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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
December 2004


Pat Bowers
South Primary School
Roxburgh Road
Tel: 01955 603203 Fax: 01955 609450

[email protected]


Dear Parent / Guardian,
Only 3 days until the end of term and this month has been so hectic with the Christmas Fayre getting us all into good spirits for the Festive Season.

Over �1500 was cleared at the Fayre and money is still coming in from sales of School Calendars 2005 and Christmas cards. Please continue to buy these items, as they are available from Mrs Sargent in the school office at any time during the school day.

Our order for the calendars arrived 10 minutes after the Christmas Fayre ended and we have 400 to sell, please purchase one as a gift for Granny and Grandad, Nana and Papa, Aunties and Uncles or a memento for the family.

Your child�s self portrait will be on their birthday month. A bargain priced at �2!

CHRISTMAS PARTIES: All parties will take place on Wednesday afternoon. If you wish your child to go home to get changed after lunch then please inform their class teacher with a note. Children will not be allowed home if not!

We were so lucky to have Santa Claus to spend time with us all at the Fayre but he cannot be with us for the parties, he has left a sack of gifts for the Nursery children and a selection pack for all P1 � P7 children.
It would be appreciated by school staff if you could help out with food items for the parties and there is an additional slip with this Newsletter to complete and return to your child�s teacher tomorrow (not for the Nursery children).
If every child brought in a few items it would present as quite a party feast �
small cakes, biscuits, crisps, sausage rolls with juice provided from school fund.

CHURCH SERVICE: The Service will take place on Thursday morning at Pulteneytown Parish Church in Argyle Square at 10am with all classes including the Nursery joining with Pulteneytown Academy School. Please ensure that your child brings a small donation for the Church Collection � our monies will be donated to the local Epilepsy charity group. All children will be transported by bus there and back. Please come along and join us with this Festive Celebration.

NURSERY ARRANGEMENTS: Please note the Nursery session on Thursday will be from 9.30am until 11.00pm. There will be no Nursery on Thursday afternoon.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: School closes for all pupils and staff at 3.10pm on Thursday 23rd December. The third term starts on Monday 10th January 2005 for all pupils and staff. Please ensure that your child plays away from the school playground during the holiday period � thank you!

SCHOOL MEALS UPDATE: School meals take another changeover in the New Year and the new four-weekly menus are attached to the Newsletter.

We also have a changeover in staff as Julie leaves as our Temporary Cook and is replaced by Lillian McIntyre (Dale�s mum in P7).

Many thanks to Julie for all her hard work and patience over the past year.

JANUARY SALE: Please make a note in your diary of this Parent Staff Association Event and keep any toys, games, books, ornaments to sell on Friday 14th January 2005 during the afternoon in the School Hall. No clothes or baking, please.
This is the perfect time for a clear out before new items arrive on Christmas Day!

SAFER ROUTES TO SCHOOL: Can you please remind your child of their safest route to and from school each day? Many children are dodging on and off the pavements and carrying on at the Zebra Crossing. It is so disappointing to note this and it does lead to many concerns from drivers.
If you drop off or collect your child from school by car, please continue to park well away from the zigzag lines and do not use the car park. The car park is out of bounds for all children.

EXPRESSIVE ARTS: Next term we have input from the Mr Beaumont - Art Specialist on Thursdays. It would be really helpful if you could supply an old shirt or apron for messy activities, which your child can keep in their shoe bag.

Mrs Rodgers � Music Specialist continues on a Monday and
Mr Wu � P.E. Specialist on Tuesdays, gym kit is required every week and JEWELLERY MUST NOT BE WORN.
All children in P4 (11am � 11.45am) and P5 (11.45am � 12.30pm) will have swimming on Tuesdays and parent helpers are much appreciated.

GYM SHOES: A number of children are desperately needing new gym shoes; can you please ensure that your child has a pair for starting back after the holidays?

DISCIPLINE: There will be an Information Evening for all parents of P1 to P7 children regarding behaviour/attitude and the consequences of their actions on Thursday 13th January 2005 at 6.30pm in the School Hall.
Clear detentions will be issued next term for all incidents of negative behaviour or poor attitude to staff, fellow pupils or work. Detention letters will be sent home to be signed by parent/guardian.
I�m sure you will support all school staff with this course of action, which we hope will ensure a better learning environment for all.
Golden Time will continue to be a reward for obeying the Golden Rules.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at South Primary School

Pat Bowers
Head Teacher