N E W S F E E D S >>>

South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

South School Index

Schools & Education


16 November 2005

Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
16th November 2005

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Yes, it�s time for another South School Newsletter and I hope you like our new style of headed paper.

I�m delighted to inform you that we received a top level award for our Health Promoting Schools� status. Well done to the children, staff, parents and the wider community for your contribution. Let�s keep this health focus for the future!

So far this term:

  • We had a very successful and scary, �Wear to Scare� day and raised �140 for Childline. Well done to all.

  • The P.S.A. ran Hallowe�en discos and raised �130, another well done!

  • Our P7 class are involved in the first Scottish Forest School project and they are working with the Forestry Commission on team building activities in the Tannach Forest.

  • Fire officers from Wick Fire Brigade gave very informative talks to all pupils and warned them of the dangers of fireworks and reminded them of the firework code. Our thanks to the team for their excellent input.

  • The Nursery was inspected by the Care Commission and very positive comments were given by the officer.

  •  Staff attended various training sessions on the In Service days and many subjects were covered from assessment, movement & drama, reading, behaviour management and child protection.

  • The children in Nursery, P1/2 and P3 visited Pulteneytown Academy to see the fantastic �Snow Queen� performance. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all children and staff even though the Snow Queen was �scary�!

  • We had a Remembrance Assembly last Friday with Major Norman from the Salvation Army assisting. P1/2 showed their fields of collage poppies and a group of P7 pupils recited �Flanders Fields�. We also had a one minute silence to think of those who fought and died in war. The children responded very well to this difficult subject.

  • Lauren McWilliam and Daniel Macleod Taylor P7 were the wreath bearers at Sunday�s service at the War Memorial.

  • This week P5, P6 and P7 have all sat under the night sky with our portable planetarium presentation. The presenter was most impressed by the children�s knowledge and level of interest.

  • We have three prize winners from the Dounreay 50th Anniversary competition. Well done to Craig Wilson P7, Jack Sutherland P7 and Ashley McKenna P6. They each win �750 for the school. The pupil council along with staff will decide how best to use this money.

Parents� Evening
Appointments have been given out for this Thursday evening to speak to your child�s teacher regarding their progress. I will be available throughout the evening if you wish to discuss any issues arising.
The Active Schools� Coordinator, Paul Robinson will be in the main hall from 6pm � 8pm to meet with you and discuss his role. He will have some sporting activities available.
Christmas cards will be on sale as well as reflective arm bands for these dark wintry nights. We will also have Trolley Mates on sale for �1 � these can be used at Lidl and other supermarkets (save hunting around for a �1 coin every time you visit!).

Gym shoes & P.E. kit
Please ensure that your child has gym shoes that fit and are in one piece! All children have a shoe bag to store their gym shoes so please encourage them to do so! We only have the specialist teacher twice this term but the children also have some input from their class teacher for P.E. � again please ensure that your child has a pair of shorts in their school bag each day.

Please continue to encourage your child to wear their school sweatshirts/polo shirts each day as it really helps all to strongly identify with their school and it does look so smart.

School meals
We currently have Andy Green (chef from Hillhead Primary School) working in the kitchen. The kitchen and school staff are constantly encouraging the children to try out new tastes and to make healthy choices. The children have responded so well to this and are rewarded with various stickers. Please ensure that your child orders their school lunch before the bell rings at 9.10am.

Christmas Tree Competition
Your child will come home with a Christmas stocking sheet to decorate - the prize is a real Christmas tree. All entries should reach me by Monday 21st November 2005. Thank you!

Dates for your diary
� Wednesday 14th December � South School Christmas Concert at 2pm and 7pm
� Thursday 15th December � P4 & P5 Pantomime Treat (Wick Players)
� Friday 16th December � Christmas Lunch
� Thursday 22nd December � School closes for Christmas holidays �pm

Thank you for your continuing cooperation and I hope to see you all at Parents� Evening tomorrow!

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers
P.S. Mrs Sargent found her camera!!