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South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

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Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
4th October 2006

Dear Parent/ Carer,
Almost the October holidays and this term has flown past so quickly. I�m delighted that the children have settled into their new classes and routine.

October Holidays
School closes on Friday 6th October at 3.10pm for two weeks. All staff and pupils resume on Monday 23rd October at 9.10am.

School Meals
Please note that the menus will start on Week 1 after the holidays. It is important that you discuss the menu choices with your child to ensure they like something or will at least try out a new taste. School and kitchen staff endeavour to encourage children each day with vegetables, different tastes and fresh fruit � your support is vital.
Copies of the menu are available from Mrs Sargent in the school office.

Indoor Shoes
A number of children are not wearing indoor shoes; please ensure they have a pair in school and these are stored in their blue shoe bags when not on their feet!
Please put their name inside their shoes with permanent pen? This can be a job to do during the two weeks of holiday.

P3/4 and P4/5 will start swimming lessons on Tuesday 24th October. Please ensure your child has their swimming kit and 50p for bus costs each week. P3/4 will leave at 10.45am and P4/5 leave at 11.30am. They are accompanied by school staff and the Community Warden, Mr George Mackay but we would appreciate parent helpers for both classes.

Macmillan Coffee Morning
A great big thank you to all � we raised the staggering total of �225 last Friday. It was great fun to catch up with parents, friends and families over a cuppa. The children enjoyed being part of this fund raising event and a total of 208 people at South School participated to make this hopefully the World�s Biggest Coffee Morning.

I hope the weather brightens up for the holidays.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers