Caithness Community Web Site          Health & Welfare

Queen Elizabeth Index Page          Medical Services Index

Caithness General Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Assessment & Rehabilitation Unit


A choice of meals is available each day.  Special diets are catered for.

           Meal Times

         Breakfast            8.45 am

Lunch               12.15 pm

Tea                   5.00 pm

         Tea/Coffee is served at: -

10.00 am, 2.00 pm, 8.00 pm

Visiting Times

3.00 pm � 5.00 pm

6.30 pm � 8.00 pm

Friends/relatives who would like to visit outwith the visiting times may have to wait if patient(s) are at therapy etc.

WRVS Trolley and Shop

A trolley is brought round to the Ward every Tuesday and Friday when sweets, juice etc. can be purchased.  The shop is open daily from Monday to Saturday where sweets, juice, toiletries etc. can be bought.


A local retailer delivers newspapers daily.  They are not available at the WRVS shop.