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South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

South School Index

Schools & Education


5 December 2005

Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
16th November 2005

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Only three weeks left of this term and so many Christmas activities to take place!
Please read this Newsletter carefully and make a note of the relevant dates for your child/children.

Update from this term:

  • Parents� Evening � many thanks to all who attended. We had a very busy session with lots of positive comments regarding children�s work and achievements.
  • Highland Schools Swimming Gala � well done to Craig Wilson P7 and Ashley Fairweather P6 for their superb achievements at the Aquadome in Inverness.
  • Winter Warmer Lunch � this was a great success and enjoyed by 20 parents/friends who joined the children at lunch time. Many thanks to Andy Green (Hillhead School chef) and our kitchen staff for their wonderful food display which was appreciated by all.
  • Picnic benches � you will have read in the Caithness Courier that we had considerable damage last weekend. If you have any information regarding this then contact Wick Police directly on 603551.
  • Our A Football team from last year visited Ross County on Saturday to take part in a training session as well as enjoy the match against St. Mirren. This was their prize for winning the Liam Henderson Memorial Match this summer. The boys had a great day out as did Mr Cormack, Colin (their coach), Mr Wu (P.E. teacher from last session) and the bus driver, Charlie Miller!

All children in P5 � P7 will experience the various activities of Bibleworld situated in North Primary School playground on Wednesday 7th December. The children will be transported there and back by bus.  I�m sure the pupils will gain an insight to activities which support our Religious and Moral Education programme. P6 and some P5 pupils will visit at 9.15. The children MUST be at school for 9am for the bus pick up. P7 and the remainder of P5 will visit at 1.30 � they must be ready to leave at 1.15pm.

The children are very busy practising with their teachers for their fun filled concerts on Wednesday 14th December. Tickets will be on sale as from tomorrow priced at �2. Each family may purchase two tickets this week for either the 2pm or 7pm show. Any additional tickets will be on sale as from next Monday 12th December. We are very limited with number of seats due to the capacity of the school hall. There will be a raffle at each performance. Please hand in any donations for a special Christmas hamper e.g. biscuits, tin of ham, trifle sponges, Christmas pudding etc.
Pre-school children/babies may attend the afternoon show and please ensure they are quiet during each performance. The children have worked very hard to present their items and babies crying or little ones shouting out can really dent their confidence.
Your child may come home this week asking for items for their costume, please try to accommodate our requests.
The nursery children will only perform in the afternoon show.
Children in P1 � P7 will need to be back at school for 6.40pm to allow them to prepare in their class rooms. Children must be collected straight after the evening show by an adult. We expect the show to finish by 8.30pm.

We welcome Mrs Jan Mackay as our new cook in charge to South School.
Christmas lunch will be on Thursday 15th December.
This is always a popular event in the school calendar so please ensure your child has booked their place by this Friday at the school kitchen.

Children in P4 & P5 will be going to see the �Mother Goose� pantomime performed by Wick Players on Thursday 15th December in the Assembly Rooms. Children will be transported by bus � meeting at school at 7pm and returning at approximately 10pm. This is a treat to all from the Parent/Staff Association.

All parties will take place on Wednesday 21st December during the afternoon. If you wish your child to go home to get changed after lunch then please inform their class teacher with a note. Children will not be allowed home if not!

Santa Claus will visit the Nursery children and we hope he will leave a small gift for the rest of the classes.

It would be appreciated by school staff if you could help out with food items for the parties. An additional slip will be sent home next week to complete and return to your child�s teacher for P1 � P7 pupils.

If every child brought in a few items it would present as quite a party feast � small cakes, biscuits, crisps and sausage rolls. Juice will provided from school fund.

The Service will take place on Thursday 22nd December afternoon in the Salvation Army Hall at 2pm with all classes including the Nursery joining with Pulteneytown Academy School. Please ensure that your child brings a small donation for the collection � our monies will be donated to a local charity. All children will be transported by bus there and back. Please come along and join us with this Festive Celebration and we have reserved the upper gallery for you to sit.
All children will be dismissed when we return to school at 3pm.
Please ensure you have arrangements in place if you collect your child.

School closes for all pupils and staff on Thursday 22nd December 2005. The third term starts on Monday 9th January 2006 for all pupils and staff.

Please ensure that your child plays away from the school playground during the holiday period � thank you!

Please make a note in your diary of this Parent Staff Association Event and keep any toys, games, books, ornaments to sell on Friday 13th January 2006 during the afternoon in the School Hall. No clothes or baking, please.

This is the perfect time for a clear out before new items arrive on Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
from myself and all staff at South School

Kind regards,
Pat Bowers