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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 5 March 2007

Pulteneytown Academy

 Dear Parent

Newsletter � 05.03.07

After a four months� absence it is wonderful to be back �home�.  I have certainly learned from my experiences and hope to use this knowledge to the benefit of the school.  A huge thanks to Mrs Budge and Mrs Harper � I am very impressed with the excellent work which has been going on in my absence � I will certainly have to keep on my toes now so that I do not get behind. 

Parents� EveningWed 7 Mar 6 p.m. for P1-3 and 6.45 p.m. for P4-7.  This is probably the single most important Parents� Evening that has been or will be held in the school for years.  Remember reading underpins every area of the curriculum and in our daily lives, and this is not just reading the words, but understanding their meaning as well.  You have a crucial part to play in your child�s development of reading and the two presentations on Wednesday evening will give you simple straightforward advice on how to get the most from the amount of time you can spend with your child.  Presentations will be delivered by Mrs Budge and Mrs Harper and most of the staff will be on hand to answer questions after each presentation.  If you can only spare 1 hour this year then please make it this one.

Lorna Sim, the Reading Development Officer, was very impressed by the work being done in all classes when she visited a couple of weeks ago.  In fact, I was so proud of my staff that I spent my time bragging about them in my �other school�.  

World Book Day � Everything went really well and it was a wonderful welcome home for me last Thursday.  The Risbridger boys held every single child in the school captivated with a presentation on their new book  and I expect most of your children will be pestering you to go to the book signing when the book is published at the end of the month.   The children were delighted to receive book marks and pencils from the boys.   The second-hand book sale raised �112 which has been sent to the Highland Council�s Big Heart Day Appeal and the money will be used to build a school in Gambia.  The children also had a great time with their shared reading in the afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed the author�s visit the day before.


Highland Promise � There are a number of events coming up in March in which many of the children will be involved.  Events from the Science Festival will be here from 19 � 21 Mar, Big Head Drama will be visiting on 30 Mar and preparations will begin very shortly for the Highland Games next term.  As I would like to publicise these events and also to keep a record of how the children in Pulteneytown Academy took part and benefited from them I would ask your permission to take lots of photographs at all Highland Promise Events without having to refer back to you every single time.  You know these photographs will be taken and used appropriately but, if you have any objections, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss them and I will make the necessary arrangements. 


Science Festival � Only children in P4-7 will be involved in March but it is hoped to bring a presenter for P1-3 to Caithness in September.  Presenters in March include Bill McArthur, Astronaut, who will speak to all pupils in the hall.  Some children will be involved in a K�nex technology workshop;  others will work on Art into Engineering with Laura Nichols;  a few will have the opportunity to study Switch on to Electronics  or Scratch  and most will go to the Noiseworks presentation.  Children will be given timetables so that they know which events they are taking part in. I am also delighted to report that Laura Nichols a Researcher from MIT, Massachusetts USA will be doing an advanced class with our P7s on 15 & 16 Mar. 


Music Festival � If there are any remaining entries for poems please make sure they are in here first thing tomorrow morning (Tuesday 6th)


Comic Relief Fri 16 March � The Pupil Council has been heavily involved in arranging events to fundraise for this.    These are


  • Wear red clothes to school and pay 10p for each item worn
  • There will be red items on sale at tuck that day and if any parents could donate baking with a red theme this would be greatly appreciated and sold at tuck time.
  • In the afternoon P1-3 will have a chance to play on the bouncy castle for 20p and P4-7 will have a disco in the hall � again 20p entrance fee.  Both nursery sessions will also have time on the bouncy castle again at 20p.

 School Tuck Shop � As part of my role as SNAG co-ordinator I am looking at trying to provide healthier options in the tuck shop.  With that in mind I have purchased a selection of new items to try out over the next few weeks.  These include small boxes of raisins at 10p, larger boxes of raisins at 25p, a variety of fruit and health bars at 25/30p, baked crisps at 30p as these are lower in fat and I will be continuing to have fresh fruit daily.  That said, tomorrow is cake day!!! � 35p a cake.

Absence Reporting - There are new regulations coming into force re absence reporting.  I have not yet had an opportunity to review these but will do so over the next few weeks and the changes required will come into operation at the beginning of next term.  More information in the next letter.

Evan Oliphant � I am delighted that Evan�s achievements in cycling have been recognised by receiving the Achievement in Sport Award at the Caithness Citizens of the Year Awards last week.  I have such a sense of pride when I see how well ex-pupils are doing.

Yellow Moon Catalogue � Just a reminder that any orders from this Catalogue should be sent direct to the firm.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher


Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday evening.  I am planning to put out 100 seats and would be delighted if they are all filled.