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Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 22 November 2004

Pulteneytown Academy

Dear Parent

Newsletter � No 4 � 22.11.04

Exceptional Weather � After last week�s early snowfall, I am in the process of preparing Exceptional Weather Guidelines to distribute to all of you. These will be attached to the December Newsletter which will be issued on Wednesday next week. I would be obliged if you could please KEEP this copy as you will require the telephone number which you have to use to find out if the school is closed or not when there is snow.

Charity Sales � On behalf of the Organisers I would like to thank everyone who donated toys, baking, etc for the sales held last Friday. The Group raising money for the Laurandy Centre raised �85.75 and the Group raising money for Children in Need raised �166.77 and staff and donations also raised �40 for Children in Need. Remaining items unsold have been forwarded to the Highland Hospice.

DVD Players � Marion and India Morrow have kindly donated 5 DVD players to the school in memory of Stephen as they felt he would have liked to put something back into the school where India has spent so much time.

PSA � At a full turn-out the PSA Committee last night Mrs Julie Mackinnon was elected as Chairperson, Mrs Heather Cormack as Secretary and Miss Elise Sutherland as Treasurer. The Committee then went on to agree the following expenditure - �500 for incentive stickers which make such a difference to children�s attitude to their work and their self esteem, �500 towards ink cartridges for computers so that we can continue to print out pictures taken with the digital cameras, �500 towards the cost of a replacement music machine, (the remaining money to come from the Winter Concerts) and approx �100 for another 3 DVD players therefore having one in every class.

Other issues discussed included the school�s policy on notifying parents re lice. I explained to parents that following Highland Council Guidelines, which are based on national advice, I am no longer allowed to inform parents if a child in a class is reported to have head lice as evidence shows that this has no effect on the level of head lice. I would simply remind parents to please be vigilant, continue to check their child�s head on a regular basis and please report any instances to the school who can provide leaflets and advice on appropriate treatment. It appears some children, especially small ones, are struggling to open the doors particularly on windy days. Please remind your child that if they are on time and cannot get the door open they could knock, very gently, on Carole�s office window and help will be forthcoming. If, however, it is after 9.15 a.m. the security system will have locked them out and they must come round to the front door and ring the visitor�s bell, if they can reach, or again knock on the glass if they cannot. Also raised was the danger of children crossing the road at the car park entrance to the school. I will investigate whether a crossing of any kind is permissible. In the meantime, please remember that if you have to approach the school car park that you do so VERY SLOWLY. If you find yourself moving from 2nd to 3rd gear on your car as you approach, then you are going too fast.

Christmas Lunch - This will be held on Wednesday 15 December and children should complete the attached tear-off slip choosing either turkey, pork or vegetable & nut roast for their main course and ice cream log or trifle for their sweet. Following last year�s format which was so successful there will be lunch for P1-3 at 12 noon and for P4-7 at 1 p.m. Half of the staff work at the first sitting while the other half have their lunch and then there is a swap-over at 1 p.m. Children, therefore, have a two hour lunch break from 12 � 2 p.m. and may go home for the hour they are not involved in the meal if you so wish. Alternatively, they will be supervised in the gym while watching an appropriate video. Cost of lunch �1.45 - TO BE PAID ON THE DAY.

Swimming & Athletics � I would like to take this opportunity to wish our pupils, who have attained the appropriate swimming times, good luck in the Swimming Gala in Inverness tomorrow, and also all the best to our athletes who are taking part in the Indoor Athletics Competition in Inverness on Thursday.

The Charter for Protecting Children & Young People � Please find attached a letter from the Director of Education, Culture and Sport explaining the Charter and also a copy of the summary of the Charter for your information.

Winter Concerts Tues 21 & Wed 22 Dec � A tear-off slip will be attached to your December Newsletter on which you can order tickets for the Concerts @ �2 each. Tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis with no specific seating arranged. Nursery pupils will have been given the opportunity to see this at one of the rehearsals.

Inservice Days � School will be closed for children on Mon 29 & Tues 30 Nov.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher

Please return tear-off slip by FRIDAY 26 NOVEMBER
(please do not send money with this form)

Child�s Name Class Turkey/Pork/Veg & Nut Roast IC Log Trifle

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