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Watten Primary School
Watten, KW1 5YJ
Head Teacher - Mrs L. A Mackay   
 Map     Telephone:01955 621287

Watten Primary School Newsletter
Latest Newsletter March 2007
HMIe Reports
28 March 07
Readathon - Reading for life
Pupils from Watten Primary School have raised �540.30 for Readathon
Readathon is a national sponsored reading event that is held in schools annually. All the money raised is donated equally between CLIC Sargent and The Roald Dahl Foundation. The money is spent locally, caring for children and young people suffering from cancer, Hodgkin�s disease, leukaemia epilepsy, blood disorders or acquired brain injury.

Head Teacher Mrs L Mackay said: �We are delighted to have taken part in Readathon. It encouraged our children to read for enjoyment and at the same time help other children in the area who are not as well as themselves.�

Brough Girling, Readathon Chairman, said: �We are thrilled that children from Watten Primary school have enjoyed reading lots of books and we, and the charities, would like to thank them for all the money they have raised.

� Over � million children read for Readathon each year
� Each of those children, on average read 3 or 4 books for their own pleasure
� They raised �1.1 million last year to help sick children

25 June 06
Kay Gunn Retires From Watten School
Kay Gunn the head teacher from Watten primary school retired last week and was surprised to find the children and other staff had organised a farewell party.  The evening was full of songs, poems and presentations.  Parents and friends had also gathered to say a fond farewell to Kay who has been at the school for ten years and head teacher for the last three.  Musical talent was on show and Addie Harper and Gordon Gunn were on hand to play tunes with the children to make the evening a lively affair between presentations.

Music Festival 2006

22 April 06
Watten School Pupils Ring church Bells For Queen's 80th Birthday

Janette Pollock Head of Watten School (1979 - 2003) Retires
Janette Pollock the head of Watten school since 1979 has retired.  In a packed Watten Hall a large number of local people, parents and teachers past and present came to say a few words in what turned out to be a series of presentations, songs, poetry set for the occasion including a remake of "Div Ye Mind" with Janette as the main character.

Rural Schools Sports Day 2003

26 August 2002

The Whole School

26 August 2002

New Primary One 2002

Winner At 2002 Music Festival