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Action Learning Team Index

Health and Welfare

Action Learning Team

Caithness & Sutherland Public Health


What is this?

An opportunity to develop and Action your own Public Health Project. There are no charges for attendance.

What has Public Health to do with me?

Public Health is to do with Everyone! If you have an interest in your community and the people within it then Public Health is for You! A community can be a geographical location, a group with a common interest, or a combination i.e. towns & villages, hospital wards, older members of society, clubs, GP Practices, children, schools, community councils.

Okay. So I�m curious - what are you offering?

The opportunity of 3 hours protected time to come together with eleven others who, like yourself, are curious or committed to Public Health and would like to learn - through Action. These Action Learning Teams will be occurring on a regular monthly basis in Bonar Bridge, Golspie, Thurso, Tongue and Wick.

So what would be expected of me then?

A regular commitment to actively partake in your Action Learning Team. It is not expected that everyone with be able to attend every session but it is expected that they will attend most of them. There is also an expectation that you will be prepared to develop a Public Health Project in any area that interests you and share your progress with your Action Learning Team. You will also be expected to help Team members through idea sharing and support.

I couldn�t do a Public Health Project?

The initial session will look at Public Health in greater detail. This should give you more information which may trigger an idea and identify possible time you may have available. The second session will give each Team member 20 minutes to discuss their ideas for a project and with the support of the Team, to refine and form an idea to turn into your Project.

What support would I have?

Your main support will come from the your Action Learning Team (ALT). You will have 20 minutes �protected time� in each session to discuss your progress and bounce your ideas around members of your ALT, who may in turn be able to assist with the advancement of your Project. Members of your ALT may also support you through the sharing of ideas and morale support outside of the designated sessions. Myself, in my role of Public Health Practitioner would also be able to assist with theoretical and practical knowledge, as well morale support, as and when necessary.

What�s in it for me then?

The opportunity to develop your knowledge, skills and experience in the field of Public Health. Also, to try out a different way of working in an area of interest. Furthermore, it will increase your own network people active in your area.

So I�m interested. What do I have to do now?

Included is a list of dates, times and venues (currently waiting to firm up the Tongue details). Please select your preferred locations in 1st and 2nd preferences forwarding them on to me with your name and contact details. I will contact you to confirm your place. If they are over subscribed - I�ll put your details on a list of those interested in creating another ALT in the locality.

How do I contact you?

My name is Miles Greenford,
email address -
[email protected]
Tel - 01955 605128
Address - Wick Medical Centre, Martha Terrace, Wick Caithness, KW1 5EL