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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
23 February 2004

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Only another week left of February and so much has been happening in school as well as beautiful cards made for Valentines Day!

P1 enrolments took place during the first week of February and we only have 11 pupils for the class. 30 pupils will move on up to Wick High School in August so our school roll will drop dramatically to 148. This will probably mean that we will have composite classes as we will lose a teacher � I will keep you posted.

On Wednesday 4th February, pupil representatives presented a cheque during Assembly for �162 to Dr. Pat Robertson � Chairperson of the Caithness Branch of Diabetes UK. The money was collected at the Christmas Church Service and staff Christmas card donations. No doubt you saw the photo in �The Groat�?

On Wednesday 18th February, P5, P6 and P7 classes had workshops related to their class projects. The children were enthused at each and the presenter donned outfits as a Viking, a space explorer and a Home Front volunteer in WW2!

Zebra Crossing
We have been successful with our application to Safer Routes To School monies and have been awarded �11,000. This is the outcome of the Road Safety questionnaires that went out last year and were collated to provide the Safer Routes To School Group with the information required for their travel plan.
This means that our Zebra Crossing will hopefully be in place by the end of term!
I will keep you posted on progress made.
P.S. Couldn�t find a Clipart picture of a Zebra!

Can we play on the grass?
The children ask me this question every day! The rule is that we stay off the grass when the conditions are wet and muddy otherwise the children come into school covered in mud. This is not acceptable. I�m sure you will support this decision.
Football training may take place on the grass but Colin will inform the children of the appropriate gear to bring for those days.

Long trousers!!
So many children are wearing really long and wide trousers to school. This has caused some problems:
1. The trousers are so long at times that children are actually tripping over them. This is a Health and Safety issue.
2. On wet days, children are coming into school with wet patches creeping up their trouser legs, at times to their knees.
3. Perhaps their trousers are off the ground with their outdoor shoes but remember they change into gym shoes in school.
Can you please encourage your child not to wear these trousers to school?

School Uniform
We have a new item included in our range � sports trousers. They are available in navy blue and really look smart as well as trendy! The trousers cost �10 for children�s sizes and �12 for adult. We have a sample in stock.

Caithness Music Festival
Yes � it�s that time of year!
If you wish your child to take part in the in the Verse Speaking then please return the permission slip and fee to their class teacher by the 5th March 2004.
Remember you need to practise with your child regularly.
Poems will be issued this week.
We also hope to take part in choir & recorder group.
Decisions still need to be made with teaching staff regarding this.

Book Fair and World Book Day
We will be holding another Book Fair to coincide with World Book Day. This will take place week beginning 1st March. All children will receive a �1 World Book Day token � they can use this when they purchase a book.
If you can help out with this event then please contact Mrs Sargent in the school office. Perhaps an hour one day to help the children decide which book they would like?
Further details will follow.

Nursery Enrolments
If your child is approaching their pre-school year then our Nursery enrolments will take place during the week beginning 8th March.
Please contact Mrs Sargent to arrange an appointment with myself.
We will have a Welcome Hour on Wednesday 3rd March from 11am � 12noon. This will give you and your child an opportunity to view the Nursery and meet the staff.
Further details will be on posters within the community.

School Meals
We are having a few teething problems with the new meal system - mainly the time it is taking for children to make their choices.
Children MUST come into school before the morning bell at 9.15am to either hand in their Health Bar order or indicate their hot meal choice. The Infant door and P4/5 doors will be open from 9.05am.
Can you please ensure that you have discussed this at home and if needs be fill in the Health Bar Form? Extra forms are available from Mrs Sargent or your child�s teacher.
Some children are also finding it difficult to make appropriate choices and are VERY hesitant in trying new dishes or vegetables. Please encourage your child to make the correct choice for them!
The 4 weekly menu planner is included on this Newsletter. We are currently on Week 2.

Isobell, our school cook has been off ill since the beginning of term, I�m sure you�ll wish her all the very best and a speedy recovery.

There have been a number of themed breakfasts over the past few weeks including French, Valentines Day and American. Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday so pancakes will be on the menu. This will continue on a different theme each Tuesday and Thursday. All children are welcome and it only costs 60p. No need to book � just turn up between 8.30am and 9.00am.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any query or concern.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers

P.S. We are still collecting tokens from Persil, Walkers, Nestle Boxtops and