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South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

South School Index

Schools & Education


MAY 2006

Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
30th May 2006

Dear Parent / Guardian,

This term has whizzed past so quickly with so many activities taking place and many more to come before we break up for the summer holidays on Friday 30th June 2006.

Some of our highlights of the term:

  • In April an American author, Berwyn Butler visited the school and spoke to all classes about her book - �Dinky the Doorknob� which is set in a fictional house in Thurso Road, Wick. We have copies of the book in the Home Reader Libraries.
  • Our Open Afternoon on Thursday 27th April was a success � lots of parents, grandparents and extended family members came to view the children�s work, taste some samples of our school meals, had a go at First Club Golf as well as chat to Nurse Skea about health matters.
  • P6 and P3 pupils took part in the Highland Book Awards � reading various books and reviewing them. Many thanks to them for their efforts.
  • All pupils in P5, P6 & P7 have had some input from Paul Robinson, the Active Schools Coordinator in First Club Golf and some children have extended this to regularly visiting Wick Golf Club for further sessions.
  • P5 & P6 pupils have continued to enjoy the traditional music workshops with Gordon Gunn and Addie Harper. This is part of a Youth Music Initiative throughout Highland Council called Feis Rois.
  • P7 pupils have met with guidance staff from Wick High School in preparation for their two day visit on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June 2006. Further details will follow.
  • Mrs Cormack, the Oral Health Educator met with all pupils during National Smile Month and focussed on effective tooth brushing. The children took part in a smiley face colouring competition as part of this campaign. The winners received dental goody bags:
  • P1/2 - Lee Durrand, P3 - Ronnie Wood, P4 �Holly Mackay, P5 - Alan Farquhar,
    P6 - Kayleigh Simpson and P7 - Shauna Warnock. Well done to all!

The children in P5 � P7 are in the throws of practising and training for the forthcoming matches against the other Wick schools and Lybster.
Please come along and support the school at these matches.
Tuesday 30th May 1.30pm � South V Hillhead (HOME)
Friday 2nd June 1.45pm � Pulteneytown Academy V South (AWAY)
Monday 12th June 1.45pm � North V South (AWAY)
Thursday 15th June 1.45pm � South V Lybster (HOME)

This annual event takes place next week (w/b 5th June 2006) and I hope that if your child is taking part that they are practising their poem, recorder or song at home. Please ensure that you have paid the �1.50 entry fee for any solo performances. Further details regarding transport and supervision will be issued this week. Children participating must wear school uniform which includes black, navy or grey trousers or skirt. Please no jeans to be worn.

All children MUST order their meal with the school cook before 9.10am. The hall door is open to allow pupils access to the kitchen.
Please ensure that you pay for your child�s meal in advance or on the actual day � no credit will be given!

Please accept my extreme apologies for not highlighting this campaign which took place last week.
We are constantly reminding the children to walk to school safely so this campaign completely slipped my mind!

Leaflets, stickers etc. will be issued this week.
Please continue to encourage your child to take the safe route to school and to remind them to stay on the pavements, use the Green Cross Code and the zebra crossing.

The hall floor continues to have adhesive seeping from the vinyl joins and this has become a daily task for Mr Whitelegge to clean and tape over the affected areas. The plan is for investigative work to be done over the summer holidays as well as the floor covering to be replaced.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers