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South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

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Schools & Education



Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
19th February 2007

Dear Parent/ Carer,

The term is really whizzing past and only another six weeks until the Easter holidays. So much has happened over the past six weeks and I thought you would appreciate some of our highlights.

  • Highland Healthy Week � this was a great success and the children took part enthusiastically with their diaries. Swimming goggles were awarded to the children with the highest scores in each class. The Information Evening for parents was poorly attended but it was another positive occasion with great tips offered by our guest speakers � we all found out something new regarding �Being Healthy�. Tips for breakfast, ways to relax, activities for children, new foods to taste, bedtime routines � this was all done in a relaxed and sociable atmosphere. Perhaps you could come the next time? The January Sale was great fun � as usual! We raised over �210. Well done to all.
  • Primary Seven pupils took part in a workshop session with Brian Irvine (ex-Aberdeen footballer) looking at racism. This was handled through the children�s sports skills and discussion. This was a very positive experience for the class and they certainly have the skills to �Show Racism the Red Card�. They have now written a class poem on the subject to submit to a National Competition.
  • Burns Day Lunch. Miss Jappy dressed for the occasion in her kilt and piped in the huge haggis. P5/6 recited the �Address to the Haggis� and the children tucked in to haggis or sausages with neeps and tatties followed by shortbread.They toasted Robbie Burns with a glass of Irn Bru and listened to traditional Scottish music. A super tribute to our famous poet.
  • The children in P4/5 and P5/6 have enjoyed drama sessions with Eden Court worker David Hunter. It is amazing to see their confidence grow each week with various exercises and team work.
  •  Esme Duncan from the Scripture Union gave all P5 � P7 pupils a presentation of their outdoor holidays. Leaflets were issued to the children.
  • Jamie Stone MSP visited the school over lunchtime and joined the children with their meal. He even managed to receive a Healthy Meal sticker!
  • We had our termly fire drill on Friday � the whole school was evacuated in 57seconds. Well done to all pupils and staff. Some children went outside in stocking feet as they do not have indoor shoes. Please ensure that your child has another pair of shoes to change into � this could be spare trainers, slippers or gym shoes.
  • We welcome Edinburgh University student Miss Moodie to P4/5 class and Sarah Jane McGinley from North Highland College who is with P1/2.

Class teachers are in the process of selecting children to take part in verse speaking for this event, if your child is willing to take part then please inform their
teacher and send in the �1.50 entry fee. Mrs Ferguson, Miss Anderson & Mrs Hickey
will also select children for musical events. All entries must be submitted to myself by
Friday 2nd March 2007.

South School Raised �110 For big Heart Day
South School raised �110 on their Big Heart day celebrations.  Big Heart is campaign in highland schools that began in its first year to help victims of the Tsunami.  This year the funds raised will go to a new skills centre in Gambia.

On Wednesday 21st February we will be fundraising this year to support the Gamscot Project. This project has been identified by our Director, Bruce Robertson, as he visited the Gamscot Project two years ago to see the work developed by The Duke of Edinburgh�s Award, giving opportunities for many thousands of under-privileged young people in one of Africa�s poorest countries.
We have decided to have a non-uniform day and bring in �1.The children should wear something to make us smile and there will be a prize awarded for one person in each class with the most original idea! This could be a fancy dress outfit, pyjamas or a silly hat. Heart-shaped shortbread will be served at lunchtime. We will have an Assembly at 2.30pm to share our efforts and have some fun!
Please encourage your child to enter into the spirit of this Highland wide event as, if every class in every school joins in the fun, Big Heart Day could generate thousands of pounds in the Highlands and thousands of smiles in The Gambia.
The money will help to get the basics established for a second Skills Centre in The Gambia which will require water, a generator for electricity (there is no local source of power), buildings and equipment.

The children will be issued with vouchers to use as part of World Book Day on Thursday 1st March. Please encourage your child to use their voucher to purchase a book from our local bookshop. There may be special �1 books on sale as part of this promotion.

Please ensure that, if you bring your dog up to the school at any time, you have them securely on a lead and are standing away from the large numbers of children going into or out of school. Children love to greet their family pets but sometimes a crowded area is not the best place for this.

School closes Friday 30th March 2007
School re-opens Tuesday 17th April 2007
School closed Monday 7th May 2007 � May Day holiday
School closes Thursday 28th June 2007
School re-opens Tuesday 14th August 2007

Thank you for your continued support and please contact me if you wish to discuss any concerns at any time.

Kind regards,

Pat Bowers