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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 4 May 2007

Pulteneytown Academy

Dear Parent

May Day holiday � there will be no school on Monday 7 May.

Parent Forum/Parent Council � many thanks to those who were able to make it to the meeting in Wick High last week. I feel we are now in a position to move forward with this and have attached an information sheet. Please take a few moments to read this. As the setting up of a Parent Council will have an effect on the current PSA, I propose a joint meeting of the PSA along with any parents who are willing to get involved in helping to draw up a constitution. This meeting is planned for Tuesday 15 May at 7.00.

Lunch Money � most children still bring their lunch money daily even though they intend to go to lunches all week and there are often cases of lost or misplaced money, especially with younger children. It may be worth considering sending in the money weekly as this would be much simpler for many children. They would still come each day to book their lunch, they just would not need to worry about money. Any money paid in advance is recorded on a sheet. If a child is absent or does not have lunch on any day their money is just carried forward to the next week, or you can choose to have it returned on a Friday if you wish.

Highland 2007 � the events continue this term and we are about to start Highland Games skills with the senior pupils and the Infants will shortly have the experience of �Happyness Drumming�. P6 were fortunate to have the Balde Bane theatre company this week who involved them in an interactive production of road safety sketches. Today the children have finally received their Highland 2007 wristbands which we have been waiting on since January � but better late than never. All Highland children have been given one of these to raise awareness of the year of Highland�s Culture.

Reading Programme � as part of our raft of activities for encouraging the love of books and improving standards in reading we have a number of things going on this term.

� Lorna Sim, the Literacy Development Officer will be back towards the end of May to model some Writer�s Craft lessons and to observe teachers while they teach these or core reading lessons. As she observes the teachers she can ensure all of them are carrying out the lessons in the way intended and can sometimes give more ideas to make our practice even better. She has a wealth of experience to draw on and we very much value her support.

� Mrs Budge has written to lots of people in the community to ask them to come in and read to a class. We are delighted that 29 have accepted this invitation and will be in school over the next 3 weeks to read to classes. This is such a good experience for the children as they get to hear different people with different accents and begin to realise that it is not just parents and teachers who read. I hope the readers also value their experience and I will include some of their comments in a newsletter after the event.

� We are holding a Book Fair from Monday 4 June until Friday 16 June. Children will have the opportunity to look at the books and during the first week and you are welcome to look and order them when you are in school for Parents Evening during the second. All orders must be in by the end of the Fair if we are to get the books back by the summer holiday. The idea behind this fair is to try to get all children with a new book to read during the summer holiday.

� You will shortly be receiving a questionnaire about the changes to our reading programme this year. Please try to find a few minutes to complete this as we very much value your opinion.

Music Festival � the following classes and groups will be involved and it would be lovely if you could manage to go along to the Assembly Rooms and support them and the festival, but don�t worry if you can�t get off work or if you can�t get in as we will have an afternoon show of items on Thursday 7 June at 1.45 p.m.

� Primary 3 Action Song � Monday 4 June morning

� P4/5 and P6/7 choirs � Wednesday 6 June morning

� Primary 1 and Primary 2 Dramatised song � Thursday 7 June morning

� P1-3 choir � Friday 8 June morning

Park Smart � my thanks for paying attention to this banner and thinking about safety when you were parking in and around the school area this week. Even though the banner will not be there next week, please continue to think of the safety of all children when you park near the school.

� Try not to park close to the barrier at the pedestrian entrance as this blocks the children�s view and puts them at risk.

� Use the parking bays in the car park and come to meet your child at the gate.

� Don�t park at the car park entrance � even for a minute, as this causes a traffic hold up and again blocks the children�s view as they try to cross the road.

� Most importantly � REDUCE YOUR SPEED. Too many drivers are travelling too fast near the school, especially as they approach the car park and when driving down the road past the barriers. Just a few miles an hour can mean the difference between life and death for a child.

Overseas visitors � this month we are being visited by a Malawian student, Priska and her Scottish partner, Danny who are working in some of the classes. This is part of a Global exchange programme which will involve a trip to Malawi for Danny to learn about life there.

P7 transition to WHS � Parents and Pupils are invited to the High School on Tuesday 22 May at 7 p.m. to view the new High School Uniform and pupils will spend Wed 13 and Thurs 14 June as pupils of the High School � details will be given to pupils nearer the time.

Games in School � Please do not let children bring expensive games with them to school for Golden Time. The school cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage of these items. If a child must have something of value with them in school then they should give it to the teacher on arrival at school for safe keeping.

Weed killer � the janitor will be using weed killer this afternoon after children have left the school grounds, please do not let them come back to play here this evening. This weed killer is perfectly safe after it is dry, but not while still wet, so everything should be safe enough by tomorrow.

School Uniform Order � last chance to guarantee order before the school closes for summer, first thing on Tuesday morning as the order will be posted that day.

Dates for the Diary in May

� Wednesday 9 May � cake day

� Tuesday 22 May � football/netball v Hillhead (home match kick off 1.45)

� Friday 25 May � a team from P6 and P7 compete in Highland Games in Halkirk

� Tuesday 29 May � P7 to Orkney for �Choices for Life�

� Thursday 31 May - football/netball v North (home match kick off 1.45)

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher