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South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

South School Index

Schools & Education


MARCH 2006

Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
13th March 2006

Dear Parent / Guardian,
This term has really flown past so quickly and we have seen every possible type of weather!!
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the recent school closure days due to the adverse weather.

Some of our February highlights:

  • �Kellypipers� demonstration for all classes. The children heard various different types of pipe music and saw differing pipes.
  •  P3 rugby training with Ricky Coghill.
  • Big Heart Day � we raised �125! Well done to all. Many thanks!
  • Nursery pupils enjoyed �Safe, Strong and Free� workshops focussing on personal safety with the help of puppets.
  • Scripture Union assembly and holiday presentation.
  • P4 had great fun experiencing life in Ancient Egypt, with P5 being Vikings for a morning and P6 pupils stepped back in time to 1745 and the Jacobites! These were fantastic workshops which supported the class topics.
  • Major Norman from the Salvation Army has joined us regularly for assemblies and we all look forward to his stories.
  • Fire Drill during assembly time and the whole school was successfully evacuated within one and a half minutes!
  • Goal posts and new gates were constructed and erected by Dounreay apprentices in the school field. These have been donated to the school by U.K.A.E.A. Further publicity will follow.

Most of you will be aware that Mr Cormack has left South School to take up his post of principal teacher at Castletown Primary. We wish him every success in his new position. We have had difficulties recruiting a replacement teacher so I have been in class over the past two weeks and will continue until Easter. I am hoping that the situation will be resolved for the final term and I will keep P7 parents informed of any changes. Mrs Oag (supply teacher) and Miss Campbell (P6 teacher) will assist me in covering the class meantime.

There will be a meeting on Thursday 16th March at 3.15pm in the staff room to discuss the next fund raising event, �Mad March Walk� as well as other business matters. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Our annual town schools� swimming gala takes place on Friday 17th March at 7pm at Wick pool. The children have already signed up for the event and your support would be appreciated on the night. Please come along and cheer on our team!

All children will be involved in this now annual event. Some events will take place in South School which makes life much easier.

  • Monday 20th March � P6 & P7. Body & Bones workshop at Pulteneytown Academy. Children will be transported by bus & staff cars. Leaving at 1.30pm & returning by 3pm.
  • Wednesday 22nd March � Nursery, P1/2, P3 & P4. Mr Boom show at 10.15am, South School in main hall.
  • Wednesday 22nd March � P5, P6 & P7. Earth Sciences workshops during the morning at South School in Room 4.

Mr Beaumont, out art specialist teacher will be teaching all classes as from Wednesday 22nd March. There is a rota for input and I would suggest that your child brings an apron or old shirt to ensure their school clothes are protected. This garment can be left in their shoe bag.

If your child is heading into their pre-school year (D.O.B. 1St March 2002 � 28th February 2003 are eligible) then you can enrol them on Thursday 23rd March with Mrs Place in the Nursery. Please contact Mrs Sargent in the school office to arrange an appointment. Please pass this information on to your friends, neighbours and families, if they have children who are eligible. Thank you!

The school term finishes on Friday 31st March 2006 at 3.10pm and the final term resumes on Wednesday 19th April at 9.10am. I hope the weather improves dramatically for the Easter break and that we can all enjoy some spring time activities.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers