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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
May 2005

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

My apologies for not writing to you before now � it�s week 4 of the summer term already! They say, �Time flies past when you�re having fun�? The children have been involved in so many activities in such a short time.
  • Nursery children have all been involved in the �Safe, Strong and Free� personal safety programme.
  • Isobell�s retirement presentation � I�m sure you all saw the photograph in this week�s Caithness Courier. Many thanks to all who contributed to her gift. She was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a cheque. Isobell will let us know what she treated herself to and she passes on her many thanks.
  • Primary 7 presented a flawless performance last week to their guests at the V.E. Day Anniversary Concert. The John O�Groat Journal covered this event last week and the photographs really capture the atmosphere. The chair that was presented to Mr and Mrs Cormack is currently on display in the school foyer.
  • P3/4 visited St. John�s church in Moray Street on Tuesday and they had a very informative outing, coming back very enthusiastic about the church and artefacts. Mrs Thompson commented that the behaviour of the class was perfect and that they were a credit to the school. Well done!
    Dates for your diary:
  • Thursday 12th May 2005 � Parents� Evening. An appointment will be given out tomorrow. This will be a chance to meet with your child�s class teacher and discuss their progress made. The annual school report will be issued later in the term � June 13th.
  • Golden Treats. We have planned that all children who have abided with the Golden Rules will gain further treats. This time we are going to the cinema in Thurso. Children who have two detentions will not be permitted. The date planned is Wednesday 25th May. Further details will be issued at a later date, as they may have to be changed to fit in with suitable films. There will be a final treat at the end of term with the whole school trip to Dunbeath on Friday 24th June. After each Golden Treat we have a fresh start to encourage all children to work towards this goal.

Yet again I bring this to your attention, as so many children are not looking after their property. Each child was issued with a blue shoe bag to store their gym shoes but so many choose to leave them lying in the cloakroom and they end up going missing! Please check with your child that they have a pair of gym shoes in school which fit, are in one piece and have their name written on!

The school field is used most nights either by MAASK or for school football training. Please can you ensure that your child (if not involved in these activities) plays elsewhere until the activity is finished � 5pm onwards.

At present we are fortunate to have Colin Cormack continuing to be the football coach and really we have to work round his shifts. I try to give the children as much notice as possible but this can be difficult. Thank you for your patience.  URGENT -We need to have parent volunteers to train the netball players, if you are interested then please contact me as soon as possible.  The dates for Interschool Football and Netball games will be set very soon.

These are not permitted for wearing in class apart from P.E. � please encourage your child to wear their school uniform and bring their football top in their school bag. They can change beforehand.

Please ensure all entry fees (�1.50) are paid to Mrs Sargent by the end of next week.

We still have quite a number of calendars left at the bargain price of �1. Why don�t you buy one and keep as a souvenir for your child? I�m sure this would give some amusement in years to come.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers