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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter November 2004

Dear Parent

November Newsletter � No 3 � 11.11.04

Parents� Evenings � Thanks to everyone who attended the Parents� Evenings. As always there was a wonderful turnout and the displays in the hall, corridors and classroom walls were greatly admired by all. The Celebrating Success News Clippings Folder will now be kept on the reception table. Please feel free to have a look any time you are in school. Those of you who were unable to attend, I look forward to seeing you at the next opportunity for a Parents� Meeting in June 05.

Newsletters � I was amazed at how many parents telephoned the school to arrange an appointment because �my child was not given a slip to book an appointment for Parents� Evenings�. In fact, all families were given one of these as part of the first November Newsletter. One or two were found in children�s trays but the rest, I can assure you, were put in children�s schoolbags. My staff can only do so much and will continue to endeavour to ensure all Newsletters are safely put in children�s schoolbags, but parents really have to look in schoolbags when these come home. If your child is not good at giving you Newsletters and permission slips from school, it is even more important for you to check their bag so that you can avoid missing out on important information. School bag mail is the only way I can keep in regular touch with you as parents and I hate to think some of you are not getting the information.

Car Park � Again this has become a very dangerous place for children at the beginning and end of the day. Can I please remind you that we encourage you to approach the school in a clockwise direction round Queen�s Square thus avoiding actually coming into the school grounds at all when dropping off in the morning. In the afternoon I have no objection to cars coming into the school car park to turn before proceeding out of the grounds again to park, but I would request again that people drive round in a clockwise direction. My reason being, in the morning when you are approaching the school, children are already present and, therefore, it is dangerous for you to be driving through the entrance where children are crossing the road, however, in the afternoons, as you are arriving before 3.10 p.m. you have time to turn in the school car park and leave before the children are dismissed from school, in which case they are not at risk. I would also remind parents not to double park, park across parking bays, stop or park on the zig-zags (I know they are fading but you know they are there). My apologies for harping on about the matter but it is your children�s safety the prompts my concern.

Photographs � The order will be sent off on Monday 15 November so any remaining orders tomorrow please or before 9.30 a.m. on Monday morning.

Book Fair � In order for books to be here before the end of term I would be obliged if any book orders could be returned and paid by Thursday 18 November rather than Wednesday 23 November. If any Nursery parent would like to see the Book Fair please call at school when dropping off or picking up your child or at any other time.

Winter Concerts Tickets - A slip for buying tickets will go out with the December Newsletter. Donations for raffle prizes would be gratefully accepted at any time.

Children in Need � To coincide with this, some groups of P7 pupils will be holding a sale of books, toys etc on Friday 19 December and would be grateful for items for this. If you are having a pre Christmas clear out we would be happy to pass them on to the groups. They have decided that the money raised will go to a variety of charities of their choice.

Fun Day Umbrella Parade � If your child intends to take part in this, please return the slip by tomorrow, Fri 12, so that I can pass on as indicated in my last Newsletter.

Armistice - The children chosen to lay the school wreath this year are Jill Forbes and Christopher Simpson P7 who were selected by drawing a name out of a hat.

PSA � The first Management Committee Meeting has been called for Monday 22 November. I hope all on the Committee can attend.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher