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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
December 2004

10 January 05

Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Happy New Year to all!
I hope you have all had a super Christmas and a good start to the New Year.
The holidays seemed to fly past and I think everyone has had a good rest.
Now welcome back to Term 3 at South School and hopefully a hard working term ahead for all.

�170 was collected at the Christmas Church Service and from South School Staff donations for their Christmas cards; we hope to make a joint presentation with Pulteneytown Academy to the local epilepsy group. Many thanks for your contributions.

As intimated on our December Newsletter, there will be an information evening on Thursday 13th January at 6.30pm.This will be an opportunity for you to find out about the clear rewards and sanctions given to all pupils for their behaviour in school. Please come along as your input and support is vital to ensure these measures are truly effective.
This is a partnership approach � keeping you informed.

This event will take place on Friday in the School Hall at 1.45pm � please have another clear out of any unwanted toys, games, books, ornaments ����and so on. These can be handed into the school office at any time.
Please ensure that items are in good condition.
No clothes or baking, please.
School calendars will be on sale, priced at �2.
You are most welcome to come along during the afternoon.
All monies raised will go to the Tsunami Disaster Fund � it is so saddening to think of so many people, who have died, lost their families, their homes and their livelihood. It makes us grateful for what we have in life.

There has been another change with the food that is provided at lunchtime � the health bar bag has now been replaced with a pick �n� mix choice at the same price of �1.45, this week it will be:
Wednesday � a filled wrap
Thursday � a baked potato with filling
Friday � a hot-dog
Next week the choices will change and I have enclosed a copy of the four weekly pick �n� mix menus, starting on Week 2.
The hot meal menus were handed out during the last week of last term and they remain.
My apologies for any confusion!

Please continue to use the Schools Helpline number in the case of severe weather conditions:
0870 054 6999 then press 04 2980 when prompted.
You will then hear my voice updating you on the school situation.
You can also listen into Moray Firth radio for updates.

Please ensure that your child brings in their gym kit every Tuesday:
� Shorts, T-shirt and gym shoes.
A number have come back to school with no indoor shoes, please check that your child does have a pair in school and that they store them in their provided shoe bags.
Jewellery MUST NOT BE WORN for all P.E. activities.
It is recommended that your child takes in an old shirt or apron to wear for Art activities. Mr Beaumont, the Art Specialist teacher will be in school on Thursdays for most of this term.

Thank you once again for your continued support and if you do have any concerns regarding the content of this Newsletter or your child�s education then please contact me as soon as possible.
I hope to see you on Thursday evening at 6.30pm.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers