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Thrumster Primary School

Winners Of Enterprise Challenge
On Tuesday the 25th March 2003 Thrumster Primary School�s P7s as well as fifteen other schools took part in the Enterprise Challenge in Thurso�s Weigh Inn Hotel.

The challenge was:
There was a spare plot of land in Thurso and Wick and the schools had to come up with an original but practical idea for something to put in it.


The children had to make up a business plan and advertising poster and then after lunch design a logo and make a model of their idea.

Thrumster came up with the idea of an underground water- park, and called it Octavias Tropical Waters. There is an aquarium, huge pool, many flumes and above ground a food court and other activities.

The logo was an octopus called Octavia who featured in everything we did and in the model her eight legs were flumes.

Thrumster�s team were judged to be first and they received a prize of �100 .