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Patients Council

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Minutes of a Meeting 30 July 2001 - 2.00pm

PRESENT: Patients Council
Philip Anderson,  Anne Campbell,  Jean Castle
Jim Fry,  Jim McAdie Sandy Macleod, Rena Mappin
Sheena Craig, Directorate General Manager, CGH
Lachie Robertson, Quality Manager, Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
Alison Phimister, Local Services Manager - Caithness, CGH

IN ATTENDANCE: Kay Oswald, Directorate Assistant

1. WELCOME Sheena Craig welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Alison Phimister the Local Services Manager for Caithness who would be representing the Primary Care Services provided in the area.  
2. APOLOGIES Isabel Ferrier Jean Forbes Frances Purves Malcolm Smart Ivy Webster Sandy Morrison, Trustee of Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Sheena intimated the resignation of Ms Janine Wilbraham from the Council and requested that a letter of appreciation for her past assistance be sent. Discussion on the general membership of the Council took place and it was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr J Bond requesting whether he wished to continue on the Council as it has been noted that he has been unable to attend recent meetings. A recruitment drive for new members will be considered thereafter. KO KO
3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was indicated that in �Any Other Competent Business� under �Complaints�, the complaint received was from the relative of a former patient. After the above adjustment the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 4 June 2001 were agreed to be a correct record.
4. MATTERS ARISING GP Out of Hours Service The issue of providing transport to bring patients to hospital was discussed. The GPs would have to decide whether a case warranted calling an ambulance or whether a home visit would be more appropriate. It was queried whether the Dunbeath area would now be included in the Out of Hours Service as a result of the resignation of the GP for that area. Alison Phimister intimated that the Primary Care Trust would be meeting shortly to discuss the situation at Dunbeath and more information would be available thereafter. Representation on Other Groups The work of the �Quality Group� was discussed and it was agreed that the issues normally undertaken by that group are now being picked up by other working parties which have been set up. It was agreed that the �Quality Group� should be disbanded but that the monitoring of the questionnaires returned by patients which was previously done by that group should continue to be done within another forum. Jim McAdie from the Patients Council agreed to continue with this remit along with Lachie Robertson, a nursing representative and Kay Oswald. SCC JM
  Patients Council Minutes It was agreed that the minutes should be addressed to individuals and Practice Managers in an effort to increase the visibility of the minutes at the venues on the distribution list. KO
5. WAITING TIMES Information on the waiting lists and waiting times had been distributed with the Agenda. Sheena gave a brief explanation of the terminology used for the various waiting list figures and discussion took place regarding some of the longer waiting times shown. The Ophthalmology Outpatient figures were highlighted as showing a substantial increase since last month. The Medical Records Manager has indicated that the templates of the Ophthalmology clinics have been changed recently with the clinics starting later and finishing earlier thus allowing for fewer �new� patients to be seen. Sheena intimated that she would follow this up with the Consultants at Raigmore to establish whether there is a reason for this. Sheena did point out that a new Orthoptist has been appointed to cover this area who is expected to relieve some of the workload from the Consultants and that perhaps this has not happened yet. The Diabetic Waiting Times was queried as a member of the Council has first hand knowledge of longer waiting times being experienced than indicated in the information given. Sheena Craig agreed to investigate this. Although no information was available for Chiropody Waiting Times this was highlighted by the members of the Council as being a problem for this area, particularly for Diabetic patients. Alison Phimister intimated that there is a review of the Chiropody Services being currently undertaken within the Highlands. The review will establish the optimal options for the future with the resources available. Users of the service are being consulted and it was queried who these users are as various members of the Council are users of the service and have not been consulted. Alison Phimister agreed to follow this up. SCC SCC AP
6. COMPLAINTS SUMMARY A summary of the complaints received at Caithness General Hospital for the quarter ended 30 June 2001 had been distributed with the agenda. An explanation of the procedures was given.  
7. CLINICAL STANDARDS BOARD The Generic Standards document is available. The Board will be visiting Raigmore on 27 September and representatives from CGH and Belford are required to attend to provide evidence as to how we meet the standards as set. A highland wide steering group has been set up with reps from HHB, HPCT and HAHT and a local working group has been set up to feed into the Steering group. Our local group consists of :-Sheena Craig, DGM; Isabel More, Medical Records; Kathleen Robertson, Nursing; Martin Henderson, Pharmacy; Michelle Stewart, Dietitian and Anne Campbell, Patients Council member. Copies of the Generic Standards document will be distributed to members on request. KO
8. REVIEW OF ADMISSION LETTERS FOR ENDOSCOPY PROCEDURES Sheena indicated that there is confusion over the letters sent out for Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy and Upper Endoscopy procedures. Different Consultants send out different letters and it is felt that there should be more consistency in this. It was a agreed that a working group should be set up to look into this with a view to making the letters more consistent and user friendly. Sandy MacLeod agreed to represent the Patients Council on this working Group which will include Isabel More, Medical Records Manager, a nursing representative and Sheena Craig. The Dietitian will require to be consulted regarding the dietary requirements specified in the letters. Copies of the various letters used were given to Sandy MacLeod. SM
9. CATERING SERVICES REVIEW Margaret Taylor, Hotel Service Manager attended the meeting at this point to update the group on issues currently being undertaken by the Catering Services. A group has been set up to look at Diets for the Elderly. The group is currently focussing on the situation at Migdale Hospital in Sutherland but it is hoped to roll out some of the recommendations to the other sites within Caithness and Sutherland which cater for elderly patients. New trolleys have been introduced in an effort to keep food hotter and moulds for liquidised food are being used in an effort to make the food more attractive. The group will also be looking at the nutritional value of the meals. It was agreed that a working party should be formed within Caithness General Hospital which will co-ordinate with the group at Migdale. Jean Castle has agreed to represent the Patients Council on this working party. JC
10. ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS Maternity Services Review Jean Castle intimated that the results of the review will be ratified by the Highland Health Board at a public meeting to be held on Tuesday 7 August. The work of the local reference group is now concluded. Highland Health Council Visit A report of the monitoring visit by the Highland Health Council to the Queen Elizabeth Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit has been received. It was agreed that a copy of the summary and the recommendations of the report should be sent out with the minutes. Funding for Caithness General Hospital Sheena indicated that she had not written to the Chairman or the Chief Executive of the Trust regarding the Arbuthnott monies allocated to the Trust as she was already aware of the sums distributed. Sheena indicated that whilst Caithness General Hospital did not receive a direct share of the Arbuthnott monies we did receive an increase in baseline funding as indicated below. Note: Updated information from verbal information given at the meeting. This information includes the training budget. Annual Budget 2001/01 �5,339,389 Annual Budget 2001/02 �5,700,610 Increase �361,221 (6%) Budget increased as a result of baseline funding
NHS Highland A new logo representing NHS Highland will now appear on correspondence and letterheads. A&E Development The extension to the A&E Department has now been completed. It is hoped that there will be an official opening of the development at the next Trust Board Meeting on Wednesday 29 August. It was agreed that arrangements for the Council to visit the new Department should be made for the next meeting. KO
  Medication on Discharge The issue of patients having to wait for medication prior to being discharged was raised. It was agreed that a working party should be set up to look at the process of patient discharges. Jim Fry agreed to represent the Patients Council on this group. JF/SCC
  Cancellation of Surgery A member of the Council raised the issue of a patient having major surgery cancelled at the last minute at Raigmore hospital. It was queried whether consideration is given to patients who live in the outlying areas and whether sufficient explanation is given for the reason for cancelled procedures. Lachie Robertson agreed to investigate this. LR
  Arbuthnott Monies A member of the Council indicated that although they accepted the explanation of the funding increases they would still like a formal response from Richard Carey as to the breakdown of how the Arbuthnott monies was divided within the Highlands. Note: A breakdown of how the increased funding was distributed was sent out with minutes. SCC
9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date and time of next meeting is Monday 24 September 2001 at 2.00 pm in the Conference Room, Caithness General Hospital. The subsequent meeting has been arranged for Monday 3 December 2001 at 2.00 pm in the Conference Room at Caithness General Hospital.