Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Almost the end of February and it�s certainly been a hectic term so far.
Thank you for your support and patience over the few days when the weather
was wintery and the school was closed. The Highland Council Help-line
number is a superb resource and please continue to use it to find out
about school closure updates in adverse weather.
Uniform Prices
The company which supply our school uniform items have reduced the cost of
some of their items � including the round neck t-shirts, which are super
for P.E. kit or for use in the summer days.
Caithness Music Festival
The syllabus for the Caithness Music Festival is now out and children can
decide whether they wish to take part in verse speaking � copies of the
relevant poem are available from your child�s teacher. If you wish your
child to take part then please send in the enrolment fee of �1.50 by
Monday 10th March at the latest.
Playground Issues
A number of issues have recently arisen which have needed to be clarified.
Children have been constantly told not to play on the grass, this is still
the case and I would appreciate your support, so please have a word with
your child. The grass is so wet and muddy that not only do their clothes
get dirty but it does also spoil their fun! The game of
British Bulldogs has been banned, as it is so rough! Children have
also been told about the importance of sticking to all the Golden Rules
especially, �Do be gentle�.
Pultneytown People�s Project
Can you please hand in any minibus tokens from the Press and Journal and
Co-op dishes tokens
to school, the Project are keen to be involved in both these schemes and
we will pass on the
Bring And Buy Sale
The children in P6 and P7 are continuing their fundraising for the
Aviemore trip with a Bring and Buy sale on Thursday 27th Feb. at 2pm. This
is a perfect opportunity for you to have a clear out. Any unwanted
toys, books or bric-a-brac would be most appreciated. Please hand in by
Thursday morning. The sale is open to school pupils only. The Bingo
Night at the end of January raised over �500, the Steven�s lorry
fundraiser totalled �135 and the children are involved in ongoing
collections in class. Well done!
Doughnut Day
T We are participating in this event again and it takes place this Friday.
Your child can place their order with their class teacher for either a
plain or iced doughnut. Cost is 30p. Orders can be NO LATER than
Thursday morning. The money raised goes to �Save the Children�.
This is organised by Macdonald�s Bakery. Book
The Book Fair will take place next week in the reception area of the
school. The fair will be managed by parent volunteers and will be open: -
Tuesday � Thursday 10am �12noon for children.
Thursday 1.30pm � 3.00pm for parents.
Your child will bring a leaflet and a World Book Day voucher home on
Nursery Enrolment
Nursery enrolments will take place in the week beginning 17th March. If
you have a child of pre-school age or if you know of anyone who has, then
please keep a lookout in the local press for further details and
arrangements. Many thanks for your continued
support and please contact me if you have any queries or concerns.
Kind regards, Pat Bowers � Headteacher