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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
15 January 2004

Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Happy New Year!
I can�t believe we�re into the second week of the new term already and as always the school is so busy. The children have all come back after a super Christmas and New Year break, all hopefully ready for a hard working term that lies ahead.

�162 was collected at the Christmas Church Service and from staff donations for Christmas cards; this will be presented to the Caithness Branch of Diabetes UK during an Assembly soon.

Many thanks for all your donations � the children had great fun spending their money and �124 was raised for PSA funds.

You will receive an information sheet, new lunch menu and a health bar pre-packed order form along with this Newsletter.
�Good school meals � good for your child and good for school.�
Please encourage your child to try out new dishes � hopefully they�ll enjoy them!
� Week 1 will start on Monday 19th January.
� Extra health bar forms are available on request.

There is a range of healthy items on sale in the school tuck shop including fresh fruit. Items are priced from 10p to 25p. Please encourage your child to make healthy choices. All monies made from tuck shop go to School Fund.

�Holidays already�, I hear you say!
The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 12th February (In-Service day for staff), Friday 13th February and Monday 16th February 2004.

Mackenzie�s Furniture Village in Brown Place are collecting books to send to an orphanage in Africa, we will be gathering books from around school to donate. If you have any children�s fiction or non- fiction books at home in good condition which would be suitable and not needed any more then please hand into school or Mackenzie�s shop.

Children are bringing in quite a number of toys and games into school on a daily basis. This causes a number of problems including squabbles in the playground. Please do not allow your child to bring these into school.
Friday afternoons are the only times when children can bring in special items and this is for �Golden Time� only.

Your child needs to bring their P.E. kit to school each Tuesday & Thursday � please ensure that they have a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and gym shoes in their school bag.
Jewellery MUST NOT be worn for P.E. � if your child has had their ears pierced then they cannot take part in P.E. or swimming until they can be removed. Please bear this in mind before allowing them to have them pierced.
Gym shoes are required every day for classroom use � quite a number of children have either grown out of their gym shoes or they are falling apart. Can you please check that your child does have a pair to wear and make sure their name is written clearly inside.

Would you like your child to come to school at 8.30 am? Why not try out the Morning Club - your child can have their breakfast and have some fun until 9am. Costs only 60p.
How about after school? Would you like your child to play with friends, have space and time to do homework, have a snack and lots of fun? M.A.A.S.K. can provide all of these for 60p per session.
For more details contact the P.P.P. office at 606950.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any query or concern.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers

P.S. We are still collecting tokens from Persil, Walkers and Cadbury!