk to the old Clearance Village where many households were
moved to make way for a sheep farm in 1800. Find out what life may have
been like then and examine the evidence that remains in the landscape
today. Meet 11am at the Lochinver Tourist Information Centre, NC095225.
Allow 4 hours. Total 8km. HC Assynt Rangers. Bring packed lunch.
Sat 7 Oct North coast harbour trawl - Walk and tour. Grade A.
The harbours of the north coast are full of wildlife and history. Join us in
discovering their past and present. Details on booking. Contact HC North
Caithness Ranger 01847 821531. Lasts mid morning to mid afternoon.
Costs £4.00 per head to cover mini bus transport. Booking essential. Bring
lunch. Part of archaeology fortnight.
Sun 8 Oct Altimarlich, Wick River. Grade B/C.
A walk up the Wick River to the battle site at Altimarlich. Meet Sommerfield
car park, boating shed end at 11am. Bring lunch. HC East Caithness Ranger.
Allow 3.5 hours. Wear warm/waterproof clothes & walking boots.
Mon 9 Oct Ancient Woodland Walk, Little Assynt. Grade C.
Discover the secrets of ancient woodland remnants in Assynt. Short walk,
often rough going. Approx. 11am to 2pm. Meet at Little Assynt Field Car
Park on A837 near Lochinver, NC154252. Donations appreciated.
Further information contact CCWT Office, Lochinver: Tel: 01571 844 368.
Thu 12 Oct Yarrows Archaeology Trail - Brochs, Burials & Bogs! Grade B/C.
A beginners introduction of the Yarrows area. Explore a landscape filled
with round house, chambered cairn & broch structures. Learn about the
wildlife along the way. Meet South Yarrows Farm car park, ND306433 at
11am. HC East Caithness Ranger. Allow 2.5 hours. Bring packed lunch.
Donations welcome.

North Caithness Mary Legg 01847 821531
East Caithness Marina Swanson 01955 607758
North West Sutherland Donald Mitchell 01971 511756
Mid & East Sutherland Ian Paterson 01549 402638
North Sutherland Paul Castle 01641 521884
Assynt Andy Summers 01571 844654
RSPB SCOTLAND 01641 571225