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                  Health & Welfare


FREEPHONE  0800 072 0150
Lines Open Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm

EAGA LTD, Freepost, SCO 4421, Edinburgh EH6 OBR

Grants available to people on benefits.

Guidance notes
for applying for a grant under the WARM DEAL SCHEME

You can only apply for a grant if both you and your home eligible.

What are the grants for?

The grants are for improving the energy efficiency of properties that are not insulated up to a minimum standard.  The grant helps you to meet the cost of one or more of the following measures:

  • insulating the loft, cold water tanks and pipes (up to 200mm)
  • draughtproofing doors and windows
  • insulating the wall cavities
  • upgrading the heating system controls
Who can claim?
You can claim a grant if your home is eligible (as described above) and you are an owner-occupier or a tenant and you receive (or your spouse receives) one or more of the benefits listed below.  If you are not in receipt of one of these benefits you can also apply for a grant if you are, or your spouse is, aged 60 or over.
  • Attendance Allowance   
  • Council Tax Benefit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Disability Working Allowance
  • Family Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit - Must include- Constant Attendance Allowance.
  • War Disablement Pension -
    Must include Mobility Supplement or Constant Attendance Allowance.
The cost to you.

Your grant will depend on the cost of the materials and labour, provided your home is eligible and you or your spouse is eligible.  The maximum amount you can claim, if you or your spouse receives one of the above benefits is �500.  If you apply for a grant because you or your spouse are aged 60 or over and not in receipt of one of the above benefits the amount that you can claim is 25% of the cost of the work up to a maximum of �125.

If the work costs more than the maximum grant available you may have to pay the extra cost yourself.  You will be informed of the cost before the work is carried out so you can decide if you want to go ahead.  Do not pay any money until you are satisfied with the work.

Who can do the work?
Your local registered installer.
Local installers are organisations registered with Eaga Ltd and who specialise in carrying out this type of work.  They will tell you whether you can claim a grant and, if the answer is "yes", they will advise you what is available and arrange a convenient time to do the work.

What to do if you are unhappy.

If you are unhappy about the quality of service or the standard of work provided by the installer you should contact them direct a soon as possible.  This will then give them the chance to put the problem right there and then.
If you are not satisfied with the installer's response or you are unhappy with the service provided by Eaga Ltd, you should contact our Customer Services Manager in writing at Eaga Ltd, Freepost SCO 4421, Edinburgh EH6 OBR, or by telephone on Freephone  0800 072 0155 (Your call may be taped for training or monitoring purposes).