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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
1 October 2003

South School Newsletter No. 2
1 October 2003

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

This term has really flown past so quickly, we�re already in week seven and the October holidays are just around the corner.  There is certainly a nip in the air these days � please ensure your child brings a coat to school every day!

Car park
Can I please remind you all that parents dropping off and collecting children should not use the car park?  The car park is totally out of bounds for all children and I would appreciate your support in this matter. This applies to the Nursery children as well.  Please park at the end of the zigzag lines and walk up the path, do not cut through the car park.

Family Update Forms
We still need these forms returned to school NOW. The information is VITAL to keep our records up to date. Scottish Office returns need to be completed by this Friday.

Primary 3 had a very successful outing to the Sorting Office in Green Road � this was part of their class project.
P4 children had a full day away visiting Laidhay, Camster Cairns and Ackergill Tower.
P7 were involved in the �Safe Highlander� event held at Dounreay. They looked at a wide range of aspects of safety. I was delighted to hear that their good behaviour was commented upon by a number of individuals.
Well done to these classes.

Assipattle Event - Assipattle Pictures
A special well done to the children who took part in this community event. Our pupils were involved in the drumming, dancing, juggling and plate spinning. It is super to see their talents shine out!

All classes took part in the Lyreco Design competition � the theme this year was the Highland Games. The entries are super and the children have put a lot of effort into their designs.  Some classes entered the Bridge Street Church Art Competition and their designs were displayed at the weekend.  South School winners are Darren Sinclair in Nursery and Darryl O�Sullivan in P5. Both children will receive trophies at Assembly today.   Well done to both boys!

The World�s Biggest Coffee Morning
Thank you to all who attended or handed in donations for this charity event held in school last Friday. Macmillan Cancer Care is such a worthwhile cause and many of us have dear friends or relatives who have suffered from the disease. 268 people were involved in the event at South School � mums, nanas, friends and even a group from a building site came for their morning break! �228 was raised.

Song of Wick
Primary 6 and 7 pupils have been working so hard over the past few weeks with the Grey Coast Theatre Group for the performances this week in Wick High School. Tickets are FREE and you can book tickets via Mrs Sargent in our school office. Performances are on Thursday at 7pm and Friday 1.30pm and 7pm. (No tickets left for evening performances!)  A special thank you to Romy Martin, the drama worker involved with our school.

Theatre Group
On Friday morning, 3rd October, we are having a performance of the story, �Hansel and Gretel�. This has been organised through Wick Library and there will be no cost. Nursery parents can bring their children to this event and stay for the performance. Show starts at 10am and finishes at 11am.

Walk to School Week 6th � 10th October
Please encourage your child to walk to school next week as it is, �Walk To School Week�. If you normally drive your child to school then why don�t you park at the end of Roxburgh Road and then walk along to the school path.  Children will receive stickers for their efforts on Wednesday as it is �International Walk To School Day�.

Scholastic Book Fair
We will have another book fair in school from Wednesday 8th Oct. to Friday 10th Oct. Children will receive leaflets on Monday or Tuesday. Orders can be placed with Mrs Sargent in the school office or to the parent helpers on those days.

Oscar the Robot
Next Wednesday afternoon we will welcome a visit from �Oscar�. This friendly robot will meet all P1 � P7 pupils during the afternoon. We have been fortunate to have this visit through a local company ALSTEC.

Collecting Tokens
We are still collecting a variety of tokens, which really benefit all pupils. Please continue to hand them into the school office.
� Persil Stars
� Nestle Box Tops
� Cadbury Get Active
� Walkers Free Books for Schools

October Holidays
School breaks up for a two week holiday on Friday 10th October at 3.15pm and we all return to school on Monday 27th October at 9.15am and the Nursery resumes at 12.45pm.

The Morning And After School Klub will start up after the October holidays. The Club will be organised by Pultneytown People�s Project and further details will follow when available. The P5 pupils thought of the name in yet another competition � they won a selection of board games to the value of �50. Jamie Stone M.S.P. presented them with their prize last week.

If you have any concerns regarding your child then please contact myself at any time.

Let�s hope the weather stays fair for the October Holidays and thank you all once again for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers