N E W S F E E D S >>>

South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

South School Index

Schools & Education



Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
27th November 2006

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Over the past few weeks:

  • The Nursery was inspected by the Care Commission on Wednesday 15th November and very positive comments were given by the officer. The outdoor area was complimented and we now await the next stage of planting and art work.
  •  Staff attended various training sessions on the Inset days and many subjects were covered from Disability Awareness, Behaviour Management techniques and Formative Assessment. We also took time to reorganise Room 2 to provide a resource area and teaching areas.
  • Megan Sutherland and William Miller P7 were the wreath bearers at the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial on Sunday 12th November 2006.
  • We had an extremely successful Book Fair and over �400 was spent, this benefited the school �171 which will allow us to purchase a class set of dictionaries. Thank you for your support. The books should be delivered soon.
  • Some of the children from M.A.A.S.K. featured on GMTV last week � they made comments directed at Gordon Brown on the subject of poverty within the country. Well done to Ashley McKenna P7, Edward Allan P6, Kimberley Larnach P6, Alan Farquhar P6, Jonathon Kelly P6, William Bruce P6 and Chelsey Allan P5 for their insightful points of view.
  • We have appointed Ashley Fairweather and Blain Mathieson as our Junior Road Safety Officers. They will attend a training session this week and then inspire us with their ideas to keep us all safe on the roads.

Car park
Do not use the car park to drop off or collect your child!
This area is completely out of bounds for all children.
I have noticed a number of parents/ carers doing so and this MUST NOT continue!
The children�s health and safety is paramount at all times.
Please access the school by using the paths at either side.

Parent/Staff Association
Please remember the A.G.M. � this will be Wednesday 29th November at 6.30pm in staff room or Hall if our numbers increase!
Please come along and give your support to fund raising events and other school matters.
We will appoint new office bearers at this meeting and look at the constitution of the group.

Gym shoes & P.E. kit
Please ensure that your child has gym shoes that fit and are in one piece! All children have a shoe bag to store their gym shoes so please encourage them to do so. Your child requires to bring their kit for P.E. lessons � they must wear shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes.

For Health & Safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn for any P.E. activities including swimming. It would be helpful if all jewellery was removed before coming to school.

Wintry weather
The days are certainly chilly now, so please ensure your child wears a coat to school. The children play outside at break time and after lunch unless it is too wet or stormy.


Please continue to encourage your child to wear their school sweatshirts/polo shirts each day as it really helps us all to strongly identify with the school and it does look so smart. Items of clothing, including winter coats and hats, can be ordered at any time from the school office.

School meals
The kitchen and school staff are constantly encouraging the children to try out new tastes and to make healthy choices. The children have responded so well to this and are rewarded with various stickers. Please ensure that your child orders their school lunch before the bell rings at 9.10am. They will not be permitted to leave class to order lunch.

St Andrews� Day
We will celebrate our National Day by serving a Scottish style lunch on Thursday 30th November 2006. The lunch will consist of:
Home made mince or Scottish butcher�s sausages served with tatties and neeps followed by a St Andrew�s sponge cake.
Irn Bru will be served as an optional drink alongside milk and water.
We will also learn more about St Andrew during our weekly Assembly on Friday. It would be appreciated if your children could wear something tartan on Thursday to help us have a more Scottish feel throughout the school.

Dates for your diary
� Wednesday 13th December � South School Christmas Concert at 2pm and 7pm
� Thursday 14th December � Christmas Lunch. Details will follow in next Newsletter.
� Thursday 22nd December � School closes for Christmas holidays at 3.10pm

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.

Kind regards

Pat Bowers