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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 5 February 2007

Pulteneytown Academy
5 February2007

Dear Parent
Welcome to February

School is as busy as ever and thankfully most of the children have now recovered from the various �bugs�. Below I have listed the various exciting things that are due to happen over the next few weeks.


  • Cake Day � 35p each


  • As the kitchen is getting painted over the long weekend there will be a change to the school dinner menu on this day. The choice for the main course will be Hot Dogs on a roll or Salmon Kebabs with salad and dessert will be Ice Cream, Fruit or Yogurt.
  • OPEN AFTERNOON � Please come along any time between 1.30-3.10 p.m. and do bring grannies, grand-dads, aunts, childminders, etc along to enjoy seeing what the children have been learning about. The children will act as your guides and will show you their work and take you around the school. We are very pleased that various organisations have agreed to set up information areas about themselves, e.g. Caithness Mini Rugby Club, Badminton, Making Waves, MAASK (after school clubs) and the School Nurse. You will also be able to enjoy tea, coffee and biscuits which will be served in the hall.
    8, 9 & 12th
  • The good news is that the children have these 3 days off school and I do hope that you have a lovely long weekend together.

� There will be a PSA Meeting in the school at 7 p.m. Please do try to come along as I am hoping that we can arrange an Easter activity for the parents and children to enjoy. I know that we are all VERY busy but I would really appreciate your time and ideas for this.
� We are very fortunate to have Major Norman from the Salvation Army with us to lead the Afternoon Assembly. He is going to speak to the children about friendship.
� P3 are very fortunate in that they are to receive training from Ricky Coghill the Co-ordinator of the Caithness Mini Rugby Club.
� Our nursery co-ordinator teacher, Miss Oag, is travelling to China to spend some time there learning about early education. We wish her luck on her travels and look forward to learning from her on her return on 12 March.

� We are planning to celebrate World Book Day by holding these various activities

9.30 a.m. � 10.50 a.m.
The Risbridger boys, who are past pupils, are coming to speak to the children about the Novel which they wrote together. I am sure that the children will enjoy listening to the boys and we are hoping that this will inspire the children in their own story writing and reading.

11.05 a.m. � 12.15 p.m.
We would like to hold a Book Bonanza so that children can take in books they are finished with and then have the opportunity to buy others. Therefore, can you please encourage your children to have a book tidy and to take in any books so that we can sell them. All money raised from this book sale will go to the Tsunami Appeal. We will be happy to receive books any time from now on.

1.30 p.m. � 3 p.m./
1.30 p.m. � 3 p.m.
All children will be involved in shared reading on this afternoon and classes will double up for this. Therefore, P7 pupils will read to and with P2 pupils, P6 pupils with P1 pupils, P5 pupils with P3 pupils and P4 pupils will read to the nursery pupils.

We are also very pleased that all children will receive a �1 book token and this can be used to buy the specially published �1 books or can be put towards the cost of any other book. We have contacted D R Simpsons and they will be selling these �1 titles as displayed below.

� Miss Wark will return to us on this day after her secondment as Acting Head Teacher at Miller Academy in Thurso. Thereafter I revert to my post of Depute Head Teacher and Mrs Harper will return to being Principal Teacher.

� We look forward to welcoming Scott McRoberts from Scripture Union who will be here to lead the Afternoon Assembly.

I will be in touch with you shortly to update you what has been decided at the PSA meeting and also to give you dates for Information Evenings about how we now teach reading. In the meantime I would like to thank you for your continuing support.


Kind regards

Acting Head Teacher

The World Book Day token can be exchanged for any one of these 10 special �1 titles: