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Ormlie Community Association

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Caithness Energy Advice Project

7 April 08
Get A Free Energy Advice Visit and You Could Win a Colour TV
Caithness Energy Advice has a 15” LCD television up for grabs in their summer raffle. If you are interested in having a home visit to get free energy advice on your home energy bills/systems you will automatically be entered into the raffle*.
CEA’s aim is to help people keep warm and pay less for their energy. To accomplish this, the team assesses the current level of energy efficiency in homes in the Caithness area, raises awareness of choices available to take charge of household energy bills, and partners with existing organisations for a coordinated, long range approach to reducing fuel poverty. The Energy Advice team can guide householders to energy savings by identifying issues such as poor insulation, problem door/ window seals, electrical equipment left on standby and incorrect use of heating systems.  This is a community project based in Ormlie and available across Caithness giving FREE unbiased advice on how to reduce your energy bills.  Competition runs up until 29th August 2008 but why wait - GIVE THEM A CALL SOON.

18 November 07
Caithness Energy Advice Project
Caithness Project Wins Award

Free Winter Warmth Packs

The Caithness Energy Advice Team will be giving away Free Winter Warmth packs which contain information about how to keep warm, energy-saving tips and useful contacts.

The Free Winter Warmth packs will be up for grabs during Ormlie Community Association’s latest awareness raising events, tacking fuel poverty and increasing energy efficiency for Caithness householders. The events are part of the Warm Homes Campaign Award Scheme which is one aspect of the Warm Homes Campaign, organized by National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland, which is taking place throughout the UK from the end of November. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the financial help available to people who cannot afford to heat their homes to try and reduce cold-related illnesses and excess winter deaths and is organised in association with eaga.

The dates, times and venues for OCA’s events are listed below:
Drop-in events for householders:

  • Tuesday 27 November – 9.30am to 4.30pm–Wick Family Centre Wick
  • Wednesday 28 November – 9.30am to 12.30pm – British Legion, Thurso

20 June 07
New Funding Extends Energy Project Till 2009
The Renewable energy Project run by Ormlie Community Association has received  new funding of £89,126 that will mean they can take on extra staff and ensure the project keeps going until March 2009.

Louise Smith, Ormlie Community Association’s Project Manager for Renewable Energy, said, “We are delighted to have been given this opportunity to join the ranks of excellent projects that Scottish Power’s Energy People Trust have funded as part of their commitment to end fuel poverty. Our Energy SOS Project was established last year and has grown from strength to strength thanks to the commitment of staff, volunteers, partners and funders. It is one arm of the Caithness Energy Advice Project, the other being energy efficiency and renewables research in conjunction with Pentland Housing Association.

Meet the Team

Norma Bremner, Alison Middlemas, Angela Craig, Louise Smith

Sharon and Alison


Caithness Energy Advice Project
Free Energy Efficiency Advice
Free Powerdown For Energy Thirsty PC's
Free energy Saving Light Bulbs
Free Checks On Appliance Energy Consumption Levels
Free Household Visits

"Our energy advice is free to householders, so please contact Angela Craig at the Caithness Energy Advice Project, The Cottage, Davidsons Lane, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7HT or on 01847 896524"

"If you have a household renewable energy system in your house and are interested in taking part in our renewable energy research project to look at the effectiveness of these systems so that people locally can be better informed before installing them, please contact Alison Middlemas at  or on 01847 896524

"Alternatively contact Louise Smith, Ormlie Community Association, 108 Marr Terrace, THURSO KW14 7SW, at or on 01847 893486 for further information about any of Ormlie Community Association's energy projects."

Real People’s Savings!

With one call to their electricity supplier:

  • a resident switched energy plan
    and will save £250 this year!
  • another resident will save more
    than £20 each month!
  • Another had an existing debt reduced
    and will save £20 a month!


Saving Energy
Saving Money!

What is Energy S.O.S?

  • Community Team dedicated to
    help show you how to save
    money and keep warm

  • Contact us to arrange an
    appointment on 01847 893486.

  • House calls in the Thurso area,
    phone calls welcome county wide


Energy Efficiency at Home!

  • Review how you pay your bill

  • Compare providers

  • Turn off ‘standby mode’ on TV’s, VCR’s and computers

  • Replace bulbs with energy efficient ones

  • Make sure you have enough

Typical Heat Loss In A House

"The Caithness Energy Advice Project was established in 2006 and is now funded by the ScottishPower Energy People Trust and Communities Scotland Wider Role until March 2009. We employ three energy advisers who will visit you in your own home to help deal with energy matters such as reading meters, setting heating controls, reducing fuel bills and giving advice on a range of matters including grants and tariffs.

The project was established with the help of two students on secondment from North Highland College, Sharon Pottinger and Alison Middlemas. Funding from Communities Scotland's Scottish Communities Action Research Fund (SCARF) helped set up the project by encouraging volunteers to partner with the energy advice staff. We are still keen to work with volunteers who will receive training in energy issues-please contact us for further information.

The Caithness Energy Advice Team is on hand to help with your energy issues. Please call us."

Replace 'meet the Energy SOS team' with 'Meet the Caithness Energy Advice Team'