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Emergency Services

Wick Lifeboat


Boat based at Scrabster Harbour
Not open for visits at present.

Boathouse   01847 893433
Coxswain     01847 893064
Mechanic     01847 894942
Hon Sec       01847 892566

See Also
Coastguard Pages
Boats & Sea On Caithness.org
Maritime Links

9 January 05
Thurso Lifeboat - The Taylors - Exercise and A Tow
Thurso lifeboat, The Taylors was out on a routine exercise and still managed to help out a boat in trouble.  Local boat Puffin had engine failure and the lifeboat was able to give her a tow back to Scrabster.

4 April 04
New Thurso Lifeboat Arrives At Scrabster - "The Taylors"
the new Thurso lifeboat has arrived home.  The boat was crewed by the coxswain and mechanic plus three crew members who travelled to Poole in Dorset to do a week of training before taking the boat home.  The boat cost �1.9m. The boat is one of the Severn class of lifeboats, 17m in length with a maximum speed of 25Kts. She is named THE TAYLORS after a family of that name from Aberdeen who left a legacy to the RNLI.

Joint Exercise With Wick Lifeboat & RAF Rescue Helicopter

Almost An Exercise - 29 June 2002

Lifeboat Exercise 12 May 2002

Scrabster Harbour Day 2 June 2001

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Click Here for More pictures of Scrabster Harbour