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Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter September 2005

Dear Parent

September Newsletter

Car Park � Thank you for your continued understanding while this work progresses. I can now see light at the end of the tunnel and, hopefully, you will be able to get access in the near future. However, in the meantime, I would be obliged if you could continue with the one-way system round Queen�s Square until further notice.

House Captains � Children in P4-7 have voted for their Captains after hearing speeches and those elected are as follows

Captain Vice Captain
Sinclair John Moffat Charlotte Henderson
Girnigoe Kirsten Livingston James Hendry
Oldwick Gemma Russell Christopher Manson
Mey Carrie Lyall James Mackay

Pupil Council Representatives will be elected later this week and those on the SNAG Group will remain as last year as we only had one meeting.

PSA � Since we have no Chairperson any longer I have taken it upon myself to call the AGM on Mon 12 Sept at 7 p.m. in the school hall. Everyone will be made welcome and I would like to see as many parents as possible attend this so please come along. You will not be forced to take a position or go on the committee unless you wish to.

Parents� Evenings � The dates have now been set as Tues 1 & Wed 2 November and Tues 13 & Wed 14 June 06 with an Open Afternoon on Tues 7 Feb 06. We are also planning two Curriculum Evenings, one on reading in November and one on science in February � exact dates to be confirmed.

Water � Children are encouraged to drink water in class as research shows that this helps their attention and learning. However, we do not wish to have accidents with books being destroyed etc. Children may purchase water in bottles which have sports caps at 45p in the school, but remember these can be filled up at night and reused for a while. Alternatively, you can purchase attractive sports bottles which you can fill at home. Children will be reminded to take their bottles home with them each evening. PLEASE no bottles without sports cap lids.

Jewellery � Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including earrings, when taking part in any PE lessons and there are always a number of panics each year when children lose or misplace items they have taken off for their gym lesson. Your child should by now know which day or days they are having PE and I would be obliged if they do not wear jewellery at all on these days. In fact, since accidents can also happen in the playground, to leave jewellery at home at all times when coming to school would be the most sensible option.

Cake Day � Tomorrow � Tues 6 Sept � 30p each. No IOUs will be allowed so if they do not have money then I am sorry no cake.

Nursery HMI/Care Commission Inspection � A joint Inspection of the nursery is to take place on Wed 14 September and the Inspectors will wish to have a word with some parents when they bring or collect their children to each session. I would be obliged if some of you could spare a few minutes to have a quick chat should you be approached.

Triathlon � 6 teams of 3 will be taking part in this event on Sunday 11 September. Competitors should arrive at 1 p.m. for registration and instruction. Supporters should come along about 2 p.m. to cheer along their classmates. I was delighted that so many children took part in the heats on Friday. My congratulations to all of them for having a go.

Holiday Dates � The holiday dates for pupils for 2006/07 and 2007/08 are as follows -

School Closes School Opens
Autumn Break Fri 6 Oct 06 Mon 23 Oct 06
Winter Break Thurs 21 Dec 06 Mon 8 Jan 07
Spring Break Fri 30 Mar 07 Mon 16 Apr 07
Summer Break Thurs 28 June 07 Tues 14 Aug 07
Autumn Break Fri 5 Oct 07 Mon 22 Oct 07
Winter Break Thurs 20 Dec 07 Mon 7 Jan 08
Spring Break Thurs 20 Mar 08 Mon 7 Apr 08
Summer Break Fri 27 June 08 Tues 19 Aug 08

Please note there will be a long weekend in Feb and a May Day holiday both years and the In-Service training days are not yet decided but this, hopefully, will help with long term planning of your holidays so that children need not miss school unnecessarily.

Class Newsletters � Nursery one has been issued, school one will follow tomorrow.

Child Care � Looking for before or after school child care? Remember there is a Morning & After School Club running in Wick South School from 8.30 � 9 a.m. and 3.10 � 5 p.m. and a taxi is available for children to be transported to/from Pulteneytown Academy. I have some copies of their September Newsletter in Reception � please feel free to help yourself or contact them directly on 606950, 606252 or 0771722219.

Other Activities Provided for the Children before the end of 2005
� P7s are taking part in designing the new gates for the Fish Cellars at the harbour.
� P7s are taking part in the Safe Highlander Programme.
� P1-7 pupils will experience Zoo Lab this week.
� P5, 5/6 & 6 will have 4 sessions of music provided by the Youth Music Initiative.
� P5-7 will experience the portable Planetarium to tie in with the space work they are doing.
� There will be a Christmas Show in which all children will be involved. Provisional dates 14 & 15 Dec � evenings, but this is still in the early stages of planning.
� There will be parties/discos but again dates have not been set for this yet.
� PSA � as the AGM has not taken place parent led events are still to be arranged but these will be in the next Newsletter.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher